Combating ‘Old People Smell’: Causes and 18 Tips to Keep It at Bay

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We all adore our grandparents, but sometimes their homes come with a distinctive ‘old people smell’ that can be a bit overwhelming. Mature skin is affected by natural chemical changes and a mix of various factors, such as lifestyle habits and hygiene routines, which makes every senior citizen prone to it. The right routine can make all the difference, so let’s look at 18 ways to lessen this dubious aroma and create a pleasant-smelling environment for all.

Regular Ventilation

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You can’t do much better than plenty of fresh air to lessen an unwanted smell. Opening windows and doors daily lets in fresh air and flushes out any stale odors. Good ventilation also reduces any mustiness and brings in a refreshing breeze that can make rooms feel brighter and cleaner.

Air Purifiers

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Air purifiers are high in popularity and they’re great for removing particles, dust, and allergens from the air. They can vastly reduce unpleasant or lingering odors and make the indoor environment feel healthier.

Essential Oil Diffusers

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Using essential oil diffusers adds a pleasant, uplifting aroma to any room. Popular scents like lavender, eucalyptus, and citrus not only smell great but also have calming and energizing properties. That’s a double win. It’s an easy way to mask unpleasant odors with something pleasant.

Regular Cleaning

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A clean home is a fresh-smelling home. Regularly vacuuming, dusting, and mopping removes old dust and dirt that can contribute to bad smells. Always pay special attention to carpets and upholstery, which can trap odors. Keeping bins half full rather than overflowing can also prevent smells from lingering.

Baking Soda

Editorial credit: JPC-PROD / Shutterstock.

It’s an old trick, but baking soda is a natural deodorizer. It can be sprinkled on carpets and vacuumed up after several hours of being left to sit. You can also place open containers of baking soda in musty areas to absorb odors over time. It’s a cheap and easy way of keeping homes smelling fresh.

Frequent Laundry

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There’s nothing nicer than the scent of freshly washed laundry. Regularly washing clothes, bedding, and curtains can significantly reduce musty smells. Using fabric softeners with fresh scents or adding a few drops of essential oils to the rinse cycle adds an extra burst of freshness that seeps into the atmosphere.


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Aside from being great for well-being and overall health, plants are natural air purifiers. Choosing varieties like spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies can improve indoor air quality and add an uplifting touch of greenery to the home. Plus, they’re great for brightening up any space. You can even opt for beautiful-smelling indoor plants to bring the outdoors in.

Odor-Absorbing Products

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Using products designed to absorb odors, such as activated charcoal bags or commercial odor eliminators, is a brilliant way of preventing bad odors. These products can be placed in closets, bathrooms, and other areas prone to smells.

Keep Pets Clean

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Dogs, in particular, can create musty smells when they’ve been in wet weather. If there are pets, make sure they are groomed regularly. Pet odors can contribute to the overall smell of a home, so regular baths and brushing can help keep furry friends fresh and odor-free.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Editorial credit: Africa Studio/ Shutterstock.

It’s always advisable to have carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year. Though darker colors disguise a multitude of sins, there are thousands of dust particles and bacteria that do nothing for hygiene. Regular cleaning removes trapped dirt and odors that regular vacuuming can’t reach. It’s a bit of an investment but worth it for the fresh results.

Clean Upholstery

Editorial credit: Zholobov Vadim / Shutterstock.

It can be an easy one to overlook, but try not to forget to clean upholstered furniture. Using upholstery cleaners or hiring professional cleaning services removes odors from sofas, chairs, and mattresses, creating a fresh-smelling foundation for any home.

Garbage Disposal

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Make sure garbage is taken out regularly and bins are constantly cleaned. Trash can quickly become a source of bad odors that linger in the air for a long time. You can always use scented trash bags or sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of bins to keep them smelling fresh. It’s much more pleasant than the alternative.

Scented Candles

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Scented candles are at the height of popularity, and most homes have them nowadays. Not only do they create a pleasant atmosphere, but they also come in a variety of scents and can quickly change the ambiance of a room. Choosing light, fresh scents like vanilla or ocean breeze are favorites; just remember not to leave an elderly relative unsupervised with a lit candle.


Editorial credit: Patricia Perez R / Shutterstock.

High humidity and warm temperatures can make smells much worse, which is why strong trash smells tend to linger in the warmer months. It’s a good idea to use dehumidifiers to keep moisture levels in check, particularly in basements and bathrooms. A dry, humid-free home is much less likely to develop musty odors.

Clean the Fridge

Editorial credit: Billion Photos/ Shutterstock.

It isn’t the most obvious of areas to consider, but check the refrigerator regularly for expired or spoiled food. Out-of-date foods can leave nasty, lingering smells, while spoiled foods can make the whole fridge smell terrible. Regularly clean the interior with a mixture of baking soda and water or a plant-based antibacterial spray. Place an open box of baking soda inside to keep it smelling fresh. It’s an old trick but a good one.

Use Vinegar

Editorial Credit: focal point / Shutterstock.

White vinegar is a powerful natural deodorizer. Use it to clean surfaces, floors, and even laundry. Its strong smell dissipates quickly, taking other odors with it. A bowl of vinegar left in a room can help absorb bad smells overnight.

Fresh Linens

Editorial credit: BM_27 / Shutterstock.

Few smells can beat those of fresh linens. Regularly changing bed sheets and towels can keep living spaces smelling clean and inviting. You might also want to consider using linen sprays with gentle scents for an added touch of freshness.

Personal Hygiene

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Bodily aromas can be unpleasant for everyone if hygiene is compromised. It’s never easy, but gently encourage good personal hygiene in the form of regular bathing, clean clothes, and grooming. It can make a significant difference in overall scent, especially when coupled with personal care products like soaps and lotions, which are pleasant-smelling.

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