18 Expenses Middle-Class Americans Are Cutting Out of Their Budgets

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The cost of living has hit an all-time high and we’re all feeling the pinch. Certain subscriptions, luxury items, and products have become so expensive that many of us are ditching them and looking for alternatives. We’re all for enhancing our lives but not when we end up getting into debt for it. Let’s take a look at some of our favorite purchases that have acquired unrealistic price tags.

Cable TV

Editorial credit: maramade / Shutterstock.

With prices steadily climbing and streaming services offering cheaper, customizable alternatives, many of us are finally cutting the cord. Cable bundles often include dozens of channels no one even watches so the hefty monthly bill hard is impossible to justify. What happened to customer loyalty?

Concert Tickets

Editorial credit: alisafarov / Shutterstock.

Gigs were once a fun and affordable night out, but concert tickets have skyrocketed due to fees, resellers, and VIP packages. Fans are opting to watch live streams or enjoy smaller, local gigs instead of shelling out hundreds for terrible seats. The days are gone when we get to see our favorite artists in live performances. Sorry, Madonna, we might love you but we’re not paying $300 for a ticket.

Movie Theater Popcorn

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

When you’re paying more than the ticket price for a tub of popcorn, it’s nothing short of daylight robbery. With access to home viewing nowadays, we can enjoy movie nights at home with gourmet popcorn options that are both tastier and cheaper. We just have to wait a bit longer for the new releases.

Gym Memberships

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Just as we adopt healthier lifestyles, the cost of gym membership hurtles into another hemisphere. Luckily, the rise of home workout equipment, online fitness classes, and outdoor activities means that we can do it from home or in the great outdoors for no extra fee. The high cost of gym memberships feels unnecessary in comparison.

Designer Handbags

Editorial credit: Creative Lab / Shutterstock.

It might seem like an entitled first-world problem, but designer handbags have always been a luxury treat for our hard work. However, the appeal has reduced as prices soar into the thousands as designers look to maintain exclusivity. We’re turning to quality, lesser-known brands or second-hand markets for stylish and affordable alternatives.

Organic Groceries

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Health-conscious consumers have opted for organic groceries over conventional foods for the last few years, but the premium on organic produce is prompting many to question if the health benefits are worth the extra cost. With regular produce being just as nutritious and cheaper, the organic label is losing its appeal and we’re saving ourselves a few dollars in the process.

Subscription Boxes

Editorial credit: Rimma Bondarenko / Shutterstock.

We all embraced subscription boxes for foods and other favorite products. it was a novelty that seemed efficient at the time. The initial excitement of monthly subscription boxes has waned as prices increased and novelty items started piling up without being used. Many are canceling subscriptions in favor of more intentional, selective purchases.

Branded Coffee

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Shelling out $5 for a daily latte at big-name coffee shops adds up quickly. Home-brewing with high-quality beans offers a more cost-effective and often better-tasting solution for coffee lovers. That doesn’t mean we can’t treat ourselves now and again, but the daily expense has become too extreme to maintain.


Editorial credit: PATCHARIN.IN / Shutterstock.

With the best models costing well over $1,000, we’re all questioning the necessity of the latest tech. A few years back it was vital that we kept up to date but we’re now sticking with older models or turning to more affordable brands that still offer great features. We doubt the Gen Zs are buying into this but the rest of us are saving the pennies where we can.

Dining Out

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From fast food to fine dining, prices have soared. With takeout fees and tips, dining out can break the bank and no longer serves as an affordable option. Cooking at home on a budget is becoming the go-to option for budget-conscious foodies.


Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

College textbooks have reached exorbitant prices, making students turn to used books, rentals, or digital versions. Many educational institutions now expect hard-up students to allow fees of around $1200 annually for course materials alone. Open-source educational materials are gaining popularity as free alternatives, and digital options are a firm favorite.

Wedding Costs

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Weddings have always been costly affairs, but the average wedding now costs tens of thousands of dollars. Couples are increasingly opting for smaller, more intimate ceremonies or elopements to avoid starting their married life in debt. It makes sense. What’s the point of owing hundreds of bucks before you’ve even started your lives together?

Real Estate

Editorial credit: Olga Maksimava/Shutterstock.

Home prices have skyrocketed, especially in more urban areas and they aren’t looking to go down anytime soon. Many are reconsidering the traditional dream of homeownership, opting to rent or move to more affordable regions. Modular homes are also on the rise due to their reduced costs.

Fashion Trends

Sadly, fast fashion's cheap, trendy items come with a hidden cost, poor quality, and ethical concerns. While we’re still suckers for a designer label once in a while, the rise of cheap online stores such as Temu and Shein are changing the way we spend money on fashion. Why invest in expensive items when you can afford to change your wardrobe every season?

Health Insurance

Editorial credit: Natee Meepian / Shutterstock.

Health insurance has always been costly, but rising premiums and crazy costs have made it a major expense. Some people are exploring alternatives like health-sharing plans or direct primary care memberships to manage healthcare costs. You can’t put a price on your health, but you have to make it affordable.

Streaming Services

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With each service creating exclusive content, the total cost of subscribing to multiple platforms rivals that of cable nowadays. People are starting to prioritize and alternate their subscriptions to manage their costs better. Cable has become extortionate in recent years.

Airline Tickets

Editorial credit: nicepix/ Shutterstock.

Once-affordable flights now come with numerous fees and increased prices. The affordable short-stay package deals that we used to rely on have been replaced with steep prices making longer trips more affordable than shorter ones, but still worryingly high. Road trips and staycations are becoming more attractive alternatives to costly air travel, particularly if you’re happy to camp under the stars.


Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

The steep rise in tuition and student loans makes traditional college degrees seem less viable. Many are pursuing trade schools, online education, or certificate programs as cost-effective paths to a career. The Gen Zs are opting out of college altogether as a way of kickstarting their careers early and building small enterprises.

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