19 Reasons Older Folks Say They’re Better Off Alone

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While it's easy to feel sympathy for a partnerless senior citizen, it isn't always the case. Discovering solitude later in life is a journey many older individuals embrace, finding solace and strength in the freedom of solitude. Next time you pity a single old person, stop to think that they might be loving every moment of their independence. Here are 19 reasons why older folks assert they're better off embracing life on their own terms.

Social Media

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Remember the days of love letters and meeting people face to face? Now, it's all about decoding emojis and mastering dating apps. Navigating technology in dating can feel like trying to crack a secret code so it’s understandable why so many older tech-phobic people can’t face the hassle. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why older folks can’t be doing with the dating playing fields in the modern world.

Set in their Ways

Editorial credit: Olga Danylenko / Shutterstock.

When you’ve become accustomed to doing things a certain way, it can seem like a perpetual nightmare to have to change your well-established routines. With age comes the experience of knowing what we will and won’t tolerate, so do we want to have to make a whole bunch of changes again? It can certainly hold us back from taking the plunge.

Ghosting Fear

Editorial credit: Tero Vesalainen/ Shutterstock.

Everywhere we turn these days, there seems to be a ghosting story that’s shattered someone’s heart. Older daters are baffled by this modern phenomenon where one minute you're texting words of happiness, and the next, you're left with radio silence. What happened to just calling things off like an adult?

Instant Gratification

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

In the age of instant messaging and swipe-right culture, the art of patience in dating is a well-earned achievement. It doesn’t do your ego any good to be sidelined or completely overlooked on every dating site you visit. It also feels wrong to swipe someone based on a profile picture.

Texting Etiquette

Editorial credit: Tada Images / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, you could pretty much be yourself and speak as you found. Nowadays, there seem to be rules for what not to text. Older generations grew up with face-to-face conversations or phone calls. Now, it's all about mastering the texting etiquette with emojis, abbreviations, and double meanings.

Second Guessing

Editorial credit: Asier Romero / Shutterstock.

In a generation of calling people out, it’s pretty scary to reach out to anyone for fear of offending them. Are you being too forward? Are you being too backward? It’s impossible to know what to do these days, and it leaves us second-guessing the social norms in every situation we’re in.

Social Media

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Before social media, it was asking mutual friends about a potential date or meeting someone on a night out. Nowadays, it's scrolling through their entire social media history to determine if they're a cat person or a serial selfie-taker. What happened to getting to know someone and growing as a couple?

Netflix vs. Courtship

Editorial credit: Adam Yee / Shutterstock.

The days of romantic courtship seem to have been replaced with Netflix and chill.  Back in the day, older daters longed for the romance of candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach, not binge-watching TV shows on the couch. That would have been deemed a ridiculous idea. Now, we can’t get on the sofa quick enough.

Mixed Signals

Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

As we age, we become less inclined to delve into a date’s thought patterns. When we’re younger, it’s part of the exhilaration of dating, but mature daters just want to know that they’re not wasting their time. Mixed signals are tiresome after a certain age.

Pressure to Keep Up

Editorial credit: Viktoriia Hnatiuk / Shutterstock.

It seems that every man and his dog are taking pictures of the first date, first dinner, first drink, and first kiss these days. There’s also the dreaded social media check-in that tells everyone what you’re up to. Older daters often feel the pressure to keep up with the fast-paced dating scene with a bunch of eyes on them.

Baggage vs. Experience

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

While age brings wisdom, it also brings a fair share of baggage. Older daters often find themselves dealing with the delicate balance between sharing their life experiences and scaring off potential partners. There’s also the added issue of older singletons having kids, and not everyone made offspring their life’s goal.

Family Dynamics

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Introducing a new partner to family and friends was once a significant milestone in a relationship. Now, it's being patient enough to blended families, exes, and adult children from previous relationships. You have to ask yourself, is this person worth the grief?

Dating Authenticity

Editorial credit: Olena Yakobch/ Shutterstock.

In a world of filtered photos and carefully curated social media personas, older daters often fear they’re being catfished. Rightly so. If endless conversations are met with an absence of face-to-face meetups, it can become quite a concern.

Dating Fatigue

Editorial credit:Robert Kneschke/ Shutterstock.

With endless options at their fingertips, older daters can experience dating fatigue, feeling like they're stuck in a never-ending cycle of first dates and shallow conversations. All they want is to organize a date and meet their online companion. When conversations stretch out over weeks, it’s far too much bother to pursue.  

Fear of Rejection

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

Rejection is never easy, but with an older mind, it can be far easier to avoid the heartache than venture into the dating world. Older age comes with greater experience, and that can be sufficient to put you off jumping back in. It’s the delicate balance between putting themselves out there and protecting their hearts.


Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

Younger generations experience FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), but the older generation finds solace in JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). What it means is preferring meaningful connections over superficial encounters, and that can be a dating deterrent.

Communication Conundrums

Editorial credit: Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock.

From decoding cryptic text messages to navigating awkward first-date conversations, older daters often find themselves longing for the simplicity of face-to-face communication. Meeting in a bar for a good chat is a long time gone, it’s all about online vetting for months prior. Very tiring.

Hope vs. Cynicism

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Despite the challenges, many older daters hold onto hope, believing that love knows no age limit and that the right person is out there. That said, it can be tiresome having to wait, and self-esteem can take a beating in the meantime. It’s a no-win situation.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock.

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