We’re facing some crazy times in the world right now. Things which are leading to a lot of fear, challenges & uncertainty. It’s a time none of us have ever experienced before. It’s ok to feel scared, unmotivated, worried. You might have days like this & days where you feel inspired, happy & like you can achieve anything.
During times of uncertainty, it really is normal to experience all of the emotions every day. What’s important is you don’t focus too much on the negativity & instead, do your best to keep positive & take on what life is throwing at you. There’s a saying which I’ve seen across social media about us all being in the same storm but not all in the same boat. From the outside, we are all experiencing the same thing – A global pandemic. On the inside, everyone’s experiences of this will be very different.
For some, you may have had a reduction in income, had to stop trading or quickly had to pivot your business. For others, you might be experiencing your best business months ever. The most important thing is that we all get through this safely, healthy & together.
Here are 5 ways which will help you stay positive during this crisis:
1 – Write your gratitudes down
Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now. This is a powerful exercise to change your mindset. There is always something to be grateful for.
2 – Do a workout
When you’re feeling low, exercise might be the last thing you feel like doing but moving your body can really make a difference to your mood. Go for a walk, dance around or pop a home workout on from YouTube. Get your endorphins flowing & you will see a difference to your mood.
3 – Cut down on the news
I hardly ever watch the news but I have to admit I’ve been watching it a lot more. It’s important to keep up with what’s happening but limit how much you take in. Once you’re up to date with the key points it’s time to switch the channel.
4 – Find something to boost your mood
I have found watching a comedy before bed has really helped me sleep. Too much news & negativity was having an impact on me in those early lockdown days. Now, I watch a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory & it has made a huge difference having a good laugh each day!
5 – Jump into your business
Even if things aren’t going as well as you would like right now, there are still lots of things you can do which will help you feel like you are making a difference. Share something inspiring on Instagram, write a blog post, email your list. Do something to keep your business in people’s mind. It’s much better to be proactive – It always feels good to tick something off your list.
It’s so important at the moment to give yourself some grace, to be kind & remember this won’t last forever. There will be good days & not so good days.
No matter what, stay safe & keep going.