19 Intriguing Things You Didn’t Know About the Freemasons

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The Freemasons are an organization shrouded in mystery; only members have an insight into the inner workings and influence of the society. They are frequently linked with conspiracy theories and accused of having too much influence within the political sphere. Here are 19 things you didn’t know about the Freemasons, some of which may surprise you. 

The Origins of Freemasonry: A Mystery in History

Editorial credit: I, Sailko / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-2.5

Unsurprisingly, the origins of the Freemasons are uncertain. They are believed to have emerged from 14th-century guilds which regulated stonemasonry. It has been claimed that the first lodge was in Scotland as the first recorded minutes from a meeting of Freemasons in 1599 were from a Scottish lodge.

Freemasonry's Connection to the Knights Templar

Editorial credit: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Depictions in popular culture show the Freemasons and the Knights Templar as having close connections or even being the same organization. Historians have found no evidence to show this. Freemasonry is also opposed to organized religion; it would be against their own beliefs to be part of the Christian crusades. 

The Symbolism of the Square and Compass

Editorial credit: MesserWoland / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Symbolism and conspiracy theories go hand in hand; any secretive organization will have the symbols they use dissected and over-interpreted. The most likely theory is that the square and compass were adopted as they are two of a mason's most used tools. Grand lodges oversee smaller lodges but there are no dogmatic rules which need to be adhered to so the square and compass can be interpreted by individual lodges.

Inside a Masonic Lodge: What Happens Behind Closed Doors

Editorial credit: Thomas Rowlandson/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Many think they are planning world domination or scheming to install governments of their choice. The reality is they are holding administrative meetings. They donate money to charitable causes so time is spent discussing which cause would most benefit from their funds. There are also initiation ceremonies for new members.  

Famous Freemasons Throughout History

Editorial credit: Gilbert Stuart /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The famous escapologist Harry Houdini was a Freemason; so was George Washington. A broad range of people have been initiated into the lodge, some of which are surprising. Simon Bolivar the South American revolutionary and the influence on the modern makeup of the continent was a Freemason. 

The Hierarchy of Freemasonry

Editorial credit: EricCable /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

There are few universal rules between the different lodges but the order in which you ascend the hierarchy is one of them. The name of each position will be different according to the lodge. Progression is in the order of Junior Deacon, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden, Senior Warden, and Worshipful Master.

Freemasonry and Its Influence on the American Revolution

Editorial credit: Knights Templar/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The influence of Freemasonry in the American Revolution is overstated. George Washington was a mason, but many fought who weren’t. At the time, masonry espoused views and ideas against European Christianity but it would be false to say it was one of the main influences. 

The Myth of Masonic Secrets and Hidden Knowledge

Editorial credit: Vargalanna/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Contrary to popular belief, masons do not have access to hidden knowledge. Much of their secrecy can be ascribed to the fact that there are times in history when they have had to go underground for fear of persecution. This was especially the case in Nazi Germany.

Freemasonry and Religion: A Complex Relationship

Editorial credit: Maciej Boryna / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

Religion and Freemasons have a complex relationship. As an organization and within individual lodges, it is forbidden to promote any single religion. They believe in an architect of the universe and a naturalist creationist theory. In 1974 the Catholic Church threatened excommunication for any members becoming Freemasons as the Masons were designated as deists who would not accept the promotion of Christianity. 

Women in Freemasonry: A Growing Movement

Editorial credit: Ji-Elle / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Historically women have been banned from becoming freemasons. Masons see themselves as a fraternity giving rise to accusations that it’s misogynistic. Since 1904 there has been a rise in women-only lodges and the movement has continued to grow. Despite this, lodges remain single-sex. 

Freemasonry’s Charitable Work and Philanthropy

Editorial credit: Eluveitie / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Masons have raised and continue to raise large amounts of money for charitable organizations. One of the core values of the lodges is personal moral improvement and charity is part of this process. 

The Architecture of Masonic Temples

Editorial credit: PeRshGo / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Masonic temples are designed to show the symbolism they believe encompasses their beliefs. The temples are often based on Greek and Roman architectural rules. 

Freemasonry’s Global Reach: Lodges Around the World

Editorial credit: Continentaleurope / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Finding exact numbers for the global number of freemasons is not possible due to the secretive nature of the organization. They are found as far away as India where British influence in the 18th Century introduced the fraternity to South Asia. 

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Freemasonry

Editorial credit: Bury St Edmunds Past and Present Society/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

There is a myth that masons ride into the lodge on a goat, but this has been debunked as an inside joke. The internet has allowed freemasonry myths to spread; most are untrue. Some, such as the belief they are conspiring with aliens, are ridiculous. 

Freemasonry’s Influence on Art and Literature

Editorial credit:Shroomery / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

Originally stoneworkers, the masons were highly skilled at their trade and were influential in building European cathedrals. The myths and legends surrounding them have also inspired books and films. 

Famous Conspiracy Theories Involving Freemasonry

Editorial credit: Feng Yu / Shutterstock.

Conspiracy theories involving the Masons are numerous; some are silly, while others are absurd. The Flat Earth Society believes that NASA and the Freemasons are working together to keep the public from discovering that the world is flat. Another conspiracy theory is that the Freemasons and the Illuminati are behind income tax in the United States. The most dangerous was Adolf Hitler’s belief they were part of a Jewish plot to influence and control the world. This led to their persecution in Nazi Germany.

Joining Freemasonry: The Initiation 

Editorial credit: Liberal Freemason/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

To become a freemason you must be invited; there is no other way to gain entry. There are four initiation ceremonies each year, but what takes place in the initiation process is a closely guarded secret. There are rumors it involves a play that relates to King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem and all members of the lodge act in the performance.

Freemasonry in Popular Culture: Movies

Editorial credit: Ben Schumin / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.5

The movie North by Northwest starring Cary Grant is an excellent portrayal of the values of the Freemasons. Movies are made to sell, emphasizing the conspiracy theories behind masonry because it’s what people want to watch. The Da Vinci Code involves the Masons throughout the story in both the book and film, but is far from an accurate portrayal; the Catholic church and the Masons do not see eye to eye

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