18 Reasons Behind the Push to Ban Electric Cars

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Electric vehicles, or EVs as they’ve become known, have sped into the spotlight as the perfect green alternative to gas vehicles. But are they really the saviors of our planet that we’re being led to believe? Are they hiding a dark side? Let’s take a look at the darker side of EVs and see why they’re not quite as efficient as we’re being told.

They’re Too Quiet

Editorial credit: Mike Mareen / Shutterstock.

Electric cars are eerily silent, making it impossible to hear them coming. It might well be a selling point for manufacturers, but this stealth mode could prove to be a hazard for pedestrians and cyclists who rely on auditory cues to stay safe. Are we likely to face an increase in accidents if we allow them to stay?

Job Stealing

Editorial credit: canadianPhotographer56 / Shutterstock.

Having fewer moving parts than traditional vehicles, electric cars need less maintenance. It sounds great, right? That’s fewer trips to your friendly neighborhood mechanic and fewer dollars spent in the process. Poor mechanics who’ve dedicated years to fixing cars are likely to be left jobless. It’s not looking too good for them.

Battery Issues

Editorial credit: Smile Fight / Shutterstock.

Electric cars have lithium-ion batteries, which has caused disputes amongst environmental enthusiasts. Mining for lithium is resource-intensive and can cause significant ecological damage. Recycling batteries is also complex, so it isn’t without issues.

Insufficient Charge

Editorial credit: sungsu han / Shutterstock.

They might be tech-advanced, but there are problems with the charging of the car if it runs out of battery. It doesn’t bode well for people looking to make long journeys and could make a road trip turn into a disaster.

Charging Challenges

Editorial Credit: Have a nice day Photo / Shutterstock.

Charging an electric car isn’t as quick as filling up a gas tank. Even with the super-fast chargers, you’re looking at a much longer wait. It isn’t always easy to find a charger as they’re still very much on the rise and not fully embedded in society. That might well change, but for now, it’s a problem.

Electric Grids

Editorial credit: arturnichiporenko/ Shutterstock.

Our electric grids are currently under strain, and adding millions of electric cars could push it over the edge. What we don’t want is to face blackouts as a result. It’s perfectly possible and vastly overlooked at the moment.

High Initial Cost

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

Electric cars tend to come with a higher price tag than their gas counterparts, but manufacturers are quick to demonstrate long-term gains. We’ll get on board with that if we’re investing in an efficient car, but even with tax incentives and rebates, the initial investment can be too pricey.

Limited Model Variety

Editorial credit:canadianPhotographer56 / Shutterstock.

The variety of electric vehicles is increasing by the day, but it’s still limited compared to gas-powered cars. People who like specific styles or brands might not find an electric version that suits their taste until further down the line. We don’t all want a Tesla.


Editorial Credit: Alexander Steamaze / Shutterstock.

Many people are arguing that electric cars aren’t quite as clean as we're led to believe. While they undeniably use less emissions than gas vehicles, the power stations that generate the electricity to charge the battery probably do. In areas reliant on coal or other non-renewable energy sources, the emissions savings aren’t as significant as we’re being advised.

Infrastructure Issues

Editorial Credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Charging stations are currently unevenly distributed for electric cars. There are options for charging at home but that relies on having the means to do so and won’t suit those that live in apartment complexes. It’s also pricey to have your own charging point.

Too Much Tech

Editorial credit: Herr Loeffler / Shutterstock.

We should embrace technology, but many of us want an easy life without having to get too involved in it. Electric cars come with a great deal of technology, which is good for some and less so for others. The advanced features mean more things can go wrong, and repairs will be costlier. Simplicity is everything.

Resale Value

Editorial credit: Polarpx / Shutterstock.

The resale value of electric cars is anyone’s guess at the moment. Undeniably, there are rapid advancements in technology, but that doesn’t mean they’ll stretch to the next age of tech upgrades. It’s quite the gamble. This potential depreciation could be a major turn-off for potential buyers.

Cold Weather

Editorial credit: Gabriel Nica / Shutterstock.

Unlike gas cars, electric vehicles don’t bode well in extreme cold conditions. They’re prone to issues like reduced battery performance and compromised efficiency. For those who live in colder climates, this could be a significant drawback.

Towing Troubles

Sadly, many electric vehicles aren’t up to the task of towing, and if they are, their range plummets significantly. For those with heavy-duty needs or who like to travel regularly, they could be facing problems.

Charging Etiquette

Editorial credit: Quality Stock Arts/ Shutterstock.

Many of us have yet to experience this, but due to the limited number of public charging stations, competition can be high. This will hopefully improve over time, but you only have to consider the number of chargers required for the increased number of electric vehicles on the road to appreciate the potential issue.

Home Charging Costs

Editorial Credit: Supamotionstock.com / Shutterstock.

Installing a home charging station is ideal for owners of electric vehicles, but it comes at a price. Not everyone has the means, space, or funds to set one up, making EV ownership less accessible. It means that charging is essential when you’re out on the road, which isn’t always convenient.

Long trips

Editorial credit:Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

For people taking long road trips, they’ll need to be prepared for multiple, lengthy stops to charge their vehicle. Unlike a quick gas station fill-up in one of the millions of gas stations, charging breaks can turn a short trip into an elongated journey. It doesn’t make quick journeys pleasant when you know you’re doubling your travel time.

Manufacturing Issues

Editorial credit: IM Imagery / Shutterstock.

One of the main issues many are facing is the production process for electric cars. Batteries are resource-intensive, and transporting them can have a hefty carbon footprint. The energy and materials required for manufacturing these vehicles can negate many of the environmental benefits that manufacturers are choosing to not tell us about.

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