Study Reveals Women Feel Safer Around Bears Than Men

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You may have recently seen the trending topic online called “Bears V’s Men,” if you did, I’m sure you were as puzzled as us at first, what could this mean? A bear fighting a man, surely not? 

After further investigation, it became clear that this comparison between bears and men was being used by women to highlight the safety concerns and threats faced by women.

Although it sounds slightly ridiculous, this metaphorical comparison has picked up so much traction online precisely because of its poignant, and true-to-life interpretations. 

Research suggests that there are only 40 bear attacks worldwide per year, with only one fatal bear attack in America annually, this puts your chances of being attacked by a bear at 1 in 2.1 million. 

However, statistics show that 100 women are killed per year by men in the UK alone, and we don’t like these odds at all. 

Here are 18 reasons why lots of women claim that they would feel safer around bears, than men: 


Editorial credit: Cephas / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Although dangerous if provoked, bears are quite predictable animals who act instinctively and are motivated by their basic survival needs, such as food, sleep, and mating. 

Therefore, women are claiming that they would feel safer around a bear in a forest than they would a strange man, simply because, if you leave a bear alone, the likelihood is that it will leave you alone too, a strange man however, who knows what his intentions might be. 

Solitary Animals

Editorial credit: Spirit9/ Shutterstock.

Bears are solitary creatures, and they don’t even like being around other bears much, never mind humans, so they are not going to be attracted to a woman, and want to engage with her the same way that a strange man might. 

Furthermore, the chances of a bear pestering you for your number are incredibly low. Jokes, they prefer email. Ok, we’ll stop. 

Easier to Scare off 

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

If you’ve ever tried to scare off a drunk man, after a night out who is lingering outside a kebab shop and repeatedly asking you out on a date, you might appreciate this one. 

It appears that bears are much easier to chase away than a persistent human male; by simply banging some pots and pans, or letting off a bear horn, you will usually be able to scare off any bears in the vicinity, much easier than a man. 

Respect For Boundaries

Editorial credit: Canon Boy/ Shutterstock.

Being solitary animals, bears understand, and respect boundaries (mostly), and they are apparently better at it than men, according to women. 

In most cases, if bears are aware of humans nearby they will give them a wide berth (unless you are sizzling some bacon, then it might be a different story), whereas men are more likely to approach females, initiate conversation, or even try to follow them if they are attracted to them. 

No Lies

Editorial credit: Erik Mandre / Shutterstock.

Bears are non-verbal, straightforward animals who want to eat some food, mate, and sleep, they are not deceptive creatures who will mislead you with their actions. If a bear is going to attack you, trust us, you will know about it. 

On the contrary, part of this argument was formed by the fact that not only are men considered as more of a threat to women, but they can also use lies, manipulation, and deceit as part of their grooming process to gain a woman's trust before they attack. 

Bears Understand No 

Editorial credit: Henk Bogaard / Shutterstock.

If you make it clear to a bear that you don’t want him around by making lots of noise, using a bear horn, or setting off a flare, he is going to get the message and leave. But the same can’t always be said for amorous males. 

Women often complain about men who don’t appear to understand that “no means no,” regarding sexual advances. 

No Objectification 

Editorial Credit: Cast Of Thousands / Shutterstock.

Women don’t need to fear being objectified by bears, they treat everything, and everyone equally within nature. 

But women have been complaining of feeling objectified by men since time began. Women are not sex objects, they are thinking, feeling, intelligent beings, with emotions, and ideas who deserve to be respected as such. 

No Wolf Whistling 

Editorial credit: Viacheslav Boiko / Shutterstock.

Wolf whistling, Catcalling, or maybe in this case Bearcalling, is not something that women need to worry about around bears, however, they often experience embarrassing shouting in the street from men who are apparently attempting to signal sexual interest. Not sure if that’s the best strategy, to be honest. 

Basic Instincts

Editorial credit: David Dohnal / Shutterstock.

If a bear displays aggression towards a woman, it is acting off basic instincts and does not try to use its strength to assert its dominance over females, to gain power, and control over her. 

Although, in many instances where women have been afraid of men, or their partners, this has been the dynamic at play. 

Consistent Behavior 

Editorial credit: grinny / Shutterstock.

While many women claim that men's behavior can often be inconsistent, especially in the world of dating, whether it’s taking a woman out on a date, and then not calling her back, or professing their love, and then dating someone else, bears, at least appear to be able to behave more consistently. 

Women claim that bear behavior rarely deviates from hunting, eating, sleeping, and scratching their backs on a tree, they are consistent, and you can rely on their pattern of behavior more than a man. 

Unwanted Advances

Editorial credit: Pratolina AB / Shutterstock.

Bears seem to be able to “take the hint” that you aren’t interested in them, or that you don’t want them around, while the same can’t always be said for men. 

Almost every woman has a story about how she felt pressured, or harassed by a man’s unwanted advances. 

Straightforward Communication

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

Women who are part of this online trending topic have claimed that another reason why they feel more comfortable around bears than men is that at least you know where you stand with a bear. 

Sometimes men do not speak their minds, and women can be left feeling like they are in limbo, not knowing if they are dating, or in a committed relationship with a man. But a bear will let you know, in no uncertain terms what his status is, if he’s angry, you will know, if he wants you to leave, you will know, or if he’s happy enough to go about his day in the opposite direction, you will know. 

No Games

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Women can often get frustrated with men who think that they can play the field, and treat dating like a game. However, women's argument in the “man V’s bear” challenge, states that women can rest assured that bears are not going to try and play them in any way. They are straightforward, easy-to-read animals. 

No Toxic Masculinity

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov/ Shutterstock.

Toxic masculinity has grabbed a lot of headlines in the last few years, whether it relates to men not looking after their own health, arrogance, and control issues or the famous Will Smith slap moment, toxic masculinity has been something that women find off-putting about men for some time. 

Bears, on the other hand, have no idea what toxic masculinity is, thank goodness for that. 

Silent and Strong

Editorial credit: Erik Mandre / Shutterstock.

Within native American culture, the Bear as a spirit animal signifies strength, courage, and family. It is a silent, stoic animal who seldom looks for trouble, and who instead seeks to live out a peaceful, solitary existence, looking after its family in the forest.

For this reason, bears can appear more attractive than women than men, as a bear exemplifies a lot of the qualities that women desire in a mate. 


Editorial credit: Addison McCarthy/ Shutterstock.

Bears live simple lives without the need to impress others with muscles, or flashy cars. They aren’t preoccupied with meeting societal expectations, or status symbols of wealth. They are just animals, living in their natural habitat, getting on with life in a simple, uncomplicated way. 

And this is another reason why women are in favor of bears instead of men. 

Physical Safety

Editorial credit: Thanakorn.P / Shutterstock.

Evidence suggests that women are statistically safer around bears than men. While some of the “man V’s bear” challenge is used playfully, at its core is a very serious message. 

The fact remains that while women’s chances of getting killed by a bear are 1 in 2.1 million, their chances of being killed by a man are much higher, with 100 women per year murdered by their partners in the UK. 

This shouldn’t be the case, and women shouldn’t feel safer around a giant wild animal than they do around men. 

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