18 Clear Indicators of Above-Average Intelligence

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If you’ve ever doubted your intellect, it might be because you’re smarter than the average cookie. Doubting yourself is actually a sign of high intelligence, in case you weren't aware. Cast your eyes over the following and see if any of your traits fall in line with someone who has a wise old brain. You might just surprise yourself.

Ultra Curious

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If you possess an inquisitive nature and you're always asking questions, it shows that you’re keen to seek out new knowledge and improve your understanding of the world. Your insatiable curiosity is the hallmark of a brilliant mind. Embrace it and keep asking those questions. There’s so much more to learn. Who knew?

Scrabble Master

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

If your friends and family refuse to play Scrabble with you because you always win, you can hang up your tile bag. People who simply play Scrabble, much less win, are above average intelligence. If you keep winning, you might be on your way to being a prodigy.


Editorial credit: Vitaliy Abbasov / Shutterstock.

Smart people are always reading. They’ve always got their nose in a book, devouring everything from fiction to non-fiction. However, if you find that casual bedtime reading is Quantum Mechanics or Stephen Hawkings’ A Brief History of Time, you’re likely way above average intelligence.


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People with high intelligence tend to doubt themselves. This is due to being able to identify inconsistencies and vagueness that others can’t readily see. Being skeptical comes with self-doubt, so it’s easy to question yourself and doubt your gut feelings. Just don’t doubt your intellect because this is a sure sign of high intelligence.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Puzzles, riddles, and complex problems excite you. You’re not content with zoning out to a dumb TV show. Your mind is active and needs to be fulfilled with an activity. Your ability to think critically and solve problems efficiently is a clear sign of intelligence. Lean into it and keep solving.

Quick Witted

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Anyone can crack a joke, but if you’ve got a razor-sharp wit, it shows that you can think on your feet. If you’re known for your clever comebacks and dry one-liners, you’re displaying signs of someone with high verbal intelligence and creativity. You must be great fun at a party.

Able to Adapt Easily

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Not everyone can adapt to new situations, and few of us like change, and that’s perfectly normal. If you're quick to adjust and can think on your feet, it means that you have flexibility in thought, which is a sign of mental agility. Most of us would love that level of adaptability.

Great Memory

Editorial credit: ImageFlow / Shutterstock.

If you ever find yourself remembering details that others easily forget, from random facts to people's names, you’ve got a strong memory. We take on a crazy amount of information and stimuli in any one day, which can quickly blur our memory. If you’re the go-to for recall, you have high cognitive ability.


Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

People who can easily understand and share the feelings of others show that they’re deeply connected with those around them. The fact that they can adapt to people around them so readily with such depths of emotion shows a high intellect. Emotional intelligence is a crucial component of overall intelligence, but empathetic traits can be extremely draining.

Creative Thinking

Editorial credit: eldar nurkovic / Shutterstock.

Can you always find a solution to a creative dilemma? Are you a master furniture organizer or space maximizer? If you're always coming up with unique ideas and solutions, you’re smarter than the next person. Creativity is closely tied to intelligence, showing your ability to think outside the box. You must be exhausted from being at everyone's beck and call, however.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

People who possess high intelligence have a strong understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They’re quick to own their mistakes and, equally, will often call out others for their unsupported statements. It isn’t a bad thing; self-awareness helps you navigate life more effectively and is a sign of high emotional intelligence.

Broad Vocabulary

Editorial credit: Farknot Architect / Shutterstock.

Do you know a lot of words and enjoy using them? Do you throw the word tergiversation into casual conversations? Most of us have never heard such words, though it doesn't mean we're not smart; we just don't have the extended vocabulary that super-smart people have. Whether it’s because you read the dictionary for fun or simply have a sponge-like brain that retains information, a rich vocabulary reflects a deep understanding of language and concepts.

Close Observer

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Do you notice things that others miss? Your keen powers of observation show that you’re able to tune into the less obvious things in life, which shows out-of-the-box thinking. Even when you’re in relaxed mode, you don’t miss a trick; the cogs are constantly whirring. Observational abilities help you make connections and gain insights quickly, so it’s not a bad thing. It can be exhausting, though.

Passion for Learning

Editorial credit: Zoran Zeremski / Shutterstock.

People who are always taking up new hobbies or subjects aren’t content with what they already know. They have an intense love of learning new things and want to broaden their knowledge. From soccer practice to scuba diving to creative writing classes, they’re only fulfilled when they’re stretching their brains. A love of learning is a clear sign of intellectual curiosity.

Intricate Conversations

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

If you enjoy deep, meaningful conversations rather than small talk, you’re way up there on the intellectual scale. People with high intellects can’t talk about inconsequential matters for long before becoming irritated. They prefer to get down to the crux of the universe and talk about planetary alignments. It’s all good. Their preference for complex discussions shows their appreciation for depth and nuance.

Questioning Authority

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Those who question authority and refuse to accept things at face value display critical thinking skills and skepticism, both of which are traits of highly intelligent people. While many of us conform to norms and rules without the blink of an eye, the ones who call them out are often those who have sharp, inquisitive minds.


Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

If you spend a lot of time lost in thought, exploring ideas and possibilities, it’s likely that you have a highly active and creative brain. It is believed that people who daydream have more efficient brains that can store information sufficiently to create daydreaming space. How amazing is that? They also tend to have higher IQs than the rest of us.

Analytical Brain

Editorial credit: egvisuals/ Shutterstock.

Do you excel at breaking down complex information into manageable parts? Do you metaphorically shred information into tiny pieces and work on the individual parts one by one? Your analytical skills allow you to understand and solve intricate problems, and you’re pretty high on the intelligence scale for doing so. You might annoy people at times with your need to analyze everything in detail, but don’t sweat it; you can’t help having a brilliant brain.

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