4 Ways to Help Your Elderly Relatives Keep Their Independence

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One thing that concerns many people about ageing is the fear that they will, at some point, lose their independence. It can be a worrying thought, as you never realize how independent you are until something happens to change this. Even while young, pulling a muscle or spraining your ankle can keep you off your feet for far longer than you’re used to, and this makes you worry about the future. However, maintaining independence is possible, whether for you or your elderly relatives and here are four watts to achieve it. 

Adapt The Home 

You never realize how inaccessible your home is until you experience an injury or start struggling with your mobility. The home might be cluttered, or perhaps the stairs suddenly feel much steeper than they used to. Whether you need to adapt the home for you or a relative, you can identify some of the most effective ways to make your home more accessible. Doing so will minimize the risk of injuries from slips or falls, giving you more confidence around the home. In addition, if they are experiencing difficulty with mobility or carrying out tasks around the home, you may wish to consider bringing in some additional home help for your elderly relative. Some extra assistance daily can help them to feel more confident in getting around whilst still being able to remain in the comfort of their own home. You can learn about an aged care eastern suburbs service, here, if this is something you think you and your family could benefit from. 

Encourage Activity and Exercise 

It’s important to stay active in your life no matter how old you are. Regular exercise can keep you in excellent shape, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and also contribute to excellent mental wellbeing. But, as someone gets older, they fall off. They don’t have the energy (or the time) to stay as active as they once were. Encouraging home workouts in the home, even if it’s simple bodyweight exercises, can encourage activity and ensure they have the strength to do things without asking for help. 

Teach Them Tech 

Although they have a reputation for being technically illiterate, seniors using technology has risen in the last year as a result of the pandemic and the need to be connected to their friends and family. Their technological journey should not just end with Zoom or Skype, though. Instead, there is a whole world of tech out there for them to take advantage of. They can use their smartphone to track their health, book appointments, order medicine, and keep an eye on their bank balance. All of which will contribute to increasing independence and make them more confident in front of a screen. 

Keep Them Company 

One of the biggest independence issues that seniors face is the lack of company. While it might seem like an oxymoron, interaction with others, whether their friends, family, or elderly care services, can keep the mind in excellent condition and prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness that can have a significant impact on their wellbeing. If you can visit them as much as possible. If you can’t get there as easily as you’d like, look for companionship services to help them. There are ample elder care business opportunities out there these days so, should you need to find someone to go in and visit them, you should find yourself with a wealth of companies and services to choose from.

Still Going

In many cases, you are only as independent as you want to be. But, this attitude ignores medical issues that can impact your self-reliance. While you can’t prepare for all mobility issues later in life, you can still do everything you can to keep the brain and the body as active as possible.

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