19 Things We All Do When No One’s Watching

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We all do things in private that we wouldn't do in company. Guilty pleasures without the embarrassment of anyone to witness. We have compiled 19 things people do when no one's around and rarely own up to. Do you recognise any of these hidden behaviours in yourself?

Dance Like No One's Watching

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Living out your music video fantasies in the privacy of your own home is a right of passage. Letting loose and making shapes you would never dare to show off in public, letting off some steam and having fun.


Editorial credit: Vershinin89/ Shutterstock.

Hairbrush microphones at the ready. Who hasn't belted out some classic ballads when there's no one around to hear? Throwing on the karaoke track and singing loud is a great way to express yourself without any of the need to impress people watching.

Social Media Deep Dive

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

We are all guilty of some social media stalking, particularly when alone, bored, or letting curiosity get the better of you. Social media gives us a deep insight into everyone's lives, so the temptation to fall down a rabbit hole into all their old photos and posts is all the more prevalent when you're home alone.

Conversation With Yourself

Editorial credit: Ekaterina Soldatenko/ Shutterstock.

Sometimes we find ourselves talking to ourselves before we even realize we are doing it. With no one around to judge, you can be your own company, perhaps having the most interesting conversation you have had in a while all on your own.


Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Dropping into a daydream is all the more pleasant when there's no one there to ask you what you're thinking about. Indulging in your secret fantasies, whether it be the wedding of your dreams or being rich and famous, without having to confess to them, is a great way to simply revel in your own imagination.

Picking Your Nose

Editorial credit: txking/ Shutterstock.

We were all taught as children not to pick our noses. If you do so when no one is watching though, safe to say you're not alone. It's only when you do it in public that the problems begin, judgement and condemnation for childish behaviour is bound to come your way.

Avoiding People in Public

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Staring at your phone, hiding round the corner or ducking into the nearest shop to avoid someone you don't want to see is something many of us have done. When a colleague from work is walking towards you, or an ex is sat at your bus stop, who could blame you for finding the nearest exit to avoid that awkward encounter?

Avoiding People on Your Phone

Editorial credit: PATCHARIN.IN / Shutterstock.

Avoiding people isn't just a thing in public though. Far from it. Mobile phones make us more accessible than ever, and when there is no one around to witness or ask questions, haven't we all ignored that phone call from our mom, or that text from work?

Pretending to be on the Phone

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

A classic technique to avoid conversation or having to engage, is to appear completely preoccupied with your phone. As long as no one is watching or listening too closely, that very important work email, or family emergency, is a cheeky yet effective tool to remain in solitude.

Smelling Yourself

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Sometimes you simply have to check that you're still smelling fresh. Either that, or just out of curiosity you wonder what your natural aroma is like. Either way, we tend to wait until no one is around to witness.

Binging on Snacks

Editorial credit:Plateresca / Shutterstock.

Home alone at last? Many of us find ourselves reaching to the snack drawer to indulge on all our favourite treats. Particularly when there is no one there to stop you or make you feel judged, a midnight feast is a decadent delight.

Posing in the Mirror

Editorial credit: Hitdelight / Shutterstock.

Checking yourself out in the mirror is a common thing to do when there's no one else around. Rehearsing your facial expressions, practicing your posing for your next night out photo shoot, or amping yourself up for a first date.

Researching Yourself

Editorial credit: PhotodriveStudi / Shutterstock.

Ever succumbed to your curiosity and looked yourself up online? You're not alone. People might not admit it in public, but many of us have typed in our name to see what comes up, imaging if our crush or our employer were to research us what they might find.

Hoarding Clothes and Items

Editorial credit: gamespirit / Shutterstock.

Maybe you have promised your partner or housemate that you are going to finally do a big clear out of all your stuff. But in privacy, you are hoarding all your stuff, packing it away in hidden closets, under the bed and stuffed in boxes. Afterall, what they don't know can't hurt them.

Getting Nostalgic

Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

Ever found yourself home alone, crying at old photos and watching old videos? We have all indulged in some nostalgia from time to time, remembering the good old days or even wallowing in old heartaches. For many of us this can be quite therapeutic, especially when left to do it in solitude.

Rehearsing Speeches

Editorial credit: Chay_Tee/ Shutterstock.

Have you ever rehearsed a conversation you're planning to have with someone? Or practiced how you might finally confront that person who has been getting on your nerves? What better opportunity than when it's only you that can listen in.

Go Without Clothes

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic/ Shutterstock.

If you can't go commando when there's no one else around, then when can you? Walking around the house in your underwear can be freeing and fun, after all, what's the point in putting clothes on you will only have to wash, if there is no one around to see you?


Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Holding up a glass against the wall to hear your neighbours latest argument is a curiosity we have all been guilty of at one time or another. Or maybe you take yourself out for a solo coffee and find yourself listening intently to the couple next to you having a disagreement.

Spend Ages in the Bathroom

Editorial credit: BondRocketImages / Shutterstock.

Taking a long, luxurious shower is a pleasure that many of us can't afford. If you share the bills with someone else, it's unlikely you would treat yourself to such a luxury when they're around. When alone though, you might take advantage of the solitude and enjoy a rare, long soak.

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Editorial credit: GertjanVH / Shutterstock.

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