18 Taboos Mormons Dare Not Break

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Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the LDS Church. This movement began in the 19th century and follows both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. There are many overlaps with traditional Christianity, but a lot of differences, too, particularly when it comes to the afterlife and the meaning of life. They are generally stricter than mainstream Christians, too. Here are 18 taboos that Mormons generally won’t go anywhere near. 

Sex Before Marriage

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Mormons are forbidden from having sex before marriage, as is customary in so many religious communities. They are also discouraged from “passionate kissing” before marriage. Mormons believe sexual intimacy is a sacred part of marriage that God intended for the creation of families. 

Drinking Alcohol

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Alcohol is considered taboo because it can impair judgment and influence people to make poor decisions. It is common knowledge that alcohol has these effects, but Mormons respond to that by avoiding it altogether, whereas many communities just try to use it in moderation.


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Using foul language is considered disrespectful and violates the “thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain” of the Ten Commandments. Mormons prioritize what they consider to be a high standard of speech that is positive and uplifting.

Viewing Pornography

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Mormons oppose pornography because they believe it tempts the person who views it to commit sin. Some also believe it is degrading to women, treating them as mere objects of desire, and therefore should not be viewed. The church perceives pornography to be harmful to spiritual and emotional health.

Not Dedicating Sundays to Worship

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Sundays, the Sabbath day, are very important in Mormon culture. Mormons are encouraged to refrain from secular work or activities, dedicating the day to their spiritual practices. This is a way to put other things aside for a time to focus on church services, scripture, charity, and quality time with family. 

Using Drugs

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Like alcohol, drugs can impair judgment and influence bad choices. It is for this reason Mormons abstain from drug use. They also believe it is harmful to principles of self-discipline and that it is unhealthy to partake in drug use. 


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Mormons believe in the commandment to not “…bear false witness,” which means to lie. They hold themselves to a certain level of integrity wherein dishonesty is taken very seriously and is against the will of God.

Consuming Caffeine

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The Bible doesn’t say anything about coffee because coffee wasn’t around during the time when it was written. However, Mormons have drawn the conclusion that God asks his followers to avoid caffeine because it breaks the Lord’s law of health. Mormons believe God wants them to be as healthy as possible and that drinking caffeine, such as coffee or tea, is against that. 


Editorial credit: Ihor Koptilin / Shutterstock.

Gambling is considered to be a violation of the Mormon principles of integrity and truthfulness because it can lead to addiction or financial hardship, negatively impacting families. This includes casinos, lotteries, and sports betting. 

Not Donating to the Church 

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Also known as “tithing,” this is a practice in the Mormon church where members are expected to donate 10% of their earnings to the church. Approximately 79% of Mormons surveyed said they pay tithing. It is also correlated with higher levels of education and higher incomes.

Committing Infidelity

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Another pluck from the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Marriage is seen as a sacred thing ordained by God, and going outside of the marriage in any way is very frowned upon. This is, of course, not unlike the general moral code most of our society subscribes to. Most people believe cheating is amoral and strive not to do it. 

Scandalous Dress

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Mormons don’t have super strict rules for attire, but there is a general expectation that people should dress modestly and avoid wearing anything too revealing. This goes for daily attire, church and temple attire, and special occasions. You likely would not be able to tell that someone was Mormon based on what they were wearing. 

Smoking Cigarettes

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The use of tobacco products, including cigarettes, is highly discouraged because Mormons avoid substances that could be harmful to the body. The LDS Church has publicly spoken out against the use of tobacco. 

Dating Without Purpose

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Young adults in the Mormon community often date, but it is meant to be with more intention than they perhaps perceive secular communities as doing. The goal is generally to find someone with whom they can have a long-term, committed relationship. As purity is important in this culture, dating is more based on social interactions and finding a lifelong partner than fulfilling sexual desires or having fun. It is also ideal to date others with shared values.


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Abortion is considered wrong in the Mormon church because of the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” They believe abortion is killing. However, some church leaders have begun to open up to the potential of abortion being accepted in cases of incest and rape or in cases when it is life-threatening to the mother. 

Reckless Physical Activity

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Mormons are taught to take care of their bodies because they’re considered to be sacred gifts from God. Reckless physical activity is putting God’s gift in jeopardy and shows a lack of self-control, responsibility, and moderation, all of which are quite important in Mormon culture. 

Same-Sex Relationships

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While many Mormons say they respect and love people of all sexualities, they are taught regardless that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman, as that is how God intended it to be. The Mormon church will not recognize or ordain same-sex marriages because they go against what Mormons believe to be God’s plan.

Disrespecting Church Authority Figures

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Mormons are advised to follow the counsel of the leaders within their church, believing they have been summoned by God to take part in their respective duties. Authority figures within the church are not seen as all-knowing or all-powerful, but they are spiritual mentors intended to assist churchgoers in their faith journeys. 

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