18 Things to Watch Out for When Selecting a Church

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Finding a church that aligns with your beliefs and values is vital for spiritual growth and community. However, not all churches carry a healthy environment, as much as we might expect them to. A healthy church encourages members from all races and cultures and provides a welcoming, autonomous, non-judgemental environment. If you’ve experienced any of the following, you might need to reconsider your involvement and look for a healthier environment to embrace your faith.

Authoritarian Leadership

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It goes against everything that they stand for, but there are churches with authoritarian leadership. In these instances, the pastor or leaders demand obedience and discourage the inevitable questioning. This is an unhealthy environment and usually amounts to an abuse of power.

Lack of Transparency

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If a church is secretive about its finances, decision-making processes, or other operations, it could be involved in corruption. Every member has the right to question the running of a church for peace of mind, and full transparency is essential for trust and integrity.

Manipulative Tactics

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Sadly, manipulation isn’t uncommon within churches. Those that use manipulative tactics, such as guilt-tripping or emotional manipulation, to control or coerce members into certain behaviors or donations are a major red flag. Healthy spiritual guidance should be free from manipulation.

Prosperity Gospel Preaching

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The belief of prosperity gospel preaching is to empower believers through positive affirmations, a notion that is uplifting and hopeful at its core. However, churches that focus heavily on the prosperity gospel and promise financial blessings in return for donations are exploiting congregants’ faith for monetary gain. This is a vast distortion of all that Christianity stands for.

Isolation from Outside Influence

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Everyone is familiar with cult practices, but we rarely believe we could be naïve enough to suffer them. The truth is more alarming, particularly for young followers. Churches that discourage relationships outside the congregation or cut off members from family and friends create a cult-like environment, which is not the true or ethical practice of a church. Healthy churches encourage balanced and diverse social interactions.

Unquestioned Authority of the Leader

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If a church leader’s teachings or actions are never questioned and are considered infallible, it might be worth a closer look. Followers should be encouraged to explore and gain knowledge through any amount of questioning and if they feel unable to, it can quickly become a solitary practice. Leaders should always be open to accountability and criticism from members.


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Churches should remain unbiased about their faith, regardless of their chosen religious path. In some cases, churches can promote intolerance towards other denominations, religions, or lifestyles and claim exclusivity to salvation or truth. Honest churches value the importance of other religions and recognize that they deserve respect and admiration.

Financial Exploitation

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We’ve all heard stories of church fraud where leaders profess to require money for the greater good of the institution. The sad truth is that churches often face financial struggles, and members are keen to support them in good faith. Constantly pressuring members for money under the guise of spiritual obligation is a red flag. Churches should practice responsible stewardship and not exploit their members financially.

Lack of Community Engagement

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Churches pride themselves on their community spirit and actively embrace wider communities to find faith as a supportive tool. Those that are insular and do not engage with the broader community or contribute to social causes neglect important aspects of their mission. It usually means that they’re hiding something, which is never a good sign.

Fear-Based Teachings

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Using fear to control or motivate congregants, such as threatening eternal damnation for minor infractions, is a form of spiritual abuse. Many younger followers can fall foul of fear-based teachings due to their strong faith and unwavering trust. However, it is both emotionally and spiritually damaging. True faith should be based on love and hope, not fear.

Inconsistent Doctrine

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A church's doctrine, scripture, or spiritual discipline should be stable and consistent. Frequent changes in doctrine or inconsistent teachings usually indicate instability or manipulation by church leaders. Members will be confused and unclear about the message that is being taught. Consistent and clear doctrine is essential for the spiritual growth and stability of the congregation.

Segregation and Discrimination

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Segregation or discrimination within the church, whether based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, or other factors, goes against the inclusive nature of the Christian faith. Unfortunately, segregation still occurs to this day, with all-white and all-black churches common. An honest church will openly embrace people of all cultures and races.  

Lack of Accountability

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Accountability can often be difficult in churches as many members want to avoid conflict. However, if church leaders are not held accountable for their actions and decisions, it can lead to an abuse of power. History has proved that silence encourages continual bad behavior with damaging consequences. It is only through accountability that justice can be served, and further incidents prevented.

Suppression of Questions and Doubts

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A church that discourages questions, doubts, or intellectual exploration stifles spiritual growth. New members may require insight into their chosen path and bring with them a healthy, inquisitive mind. This should be actively encouraged and embraced. A healthy church always welcomes and addresses the questions and concerns of its members.

Moral and Ethical Failures

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Congregations trust church leaders morally, ethically, and spiritually. In some cases, this can be abused. Frequent moral or ethical failures among church leaders, such as scandals or corruption, are significant red flags. Leadership should exemplify the values and principles they preach and avoid underhanded activity that doesn’t align with their faith.

Focus on Church Growth

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Growth is positive, and every church is keen to build and progress. If there is an excessive focus on numerical growth and expansion, it can be at the expense of spiritual depth and community health. Quality should never be sacrificed for quantity within faith.

Lack of Genuine Relationships

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Most people visit church to congregate with like minds and those who are supportive of their mission. If relationships within the church constantly feel superficial or forced, it may indicate an unhealthy underlying community environment. Genuine, supportive relationships are crucial for a thriving church community. A negative atmosphere can often indicate that there is trouble behind the scenes.

Excessive Control Over Personal Lives

Editorial Credit: Ljupco Smokovski / Shutterstock.

A church and its leaders should have no impact on the personal lives of its members unless otherwise requested. Churches that exert excessive control over members’ personal lives, including dictating how they dress, whom they marry, or how they spend their time, infringe on personal freedom and can be signs of a cult. A healthy church respects individual autonomy and will only assist in personal matters if asked.

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