18 Reasons Women Are Dating Younger Men More Often

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Relationships between older women and younger men still have some social stigma. There are accusations of mommy issues or a woman attempting to relive her youth. These barriers are gradually being broken down as society has become more equal for women, and their needs are better recognized. Most of these relationships are built on mutual interests and a desire for a happier life. Here are 18 reasons some women are choosing relationships with younger men.

Higher Energy and Stamina

Editorial Credit: ViDI Studio / Shutterstock.

People age differently, and some women are in better shape than their peers. It is only natural that they want partners who can maintain an active lifestyle. Younger men are more open to pursuing sports or traveling to places further afield. 

Openness to Physical Experimentation

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

The willingness to explore sexuality and intimacy is often affected by generational beliefs. For many men who grew up at a time when talking openly about sex was taboo, it can be an embarrassing and difficult adjustment. Women are taking advantage of modern views and want to explore with younger men who are more open and willing to experiment. 

Appreciation for Confidence and Maturity

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Women born before the 1980s grew up at a time when they had defined roles. Moving outside of those roles was frowned upon. Some men still hold these views, but younger men are more likely to find confidence attractive, allowing women space to be confident.

Seeing Past Age and Embracing Potential

Editorial credit: Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock.

Society has traditionally set unspoken limits on age gaps in relationships. While age gaps are not completely accepted in the modern world, they are at least more tolerated between two consenting partners. Seeing past age and acknowledging a partner for who they are rather than a number opens a whole new dating pool. 

Less Baggage and Emotional Availability

Editorial credit: Ivanko80 / Shutterstock.

Younger men are less likely to have emotional baggage and not be weighed down by life experiences. The modern awareness of mental health issues also gives men space to talk about the things that affect them. Older men hold onto the idea that men should carry their burdens and not complain. For many women, having an emotionally developed partner is an attractive prospect. 

Willingness to Learn and Grow Together

Editorial credit: Hananeko_Studio / Shutterstock.

Life doesn’t stop at a set age, and people should continue to develop themselves for as long as they live. Unfortunately, this is not always the reality. Many men and women wrongly believe that when they reach a certain age, they should just be happy with what they have. Younger partners are more willing to mutually learn and grow within a relationship regardless of age. 

Shared Interests in New Experiences

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

In relationships with age gaps, most of the emphasis is placed on how many years apart both partners are; other aspects of relationships are forgotten. Having shared interests is one of the fundamental building blocks of a healthy relationship. Women are not looking for younger men, just someone to share interests and new experiences. 

Alignment with Modern Values

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Women now play a more equal role in society. Women who grew up during a time when this was not so want to embrace new opportunities. Younger men have been educated in an environment of equality, so are more accepting of women who do not conform to traditional gender roles. 

Focus on Fun and Shared Activities

Editorial credit: Goksi / Shutterstock.

Relationships will always encounter difficulties, but these should not be the main focus. Bringing fun and sharing time together creates a healthy and happy atmosphere. Women find that younger men are less world-weary and want to enjoy every minute. 

Flexibility and Adaptability in Life Plans

Editorial credit: Olga Danylenko / Shutterstock.

The world has changed inconceivably in the last 50 years. Long gone are the set paths that young people felt they had to take. Flexibility is an attractive trait and opens up a world of possibilities for women who feel stuck in one place or career. Younger men can inspire them to start looking outside the box they have been contained within. 

Supportiveness of Career Ambitions 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Spending most of your life in one job can stop a person from changing careers; stability is valued by older generations. Older men are not as willing to support partners who want to try something new. Men in their 20s and 30s don’t have the same fixed views of careers and can provide support and encouragement. 

Openness to Different Family Models

Editorial credit: Rido / Shutterstock.

The traditional nuclear family is one of the past, and younger generations are more open to not having children. Some older women may already have children or not be able to have them. Men open to different family models are more flexible and willing to compromise with their partner’s needs.

Breaking Free from Societal Expectations

Editorial credit: Look Studio / Shutterstock.

Society has evolved, but expectations and stigma still exist. In having a relationship with a younger man, a woman is showing that she doesn’t care for these expectations and wants to break free from them. It is equally valid for younger men who are not conforming to finding someone their own age. 

Clear Communication and Directness

Editorial credit: TimeImage Production / Shutterstock.

Communication is the key to having a lasting relationship. For men who were raised to believe that they shouldn’t express their feelings, talking openly about their struggles does not come naturally. Some women find that the openness in communication from younger men allows them to reciprocate and be direct. 

Focus on Building Emotional Intimacy

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Relationships in the past were often built on a need for financial stability. Women found them lonely places where their emotional needs were ignored. There is now more focus on building emotional intimacy as a foundation for a relationship, and younger men are better equipped to provide that. 

Celebrating and Prioritizing Sexual Pleasure

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

For many men from older generations, sex was a selfish affair, and women’s needs were not taken into account. Liberalization of sexual morals and values means that younger men are more aware of and celebrate the need for women to have pleasure during sex.

Feeling Young and Desired Again

Editorial credit: Look Studio / Shutterstock.

Feeling desired is natural, and the attention given to a woman by an attractive younger man will provide that. As long as the intentions are through mutual attraction and shared interests, it isn’t problematic to want to feel as though you are young again. 

Exploring New Sides of Themselves

Editorial credit: Ivanko80 / Shutterstock.

Discovering new things about yourself and embracing them may seem selfish on the outside, but it’s a healthy trait to have. Any criticism directed at women who date younger men is probably from a place of envy. Young people can introduce older women to a world they haven’t yet explored, and it’s an opportunity that should be embraced. 

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