18 Reasons Men Are Reluctant to Marry Single Mothers

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Single mothers have faced societal stigma for generations, but even though this has lessened over time, most men still find that the decision to date a single mother can be met with harsh judgment and criticism. 

Furthermore, these social pressures can put a man off dating a single mother whether they fear negative comments from family and friends or have deeper concerns about the legal, and financial implications of dating a woman with children.

Another Man On the Scene 

Editorial credit: Inna Reznik / Shutterstock.

If a woman already has children with another man, this means that he will still most likely be around to fulfill some of his fathering duties, and this can be off-putting for men. 

Coming into a situation where another man is already present, in any capacity, can be a major turn-off for most guys, and instead of dealing with the negative emotions around this, many men prefer to pass and choose a female with no kids. 

Being a Step-Parent

Editorial credit: Zoteva/ Shutterstock.

Dating a woman with children means that a man automatically becomes a step-parent, whether he actively chooses this, or not. This can be daunting, especially if a man doesn’t have any of his own children, and the responsibility involved is too intimidating for some guys. 

Complex Dynamics

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff/ Shutterstock.

Being part of a blended family can be complex, and there are multiple relationship dynamics to navigate. You aren’t just dealing with one woman, but also her children, and potentially the children's father, and their paternal grandparents, and extended family. 

This can take a lot of work, and some guys view it as too much work for them and therefore choose to pass on dating a single mother. 

Financial Pressure

Editorial credit: Cast Of Thousands / Shutterstock.

Most men still view it as their financial responsibility to look after a family financially, so if they choose to date a woman who already has kids, this automatically brings extra financial pressure for a man, and it can feel too challenging for some. 

Different Life Stages

Editorial credit: Monkey Business/ Shutterstock.

Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility, and more responsibility means less freedom and flexibility, for many guys, they have to be at the right stage in their life to feel ready to become a father. 

If a man is still enjoying his single era, and living footloose and fancy-free, he isn’t going to want the extra constraints that come with dating a single mother. 

Societal Stigma

Editorial credit:CC7/ Shutterstock.

Society has been a harsh judge toward single mothers and they have faced a lot of stigma for going against the traditional family structure, even though in many cases this may not have been through choice. 

Men who date single mothers don’t escape society’s judgment either, and they often face condescending social pressure which can put them off wanting to date a woman with kids. 

Legal and Custody Issues

Editorial credit: Freeograph / Shutterstock.

Another reason why men often don’t want to date a single mother is the fact that it can mean getting involved with legal issues such as divorce, alimony, guardianship, and even intense custody battles. 

For the obvious reasons of added hassle and the potential financial, and legal implications, men view this as an extra headache they don’t need. 

Fear of Rejection 

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock.

Dating a female who already has kids puts added pressure on a man to bond with her children, and get on well with them. This can lead to men fearing rejection from their partner's child which is an awkward situation for everyone, and therefore some men choose not to get involved in the first place. 

Time and Attention

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

If you are dating a woman who already has kids of her own, obviously being a parent is going to take up a lot of her time and attention that she could be giving solely to her partner. This is another reason men aren’t always interested in dating single moms. 

Desire For Biological Children 

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic/ Shutterstock.

If a man wants to have kids, he usually will want to have biological children of his own, and while he may be accepting of another man’s children, it might put him off being with a single mom, as what he truly desires is his own genetic offspring. 

Emotional Baggage

Editorial credit: Yta23 / Shutterstock.

Divorce and separation can be an emotionally draining process, especially if there are children involved. Dating a single mother can be unattractive to a man as he knows that he will most likely have to support a woman with some of the emotional baggage from her past. 

More Responsibility

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Having responsibility for your own children is one thing, but, having responsibility for someone else’s can feel daunting, and off-putting for a man. 

Less Free Time

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

As an adult in the care or presence of children, you automatically have to sacrifice your own wants and needs, as the needs of the children come first. Dating a single mom means having less free time to do stuff you enjoy, and being considerate of your partner's parental responsibility. Many men aren’t ready to sacrifice their freedom and flexibility for someone else’s children. 

Lack of Authority

Editorial credit: Goksi/ Shutterstock.

Being a step-parent means acting in ways that a parent normally would, but within certain restrictions, as you are not the legal parent or guardian of the child. Not being able to assert their authority can feel threatening, and unattractive to a man, as he knows that, in most cases, he must defer to the child's biological father for discipline and major decisions. 


Editorial credit:AddOuts/ Shutterstock.

A lot of men like to get their urge for travel, and adventure out of their system before they have kids. And dating a single mom means being part of a family unit that requires stability, and security, and you can’t just jet off on exciting holidays whenever you want. 

This is another reason men with the travel bug will usually avoid dating single mothers. 

Fear of Conflict

Editorial credit:PawelKacperek/ Shutterstock.

Being part of a blended family can involve some challenging relationship dynamics, and the last thing that a man wants is to get into any conflict on his partner’s behalf with her ex, as it can lead to negative, and toxic situations. 

Not Wanting Kids 

Editorial credit:Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

Even though a guy might genuinely care for a single mother, if he has truly never wanted kids, this can put him off dating her as he knows that her children come as part of the package. 

Fear of Failure

Editorial credit:TheVisualsYouNe/ Shutterstock.

Stepping into the role of a step-parent can be intimidating, and many men may be afraid of not being able to be a good father figure for someone else’s child, and thus decide to avoid dating single mothers altogether. 

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