18 Common Myths About Americans That Non-Americans Can’t Resist

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The United States is a victim of its own success. The soft power it projects around the world through movies and culture creates enduring myths about its people. Hollywood movies are the basis for the perceptions of those who have never been to see the country themselves. Here is a list of 18 myths about American people that aren’t true. 

Americans Are All Obese

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

The obesity myth needs to die. Not only is America a big country with varying diets across different states, but there is a thriving, healthy eating industry. Extra-curricular sports are also popular with young people, keeping them fit and in shape.

Every American Owns a Gun

Editorial credit: Jamie Carroll/ Shutterstock.

Gun laws in America are different according to which state a person is in. New York and California have strict gun control laws, but states such as Texas have more liberal laws. It is not true that all Americans own a gun, with research showing only 32% do. Gun ownership is a political topic with varying opinions; there are Americans who hate guns, and there are those who believe it is a fundamental right to own one. 

Americans Are Uneducated About the World

Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

To say Americans are not educated about the world is a myth. As with any country, there will be people who don’t know much about the world outside their borders. The United States is a culturally diverse nation, with citizens learning and appreciating the ethnic background of other Americans.  

Americans Are Obsessed with Fast Food

Editorial credit: Juliana_haris / Shutterstock.

Fast food is not a staple part of the diet for most Americans. They do have the occasional takeout meal from the local fast food store, but it is not usual to have it every night of the week. Los Angeles and New York have some of the best food in the world, while other towns and cities celebrate having a diverse cuisine. Veganism is also growing as more Americans become aware of the mistreatment of animals in the fast-food industry.

All Americans Are Wealthy

Editorial credit: Pasko Maksim / Shutterstock.

Media and movies play a role in propagating the myth that Americans are all rich. Unfortunately, life is not a movie, and there are pockets of poverty all over the United States. Some rural areas in Southern states are particularly deprived.

Americans Lack Cultural Sensitivity

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/ Shutterstock.

America is a country built on and still celebrating immigration. With such a diversity of people, it is impossible to not understand other cultures. Most cities have a Chinatown, and there are events where those from different cultural backgrounds educate their fellow Americans about their customs.

Americans Are Loud and Rude

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov/ Shutterstock.

American people are not monolithic; different states have different customs and cultures, but all welcome guests. New Yorkers are stereotyped as rude, but if you need help, someone will offer support. 

The American Dream is Dead

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The United States is proud of the work ethic of its people and the idea that there are no barriers to success. In recent years, the world has endured an economic downturn; America has weathered the storm, and the economy is growing

All Americans Live in Big Houses

Editorial credit: Dariusz Jarzabek / Shutterstock.

It’s not true all Americans live in big houses; some people do, but it’s not the norm. In urban areas, most people live in apartments; even those in rural areas live in smaller houses. American life is not a Hollywood movie with everyone living in a mansion. 

Americans Are Workaholics

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Working hard is a part of the American Dream, but Americans also play hard. From ski resorts in Colorado to beaches in Florida, they enjoy themselves with friends and families in their downtime. 

Americans Have No Sense of History

Editorial Credit: sirtravelalot / Shutterstock.

The history of America is celebrated every July 4, and children are taught from an early age to appreciate the historical foundations of the country. No country in the world has citizens versed in the historical intricacies of every other nation, and America is no exception. 

Americans Only Speak English

Editorial credit: Fabrik Bilder/ Shutterstock.

Many Americans speak languages other than English; Spanish is the second most spoken language, and those living near the border of Mexico are often bilingual. US universities offer courses in Mandarin, Japanese, Farsi, and Arabic. 

Americans Are Always Happy

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

The happy American myth is not a negative one, but it’s also not true. Americans are humans; as with all humans, they go through bad times. Life gets in the way of living with a permanently happy face, and therapy is a booming business. 

American Politics is Simple

Editorial credit: Carlos Yudica / Shutterstock.

From an outsider’s perspective, it is easy to misinterpret American politics as only having a Democrat and Republican view. It is more nuanced, and within the parties, there is conflict and debate. There is also state-level politics where local issues are more highlighted, differing from federal politics. 

All Americans Love Sports

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Some Americans love sports, others don’t. Parents in America encourage their children to take an active interest in sports at school to build character and keep their children healthy. Other sporting events are family days out and not always for the love of sport. There are Americans who have no interest in sports. 

Americans Don’t Value Family

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Family is important to Americans, and meals on a Sunday to get together with the rest of the family is a big occasion. Those who have moved to cities far from their home states can’t travel back home regularly, but it does not mean they do not value their families. 

Americans Don’t Travel Abroad

Editorial credit: 06photo / Shutterstock.

Americans travel abroad regularly; 76% have traveled to at least one other country, and a quarter have visited five different countries. Wherever you are in the world, you will meet a traveling American. The US passport is also one of the most powerful in the world, offering visa-free or visa-on-arrival to 183 countries.   

Americans Are Not Environmentally Conscious

Editorial credit: Thanakorn.P / Shutterstock.

Research at Yale University shows that 68% of Americans support action to tackle climate change, contrary to the belief Americans don’t care about the environment. The United States is home to different environmental action groups, and the activism of Rachel Carson inspired Earth Day. 

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Editorial credit: GertjanVH / Shutterstock.

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