18 Traits That Separate Exceptional Men from the Ordinary

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The saying “Good help is hard to find” applies not just to customer service, but to the human race as a whole. It is a rarity today to find a man who is kind, empathetic, and emotionally guided, or in a nutshell, exceptional. Is it that women’s standards are too high, or is there really a lack of exceptional men out there? Sometimes, what one sees as exceptional, as opposed to another, differs. That means that the exceptional man of your dreams might be right in front of you, and you don’t even know it. Before you decide that he isn’t worth it, consider that these are the qualities that define an exceptional man.

He Reciprocates

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Women tend to be more empathetic by nature. Their nurturing instincts can have them putting others ahead of themselves frequently. An exceptional man does not take advantage of the goodness of the women in his life; he reciprocates. Reciprocation is one of the biggest ways to know that a man is worth putting your time and energy into. When he cares for the people around him as much as he does himself, that can be a really rare and valuable thing.

Accepting of Others

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Science tells us that people tend to go along with norms and standards instead of respecting individuality and uniqueness. An exceptional man not only tolerates people who don’t walk to the same drum; they celebrate and admire them. Being alright with someone who isn’t quite the same or shares the same opinions means being open-minded. Having an open mind means that you have the kindness to allow others to be themselves and not try to push your agenda on them.


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Everyone has some degree of resilience, or the human species would not have survived this far. Being resilient is a quality that distinguishes the exceptional from the ordinary. Those who get knocked down again and again, yet continue to get back up, should be admired for their tenacity and ability to grow. Strength is not about how much you can bench press; it is about how far you can be pressed and continue to come back stronger than before.


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Everything that we encounter in life makes us “grow” if we take it as a learning lesson. Those individuals who continue to make the same mistakes over and again, refusing to grow, will always stay stuck in who they are. When men have a growth mindset, that means they not only welcome challenges; they see them as a time to gain knowledge and become a better version of themselves. Exceptional men see hardships as a potential to be a better person and take them head-on, always looking at the silver lining.


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An exceptional man is authentic, meaning he does not pander to those who he seeks to gain something from. Authentic people have a higher standard of integrity and will not cave to what they believe in or their moral code to gain an advantage. Being set in your ways and refusing to stoop to any lesser standard is not easy. For the exceptional man, it is the only way to go.


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Men tend to lead with less emotion than women. Being more task-oriented, they usually seek to solve problems instead of coddling or handling things from an emotional perspective. Kind-hearted men believe in doing the right thing. They also frequently go one step further to do nice things for no reason at all. Making connections with others by trying your best to understand those around you is definitely not a standard trait. It is, however, one that distinguishes exceptional men from the rest of mankind.


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Exceptional men are never okay with being average or playing it safe. They are constantly pushing the mark to better themselves. Whether that means playing hard or being more competitive mentally, taking risks is the only way to truly excel in your career and your life. Those who stay on the bench and not the playing field will never achieve their goals. Life is not a spectator sport for the exceptional man, and when they are playing, they play to win.


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One of the biggest characteristics that exceptional men have over the average man is that they are grateful for what they have and the people they have in their lives. Being grateful involves seeing every situation for the good that it presents. It also means appreciating those things that others do for you and who they are for you. Exceptional men don’t think that they deserve the good things they get; they feel blessed to have them and don’t take anything for granted. That is truly an exceptional quality.


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Fear is one of the biggest motivating factors in the way that people act and behave. An exceptional man does not let fear overtake their thinking. It takes courage to love others, to put yourself out there to be hurt, and to live life to the fullest. Exceptional men throw caution to the wind and realize that hurt, pain, and disappointment are all a part of life and, therefore, without them, life is not worth living.


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You have to have confidence in yourself for others to have faith in you. Exceptional men know what they are worth and what they are capable of. They believe in themselves, and it shows. Having self-love is an important part of a person’s ability to grow. It is also a critical part of a person’s depth of character. Part of the confidence comes from working hard daily to be the best version of themselves, and that is a big part of the battle. 

True Chivalry

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True chivalrous acts are those that are meant to show women respect and honor. It is a fine line to walk for men. Men are supposed to be kind and polite, but one misstep can have them looking sexist rather than chivalrous. Exceptional men do things that are kind for no other reason than to be nice. They can assess a situation and find out what it is that someone needs from them, and then they act. It isn’t easy to figure out what is acceptable between the sexes anymore, but when you do things from a place of goodness, you can’t ever go wrong. 


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Respect means that you treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Exceptional men don’t decide who they think deserves respect and who they believe does not. They treat everyone around them with respect. Whether that is the waiter who takes their order or the golf caddy who drives the golf cart, they realize other’s worth and never act above or more worthy than anyone else. Sometimes, people feel the need to make themselves more important by putting others down. Exceptional men don’t need to make others feel small, they feel tall all on their own.


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Exceptional men do not give up. It takes someone with a strong mind to persevere and continue to push no matter how hard things get. When faced with adversity, exceptional men put it into high gear instead of folding. Tenacity is the thing that puts exceptional people ahead of others. Exceptionalism shows when things are at their darkest, that is when those with exceptional qualities shine most. 


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On top of being emotionally intelligent, exceptional men are cunning, savvy, and smart. What they don’t know, they have no problem working hard to research it. Intelligence is not just about book learning or getting through higher education; it is about always seeking to better yourself, be more informed, and be open-minded to learn from those around you. When you have an attitude that learning never stops; it doesn’t. That is why exceptional men get ahead because they are always striving to be ahead. 


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There is nothing more valuable than trust and truth. Exceptional people understand that honesty and integrity are the only things that a person can live by. They say what they mean, and they mean what they say. Being completely honest and transparent doesn’t always make you the most popular in the room, but it does make you the most exceptional. If you don’t have your word, what else is there? Nothing for the person who strives to be exceptional. 


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Loving is not always easy, especially providing unconditional love. Unconditional love means that your caring and concern aren’t guided by how someone behaves or what they do. Loving someone unconditionally means that you love all of the parts of them; even the ones that aren’t so lovable. It takes a lot of strength to love someone without any barriers and wholeheartedly. It means putting yourself out there with the potential to be hurt. An exceptional person isn’t afraid to be vulnerable. It is their vulnerabilities that aren’t weak; they are the strongest qualities that exceptional men have.

Is An Exceptional Man in Your Sights?

Editorial credit: rayjunk / Shutterstock.

There is good and then there is exceptional. Exceptional means different things to different people. Many women find it difficult to find an exceptional man, but could the problem be that they are basing the notion of exceptional on things that might not be so? 

Exceptional men don’t necessarily have big egos or wallets. They have kindness, gratitude, and empathy for those around them. Men with exception also love wholeheartedly and respect those they love. Perhaps it might be time to reevaluate those who you aren’t appreciating as much as you should. An exceptional man might be right in front of your eyes, but if you have them closed, you won’t see them. 

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