17 Scientific Facts That Face Relentless Denial from Skeptics

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Although there are very few things that science cannot explain, there are some things that even though it can. People still choose, however to believe otherwise. Some urban or otherwise myths are prevalent in our society, mostly because they are truths that are passed down from one generation to the next. Even when science can debunk some of them, people aren’t letting go. These are just some misconceptions that have gone viral and although not true, they have spread like wildfire.

Genetics Information From Sims

Editorial credit: Marina Demeshko / Shutterstock.

On the popular Sims game, someone stated that everyone should avoid having children with someone who has blue hair if they don’t want to have blue-haired children. It was widely believed by a large part of the audience that blue hair is actually a natural hair color, thanks to it being natural for Sim’s characters.

Color Copy Misunderstanding

Editorial credit: por_suwat/ Shutterstock.

At Staples several years ago, a woman, about 45 years old, was attempting to use a color copier. She asked one of the Staple’s staff to help her out. She was convinced that the copier was not working correctly because it would only print black copes. When the members of the staff looked at what she was trying to copy, they saw it was black and white. They attempted to explain to the woman that the original had to be colored for the copies to be colored. She couldn’t grasp the concept. 

Tanning Beds Turn Babies Black

Editorial credit: didesign021/ Shutterstock.

There was an urban legend that dates back to a time when tanning beds were not only considered safe, but they were also used regularly. One woman who approached the tanning bed told the staff member that she had heard of a woman whose baby had come out black because the woman had tanned while pregnant. 

Moon Landing

Editorial credit: Zenobillis / Shutterstock.

Many people believe that the moon landing video is a hoax. Conspiracy theorists have come up with all sorts of “proof” that the movie was made in a studio. One woman actually confessed that the whole thing was untrue. She reasoned the moon was too bright. She didn’t believe that the moon had a radiance; therefore, it must all be false.

Blood Being Blue

Editorial credit: cones / Shutterstock.

One of the most common myths passed down in hallways across America is that blood is blue. Children everywhere believe that it is blue, but when it comes out, the oxygen hits it, and it turns red. Because our veins look blue on the surface, you can see why kids still speculate.

A Genetic Trait for British Accents

Editorial credit: Vitalii Stock / Shutterstock.

Much like the tanning bed turning babies black, many believed that a British accent could be inherited from your parents. Some co-workers overheard one of their own telling a friend that she had inherited the accent from her parents. When questioned as to whether she just learned it from role modeling, her answer was that it would be preposterous to think that. 

Cheating in Dreams

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Some believe that if you cheat on your partner in a dream, then you are actually cheating on them. They reason that if, in your dream world, you feel such intense feelings for someone else, then that is a form of cheating. 

Stars Turn Off At Night

Editorial credit: sripfoto / Shutterstock.

Reports surfaced of a man who actually believed that the stars could be turned off to conserve energy the same way you would turn off a night light. Even when someone tried to explain that it wasn’t a possibility, he held fast to it. 

Speeding Makes Your Turns Better

Editorial credit: fujji / Shutterstock.

During a driver’s ed class, a high school student was about to take her driver’s test. As she approached a turn that was 90 degrees, she failed to put the brake on. In fact, she sped up. The teacher was confused and slightly horrified. When questioned why she was speeding up she said that when you take turns at a higher speed, you have more control over the car. 

3D Images in Theaters

Editorial credit: StockLite / Shutterstock.

Once, while people were in a crowded theater watching a 3D movie, a couple of people looked over to a group of teens who were sitting in front of them. The girls apparently had never been to a 3D movie theater before, and they all whipped their phones out to capture the images popping from the screen, only to be dismayed that it didn’t work.

Coal Makes Diamonds

Editorial credit: Magnifical Productions / Shutterstock.

One common misconception that many American people have is that diamonds are made from coal. Although commonly accepted as the truth, any scientist will tell you that it is not the case. Diamonds are made from carbon, not coal.

Dogs Sweat Through Their Tongues

Editorial credit: Fercast / Shutterstock.

Dogs pant heavily to combat hot weather. Unfortunately for them, they do not have sweat glands on their body to cool them down. It is a common misconception that dogs have sweat glands on their tongues. While dogs do drool, it isn’t that their tongues are sweating.

Bats Are Blind

Editorial credit: Rudmer Zwerver/ Shutterstock.

Another myth that is commonly believed to be fact is that bats are blind. The expression “You’re blind as a bat” is one that many use, not even recognizing that they are incorrect. Bats are nocturnal, which means that they sleep during the day and come out at night, but they are not blind. They actually see well. Their eyes are not just ornamental. They serve a purpose and work alongside their echolocation. 

Milk is Healthy for Your Bones

Editorial Credit: DONOT6_STUDIO / Shutterstock.

There was a huge push in the '90s to promote milk as being good for your bones, and it worked. Milk does contain calcium, which is important for bone health, but that doesn’t mean that milk is directly good for your bones. Studies show that milk is not a good source of bone nutrition. 

Lightening Never Strikes Twice

Editorial credit: Dennis van de Water / Shutterstock.

Although it is a saying that people often use, it is not scientifically correct that lightning never strikes twice. If you get struck by lightning, it can happen again. NASA released a scientific experiment in 2003 that found that lightning strikes repeatedly in the same place. 

Your Hair and Fingernails Grow After You Die

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

The only way that a person's hair and fingernails can continue to grow is if they are eating and digesting the proper nutrients. Although it can appear that hair and skin can grow postmortem, the lack of moisture only makes them appear longer, and because the other parts of the body shrink, it is all in the perspective of viewing, not actual growth.

If You Swallow Gum it Will Take Seven Years to Digest

Editorial credit: Asier Romero / Shutterstock.

Many children are fearful of swallowing their gum, and perhaps they should be, but not because it won’t be digested. While it can pose a choking hazard for someone to attempt to swallow the gum they are chewing, the human body can and does break gum down just fine. 

Myths Are Sometimes Hard to Distinguish

Editorial credit: zimmytws / Shutterstock.

Not everyone is born with a good sense of common sense. Sometimes, people look at things differently, and what makes sense to one person might not to everyone. As humans, we often try to explain a cause for things, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that the cause is correct. What is evident is that some myths are hard to extinguish. 

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Editorial credit: GertjanVH / Shutterstock.

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