20 Women Who Are Bad Choices for Long Term Relationships

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When it comes to relationships, compatibility is crucial for long-term happiness and success. While everyone is unique, certain extreme traits or behaviors can make some women less suitable partners for certain individuals. Whether you can relate to one of these traits or you've been on the receiving end, here are 20 types of women who need to be kept at arm's length.

The Manipulator

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This type of woman thrives on manipulating others for her own gain. She may use guilt-tripping, emotional blackmail, or deceit to control her partner which leads to a toxic and unhealthy dynamic.

The Drama Queen

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Constant drama and exaggerated reactions characterize this woman, and she’s a lot of hard work. Her tendency to create unnecessary conflicts and blow small issues out of proportion will drain the energy and patience of her partner.

The Narcissist

Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.

Self-centered and lacking in empathy, the narcissistic woman prioritizes her own needs and desires above everything else. She may exploit others for her own benefit and show little regard for their feelings or well-being. She’ll do all she can to make her partner feel like it’s his fault.

The Control Freak

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This woman craves control in every aspect of the relationship. Whether it’s finances, social activities, or what to eat for dinner, she’ll kick off if she’s challenged. Her need for dominance can suffocate her partner and lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.

The Constant Victim

Editorial credit: Billion Photos / Shutterstock.

She always plays the victim card and refuses to take responsibility for her actions. She’ll blame her partner and the rest of the world for her misfortunes, never accepting that she’s stuck in a toxic mindset. Her constant negativity and refusal to find positive solutions can be draining for her partner.

The Flaky Flirt

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Unreliable and flirtatious, this woman struggles with commitment and boundaries. She’ll flirt with others or cancel plans last minute, and new partners won’t have a clue where they stand with her.

The Princess

Editorial credit: Victoria Chudinova / Shutterstock.

She’s high maintenance and likes to be treated like royalty. This woman demands constant attention, validation, and material gifts, rarely finding joy in the simple things in life like conversation or connection. Her unrealistic expectations place a heavy burden on her partner and can cost him both financially and emotionally.

The Jealous Lover

Editorial credit: Paulik/ Shutterstock.

She’s possessive and insecure and plagued by jealousy and mistrust. Her constant accusations and need for reassurance can create a suffocating atmosphere in the relationship. Sadly, her insecurities carry forward from a previous relationship, but there’s only so much a partner can take.

The Passive-Aggressive

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Instead of addressing issues directly, this woman resorts to passive-aggressive behavior to manipulate her partner. Her indirect communication style is often hard to understand for partners and can leave them questioning if it's them in the wrong. It’s very subtle but extremely damaging.

The Commitment-Phobe

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

She’s fearful of intimacy and commitment and avoids deep emotional connections. She’ll sabotage the relationship when it becomes too serious and will constantly be flaky when it comes to talking about the future.

The Serial Cheater

Editorial Credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

This woman has a pattern of infidelity and dishonesty in her relationships. Her lack of respect for monogamy and commitment can devastate her partner and damage her trust beyond repair. The sad truth is that she’s hurting deep down, but she needs to acknowledge that she has an issue before anyone else can help her.

The Emotional Vampire

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Draining the emotional energy of her partner, this woman constantly seeks validation, reassurance, and support. Her relentless need for attention can leave her partner feeling emotionally depleted and neglected, and no amount of assurance will settle her insecurity.

The Overly Critical

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

She’s quick to judge and criticize her partner's every move. It might be the smallest things, but her constant nitpicking and belittling behavior chips away at her partner's self-esteem and confidence.

The Bad-Communicator

Editorial credit: Rommel Canlas / Shutterstock.

Avoiding difficult conversations and refusing to address issues head-on, this woman shuts down emotionally and stonewalls her partner. Her lack of communication skills leaves a relationship at a crossroads with her partner scratching their head. It causes problems of intimacy in a relationship.

The Materialist

Editorial credit: iona didishvili / Shutterstock.

She equates love with material possessions and focuses on wealth and status over emotional connection and compatibility. Her shallow values can lead to superficial and unfulfilling relationships, and she can often become bitter and resentful towards men.

The Entitled

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

She expects to be waited on and loved but isn’t prepared to put any effort into it. She feels that being adored is her earthly right and spends no time appreciating her partner. This woman lacks empathy and gratitude, and her sense of entitlement can breed resentment.

The Perfectionist

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

This woman sets impossibly high standards for herself and her partner, leading to constant dissatisfaction and disappointment. She might compare to other couples or celebrity lifestyles and complain to her partner when she misses the mark. Her relentless pursuit of perfection is exhausting and short-lived for a partner.

The Controller

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

She’s overbearing and intrusive and micromanages her partner's life and decisions. Her lack of respect for boundaries and autonomy can suffocate her partner and make him run for the hills.

The Mother

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

She treats her partner like a child, constantly pandering to their needs and catching them before they fall. It’s overbearing for any partner and doesn’t make for the most sensual of romances, particularly if she’s overly mothering. Over time, the partner can begin to feel like a child which is downright weird.

The Ice Queen

Editorial credit: Harbucks / Shutterstock.

She’s closed off and distant and struggles to connect emotionally with her partner. She shows no signs of vulnerability and makes her partner feel small with cutting remarks. Her reluctance to be vulnerable and intimate can leave her partner feeling lonely and unfulfilled. She’s not for the long haul.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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