3 Simple Ways To Move More Every Day

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Feeling sluggish, tired, and out of shape? These three simple ways to move more every day will help you kickstart your fitness journey.

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Long days at the office or looking after the kids can be tiring. So, the last thing you want to do in the evening is a workout, but when you know you need to move more, you’re hard on yourself. It’s easy to feel guilty about skipping the gym or choosing quality time with your loved ones or an early night over doing a workout. But you don’t have to commit to a crazy exercise schedule to get in shape. You just need to move more.

But how? And is it hard to add another thing to your already busy life? Not when you make a commitment to move more. Because the idea here is to add in simple and easy ways to get your body moving more every single day.

The Move More Manifesto

Before you write this idea off as too hard or time-consuming, get to know the move more manifesto;

  • Ease: Moving more shouldn’t be hard work or feel like too much trouble.
  • Simplicity: Getting in shape isn’t complicated, it’s a welcomed addition to your day.
  • Habit: Making your chosen option (or all three) a habit makes moving more a breeze.

The whole idea of this, is to welcome quick ways of getting your body moving and heartrate up, without it seeming like a chore. As fun as workouts can be, we all know that the hardest part is getting started. So, picking up simple options like these could be so much more effective for you. And here are three that can kickstart your day, add a spring to your step, and make you feel energised, refreshed, and revitalised.

One: Stretch First Thing

Your first win is simple to tick off as soon as you wake up. Instead of picking up your phone or rushing to get ready, you’re going to stretch. Get up, make yourself a drink, and get moving. Just thirty seconds, one minute, or even five minutes can make a huge difference to your day.

By stretching out your back and shoulders, or legs and arms, you’ll feel a little more alive. And if you choose to add a sun salutation in or a few more minutes of yoga, you’ll feel like you’ve got your body going for a successful day ahead.

Two: Make The Most Of Lunch

What do you usually do at lunchtime? Scoff down a sandwich at your desk or grab something on the go? Maybe you even pick at the kids’ leftovers? Is that all you do? Taking some actual time out in the middle of the day is important. It helps you to reset for the afternoon ahead. And there’s no better way to do it than with exercise.

So, instead of rushing or skipping out on it completely, move more. Walking to run an errand, getting some fresh air, or even deciding to do a lunchtime workout class or go for a run could be just what you need to sneak in a little more movement.

Three: Compete With Yourself

You may not think that you’re all that competitive, but if you’re only competing with yourself, you’d be surprised at what keeps you motivated. Walked for five minutes yesterday? Make it ten today. Managed 5,000 steps yesterday? Aim for 6,000 today. Did a three-minute stretch yesterday? Try four today.

Competing yourself can be a lot of fun. You can even set a challenge and have something to work towards (with a treat at the end of it). A fitness tracker could be just what you need to give this an edge. Using an app on your phone or investing in a watch* could help you stay on top of your challenge and keep the competition up.

Sometimes, the idea of trying to move more is so much more intimidating that actually doing it. When you aim for just a few minutes day to begin with, it can be much easier to implement. And before you know it, you’ll feel more energised and ready to take on extra.

Do you try to move as much as possible each day? What are your tried and tested tactics? Share your suggestions with the SOCIÉTÉ community in the comments below.

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