How to Encourage Your Employees to Get More Social

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If you’d like to widen your client reach, turn your employees into your best influencers with a social media advocacy programme. With your team members promoting your business on social media, you can build trust and recognition for your brand.

Employees make ideal ambassadors online as they can network with business clients and add a more personal touch. The majority of consumers are also more likely to go with recommendations from individuals over other forms of marketing.

Here’s how to encourage your employees to become social media advocates.

Outline your business goals and mission

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It’s essential to outline your business goals and how you plan on achieving these using social media. In order to get social media marketing working for your brand, you need to always keep your objectives in mind.

You can then communicate these to your staff and ensure they’re on board. Here are a few tips on how to set social media goals

Train your staff on your social media policy

You need to learn how to write a social media policy if you’re planning on using your staff as advocates. You can then train them on which type of posts are acceptable.

This will help encourage them to participate as they’ll be less concerned about any repercussions from posting. Ensure your employees are aware of your social media policy and know how to access it at all times. Always make yourself available for help and advice.

Offer incentives and recognition

You could set up a reward and recognition platform to incentivize employees to post on social media. This could involve a little friendly competition, depending on whether this would be appropriate according to the corporate culture of your company.

You could offer rewards for engagements, clicks, and shares. Give the most engaged team members the option to write a guest post, or further development opportunities in social media marketing, for example.

Provide a platform for staff feedback

To ensure you maintain a good relationship with your staff you need a platform for feedback in place. You could take employee feedback in a number of ways from anonymous surveys to one-to-one catch-up meetings.

Empower your employees to make suggestions and listen to them. For example, you could even organize humanitarian work and create a task force to be in charge of promoting your efforts on social media.

Alternatively, get more staff involved in virtual and in-person events. Aim to boost motivation in the workplace, and this will encourage their dedication to the cause.

Monitor your social media efforts

Work with digital marketing services to continually monitor and improve your social media strategies. You can use analytical tools to find out where more leads are coming from and which employees are networking effectively.

A digital marketing agency will also be able to give you pointers and professional insights on how to improve your employee advocacy program overall. They will have the sector-specific experience to successfully promote your brand on social media and will recommend the best solution.

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