DIY Projects To Take Care Of: Your Quick Guide

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Editorial credit: Margarett24 / Shutterstock.

DIY home improvements have become more and more popular, thanks to the multiple benefits it offers. Saving on costs is far from the only one of these. Instead, you’ll make your house more appealing and functional.

Figuring out which DIY projects you should do can be either quite complicated or relatively simple. While you could have particular options in mind, there’s a wealth of them to choose from (you could check out this sugru article on fixing things to get some inspiration and perhaps start getting the ball rolling with a project or two).

Five, in particular, stand out from the rest. That’s primarily because they’ll help transform a room without you needing to put in much effort. With a bit of time and elbow grease, you’ll have your DIY projects done and dusted.

Benefits Of DIYing

DIY projects can seem like more hassle than they’re worth, but they offer quite a few benefits. Not needing to pay a contractor to carry out the work may be the most obvious, but there are far more benefits of DIYing that you mightn’t be aware of, including:

  • Improve Your Mood – Studies show that doing DIY projects improves your mood. They boost your happiness levels by giving you a sense of accomplishment, as well as making your home become more functional and appealing.
  • Learn A New Skill – If you don’t already know how to DIY, then you’ll learn a few new skills during the process. The more you enjoy the process, the better you’ll learn this. You’ll end up learning more than you’d think.
  • Be More Active – DIY home improvements need manual labor, so you’ll get quite a workout when you’re doing it. It could be much more of an exercise than you’d expect.

With those benefits, it’s easy to see why more and more people are doing home improvements themselves. Before you get started on it, however, you’ll need to go about it the right way.

To do so, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind.

What You Need Before You DIY Any Project

Before you start any DIY projects, you’ll need to make sure you have everything you need for it. DIY skills will be an obvious part of this, but you could need quite a few tools for the project, too.

Some of these can be specific for individual projects, such as school board clips for plumbing. Outside of these, you’ll need a few general DIY tools, including:

  • Nail gun
  • Paint sprayer
  • Saw
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Drill
  • Sander

Once you have all the tools you need, it’s time to get to work. A few particular DIY projects stand out, as they’ll be relatively easy to do and they’ll help transform your home. Five can be great to start out with because of that.

Top DIY Projects To Do: 5 Top Options

1. Kitchen Backsplash

Kitchen backsplashes offer some visual appeal to the room while also being functional. They help protect walls against food stains and similar damage, making them a welcome addition to any home.

They’re also one of the DIY home improvements to do. All you’ll need to do is make sure you have the right amount of tiles for the backsplash and something to stick them to the wall to. Make sure this adhesive is a strong one.

You wouldn’t want it to come down when you’re cooking, after all. The decorative aspect of this is often underappreciated. To properly capitalize on this, choose tiles that contrast well with the rest of the room.

2. Vinyl Flooring

Installing flooring is usually a home improvement left to the professionals, as it can be complicated to do. That’s not the case with vinyl flooring, as it’s one of the easier floors to install. They’re designed to be so, which means you can do it all yourself.

You’ll have multiple vinyl floor types to choose from. Some come by the roll while others come in tiles. That makes putting them down properly quite easy. While it might take a bit of time – depending on the size of the room – it shouldn’t take much effort.

Vinyl floor comes recommended for the bathroom and similar rooms that deal with a lot of moisture.

3. Garden Bed

While many DIY projects you can do are in and around the home, not all of them are. You can also take to the garden to get a few things done, too. You should think about updating your home’s exterior. Raising a garden bed may be one of the simpler ways to do this.

Raised flower beds often make plants and flowers grow more effectively, which adds to their overall visual appeal while making sure they’re healthy. Your garden should become more attractive for this. If you grow vegetables, this can be a great place to grow them.

Doing this is as simple as making sure you have a large enough area to install the flower bed. Typically, this would be around three feet wide and a foot or two from front to back. Building it two or three inches higher than the rest of the garden is recommended.

After this, it’s as simple as buying a garden bed and putting it in. You can also make one of these yourself with the right materials. Rot-resistant wood is an appealing option for this.

4. Faucets

Not all home improvements focusing on adding something new. Others focus on doing a few DIY repairs and replacements. Your kitchen and bathroom faucets are some of the more notable of these. You don’t need to wait until these need to be fixed to replace them.

Instead, you could replace them with something more visually appealing to add to the room’s aesthetic. If you’re doing any other DIY projects in either of these rooms, it’s worth replacing the faucets at the same time. They’ll help tie the rooms together more than you’d think.

When you’re doing this, keep the rest of the room’s aesthetic in mind. Consider contrasting the faucet with the colors and textures in the rest of the room. Replacing the faucets only takes a few minutes, once you already have the faucet you’re replacing it with.

5. Shelving

Installing a shelf is one of the easier DIY projects you can do. It adds some appeal to a room while also adding some additional functionality. Done right, it brings a bit more visual appeal to an area, too, while adding to the room’s overall aesthetic.

All you’ll really need to do with this is to decide where you want to put it. The shelf itself doesn’t need to take up too much space, and you can even customize it so it fits perfectly. While that could mean spending a bit of time cutting the shelf to the right shape and size, it’ll be worth the effort.

You can transform a bare wall in a corner into something more functional and appealing. Keep in mind what you’ll end up putting on it, as it dictates what you’ll need to use to keep the wall up. Be sure to turn the water off before doing this. You wouldn’t want to make too much of a mess when you’re getting this done.

Top DIY Projects To Do: Wrapping Up

There are more than a few DIY home improvements to choose from, with each of the above standing out for various reasons. With a bit of time and effort, you shouldn’t have a problem getting them done.

The benefits of DIY projects are more than worth the time it takes to get them done. Armed with the right tools, these shouldn’t take long to see. What’s stopping you from making your home look and feel nicer without much effort?

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