Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Home Sparkle!

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Remove burnt food from pots with baking soda and water.

To remove burnt food from pots and pans, simply add a thick paste of baking soda and water to the vessel, let it bubble up, then scrub away with a sponge. Repeat as necessary.

And remember: If you're using a sponge to clean an object that contains a finish (like your stainless steel sink), be sure not to use too much pressure. The hardness of the sponge could scratch your surfaces and make them look dirty.

Use a lint roller to clean lampshades.

Using a lint roller is one of the easiest ways to remove dust from lampshades and other home décor. Lampshades tend to attract dust, which then blows it around your room when you turn on the light. To clean them, simply attach a lint roller to the end of a broom handle and roll along all sides of the lampshade. It’s quick, easy, and effective.

You can also use a lint roller to clean dust from blinds or computer keyboards that are too narrow for a standard vacuum attachment.

Use an electric toothbrush to clean your grill.

First, make sure your grill is cool. Then, use an old toothbrush to scrub the grime off your grill. Cover the bristles with dish soap and clean all those hard-to-reach areas of the grill. Next, rinse the grill with water and dry it off with a towel. Just don't ever use that toothbrush on your teeth again!

A few bathroom tips.

Make a paste out of baking soda and water and spread it on the inside of your toilet bowl, then let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing off with a toilet brush or sponge.

Use an ice cube in combination with some lemon juice to give your stainless steel faucets a shiny, streak-free finish.

To clean the filter on your bathroom fan, turn off the power switch to the fan and remove the cover plate, then take out the filter and use a vacuum attachment to remove any dust.

Mix a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to apply to the grout. For extra-stubborn grime, first mix the paste, then let it sit for 5-10 minutes before scrubbing with a brush. Rinse with water.

Clean a rug on your deck or porch with a carpet sweeper.

A carpet sweeper is a great tool to use when you have to clean up small debris. It's easy to use, doesn't require electricity and works on your carpets, rugs and hard floor surfaces.

Simply roll the carpet sweeper over the area you want cleaned and it will pick up dust bunnies, dirt particles and other small messes. To empty the canister, simply lift off the top lid and dump out its contents.

Clean windows without Windex.

Clean windows without Windex. It may seem strange to use newspaper to clean your windows, but it's actually quite effective and leaves fewer streaks. To get rid of the white residue that's left from paper towels or rags, wet a microfiber cloth and squirt a little dish soap on it (you can also use vinegar). Start wiping down the glass in one direction and then make an “S” pattern with your cloth as you wipe in the opposite direction. Finally, take a squeegee or rubber spatula to remove excess water. You'll be able to see clearly now and clean your windows quickly.

Sweep with cornstarch to get rid of bugs.

Cockroaches and bugs are a problem that many people face. They can be difficult to get rid of, and chemical sprays can harm the environment, as well as yourself and your family. Cornstarch is a relatively harmless form of Cockroach Control, providing an easy home remedy that's generally safe and environmentally friendly.

The cornstarch will absorb oils and moisture on the cockroach's body, causing it to dehydrate and die after a day or two. You'll want to stay away from areas where pets or children could come into contact with the cornstarch-covered cockroach because they could step on it or eat it–if this happens, don't worry, cornstarch is generally safe for people and pets if ingested (however, you should always check with your vet before giving anything other than prescribed food). The best ways to take advantage of this tip include sprinkling cornstarch in dark corners where roaches hang out–you can also sprinkle it along baseboards in order to make sure roaches don't spread throughout your house.

Related: How to Keep Your Work Environment Clean

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