Keeping your business clean and tidy is something every manager wants to achieve. A clean and orderly work environment creates a positive first impression for customers and makes it a far more pleasant place to work. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the focus on cleanliness and hygiene in the workplace has been in the spotlight.
Many people are concerned about the risk of getting infected with the virus, which has made people feel warier about being in public spaces. This means keeping your work environment clean is no longer just about making a positive impression on your customers; it also offers reassurance you take their health and wellbeing seriously.
Implementing robust measures to keep your business as clean as possible is an excellent way to ensure your customers feel safe and comfortable visiting your building. By taking a proactive approach to keeping your business clean, you will be protecting the health of both your team and your customers and minimizing the chances of the virus spreading throughout your building.
If you are keen to increase your building’s hygiene to protect your customers and your staff, here are five ways to get started:
1. Train Your Team
While you may have a regular cleaner from somewhere like these commercial janitorial services in Long Island, NY that comes to clean at the end of the day, the current situation requires cleaning to take place more frequently. Making your cleaner a full-time employee to provide cleaning support throughout the day is one option to consider. Aside from having a dedicated cleaner, your team will also need to understand the part they play in keeping your building hygienically clean. Ensuring everyone feels responsible for keeping each other safe and ensuring that the building is clean is essential. A team effort is needed to keep infections low. So, training your team and demonstrating the cleaning tasks that need to be carried out is vital. Don’t forget to follow the COSHH guidelines to ensure that your employees stay safe when using cleaning products.
As well as cleaning the workspace itself, it is also essential to remind your team of the importance of regular handwashing to ensure everyone is following this guidance.
2. Choose The Right Equipment
For your business’s cleaning regime to be effective, you need the right equipment and the best products for the job. Choosing products specifically designed to kill viruses and are safe to use in your work environment is essential. Suppose your business operates in the healthcare sector or medical aesthetics industry. In that case, you may also want to use specialist cleaning products and equipment such as spill kits to keep your workspace hygienically clean.
3. Identify Hot Spots
Every building has areas that get more use than others, so identifying these and increasing the amount of cleaning you do in these areas is crucial. Continuing to wear face coverings and requesting that your customers do the same can be a big help, but it is also essential to consider other points of contact that could transmit the virus. Here are some areas to focus your cleaning efforts on:
- Door handles
- Lift buttons
- Reception desk
- Seats in the waiting area
- Handrails
Making a schedule and ensuring that these are cleaned frequently throughout the day will help reduce the likelihood of the virus living on these surfaces.
4. Maintain Stock Levels
Stockpiling cleaning products and equipment is not recommended as it takes vital resources away from other businesses that need them. However, it is essential to keep up with ordering your cleaning products and equipment from suppliers like Golyath so that you do not run out. Checking your stock levels frequently should give you a good idea of when you need to order more and prevent you from running out completely. Being unable to clean your business premises effectively could prevent you from staying open safely and put your team and customers at risk. So, keeping up to date with your cleaning product orders is a must.
5. Increase Hygiene Stations
Sometimes, people forget to sanitize their hands when entering a building or after touching things within the building. You may need to provide some gentle reminders for customers to sanitize their hands and keep them clean. You can prompt people to use hand gel more often in your building by dotting more hygiene stations around and increasing your signage, reminding people to clean their hands.
Keeping your work environment clean may take up more of your team’s time to achieve, but being able to keep your business safely open and protecting everyone is the main priority and makes all the effort worthwhile.
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