19 Signs You Might Be a Right-Wing Supporter

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Political ideologies are complex, and it can be tricky to pinpoint exactly where you stand. If you’re against modern gender structures, patriotic to the extreme, and anti-welfare, you might well be a right-wing supporter without realizing it. It’s important to step back now and again to consider the reasons behind your views, as our belief systems aren't set in stone, from finances to family dynamics.  

You Value Traditional Family Structures

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock.

Do you believe that the traditional family structure, with clearly defined gender roles, is the foundation of society? If you’re angered by the concept of gender fluidity and flexible lifestyles, you might be rightwing. Your belief may stem from religious or cultural values, but you’re in favor of mixed-gender families of the same race.

You Advocate for Free Market Economics

Editorial credit: Gustavo Frazao / Shutterstock.

If you strongly believe in the free market and minimal government intervention in the economy, your thinking is the foundation of right-wing ideology. It may be that you believe businesses should operate with fewer regulations and that healthy competition drives prosperity.

You Support Strong National Defense

Editorial credit: Printin Mckenzie/ Shutterstock.

How often have you stated your belief in keeping America safe above all else? Right-wing individuals tend to prioritize national defense and champion the prospect of a significant military presence. If you believe that a strong military is vital for protecting national interests and maintaining global stability, you’re leaning towards the right. It’s likely that you actively support increased defense spending.

You Favor Law and Order Policies

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov/ Shutterstock.

Perhaps you find yourself advocating for stricter law enforcement and tougher penalties for crimes, which includes supporting measures like mandatory minimum sentences and strong policing practices. It’s all about maintaining public order and safety through punishment. Right-wing individuals believe in a more structured, rule-based society where laws are strictly enforced.

You Have a Skeptical View of Government Welfare

Editorial credit: yournameonstones / Shutterstock.

Right-wing individuals believe that government welfare programs create dependency rather than solve poverty issues. It isn’t to say that everyone who supports this is right-wing, but it can lead to extreme ways of thinking. For example, if you believe that welfare should be limited and that private charity and personal responsibility are ideal solutions, you’re likely right-wing. The notion is that individuals should work hard to be self-sufficient and not rely on government assistance.

You’re a Strong Proponent of Individualism

Editorial credit: bunny pixar / Shutterstock.

Valuing personal freedom and responsibility over collective action is a key rightwing trait. Thinking that individuals should be free to pursue their own paths without government interference is a clear sign. This might include opposition to policies that limit personal freedom, like excessive regulations or mandates. Self-reliance is the key point.

You Prefer A Limited Government

Editorial credit: evan_huang/ Shutterstock.

A fundamental right-wing belief is that a government should be as small as possible. Right-wing thinking supports less involvement in citizens' lives, with a greater focus on defense, law enforcement, and infrastructure. This often includes opposing expansive government programs and interventions.

You Support Second Amendment Rights

Editorial credit: zimmytws/ Shutterstock.

Are you a staunch defender of the right to bear arms and oppose restrictive gun control measures? This is one of the most significant right-wing indicators. Many Americans feel they have a right to defend themselves, but a passion for safeguarding against tyranny is more extreme thinking. Support for gun rights is the key issue in right-wing politics.

You Have a Conservative Approach to Immigration

Editorial credit: Kseniya Lanzarote / Shutterstock.

Right-wing individuals often favor stricter immigration controls and policing. They support the idea of securing borders and enforcing immigration laws to protect national security and job markets. To right-wing individuals, maintaining cultural identity through building walls or increasing border patrols is paramount.

You’re Skeptical of Climate Change Policies

Editorial credit: stoatphoto/ Shutterstock.

There’s a lot of talk surrounding climate change nowadays, and right-wing thinking questions the extent of human impact on climate change. Many believe that environmental regulations are too stringent and narrow-minded, including skepticism about climate science theories. If you prioritize economic growth over environmental regulation, you may be right-wing.

You Emphasize Patriotism and National Pride

Editorial credit: Borka Kiss/ Shutterstock.

A tremendous sense of national pride and patriotism is a common right-wing trait, and probably the most easily recognized. Celebrating national holidays is free for all and harmless, but believing in the superiority of your country's values and systems suggests that you’re leaning right. This often involves includes opposing actions or statements that are perceived as unpatriotic.

You Advocate for School Choice

Editorial credit: Andy Dean Photography / Shutterstock.

Many right-wing supporters believe that parents have the right to choose where their children go to school, including options such as charter schools and vouchers for private schools. This ideology stems from a desire to improve educational outcomes through competition and parental control. If you believe that school choice leads to better education and increased opportunities for students, you could be right-wing.

You Have Traditional Views on Gender Roles

Editorial credit: favorita1987/ Shutterstock.

Many individuals have strong opposing views towards modern gender roles, and it doesn’t always imply right-wing thinking. When coupled with other extreme views, it tends to be led in that direction. Right-wing individuals hold traditional views on gender roles, believing that men and women are biologically formed. If you support policies that reinforce these roles, such as opposing gender-neutral bathrooms or military roles, you probably lean right.

You’re Critical of Political Correctness

Editorial credit: Anton Vierietin/ Shutterstock.

Do you feel annoyed when people get offended? Are you often criticized for being blunt? Do you hate woke attitudes? It might be that you’re not a fan of political correctness and feel that it stifles free speech and honest debate. If you think that people should be able to speak their minds without fear of social backlash, including cancel culture and expressing controversial opinions, this is a right-wing trait.

You Support Deregulation

Editorial credit: J. Frederick / Shutterstock.

A belief in reducing government regulations on businesses and industries is a rightwing characteristic. If you think that less regulation leads to more innovation, efficiency, and economic growth, you lean right. This includes opposing environmental, labor, and consumer protection regulations seen as burdensome. Deregulation is viewed as a way to promote economic freedom and growth.

You’re a Fiscal Conservative

Editorial credit: Kemal Taner/ Shutterstock.

Most right-wing supporters are conservatives and support balanced budgets, reduced government spending, and lower taxes over everything else. Fiscal conservatism is all about responsible financial management and fights against large deficits and debt. Do you believe that there should be a focus on economic stability and sustainable government finances? It could mean that you’re right-wing.

You Value Traditional Morality

Editorial credit: Dmitry Demidovich/ Shutterstock.

Do people tell you that your morals are too traditional? Right-wing individuals support traditional moral values and ethics. They believe that society should uphold these values and ban same-sex marriage or pro-life policies. You might be right-wing if you feel that traditional morality is essential for a stable and healthy society.

You’re Critical of Globalism

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com/ Shutterstock.

Skepticism towards globalism and international institutions is another common rightwing trait. If you believe that national sovereignty should be prioritized over international agreements and organizations, you lean right. You’re not interested in trade deals and global governance structures and feel that they undermine national interests.

You Support Tough Crime Policies

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Do you think there should be stricter law enforcement and more punitive measures for criminals? This is a right-wing trait. It includes support for the death penalty, three-strikes laws, and aggressive policing, all highly controversial matters in modern society. The emphasis is on deterring crime and protecting public safety.

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