17 Reasons Why Certain Individuals Seem to Defy Aging

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Have you ever been astonished to discover that someone is much older than you thought? Maybe you were having lunch with a colleague and were shocked to hear them mention that they have children whenever you thought they had only recently left their teenage years. 

Not all people age equally, and although genetics play a role, it’s usually a combination of healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, a good diet, and a rejuvenating skincare regime that lead someone to look decades younger. If you want to know the secret to the elixir of life, stay tuned because we have compiled a list of 18 things that exceptionally younger-looking people have got going for them. 


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We can’t ignore the fact that genetics play a role in maintaining a youthful appearance, so we won’t. The rate at which our skin ages is a genetically inherited trait, and you might notice that someone who looks decades younger than their chronological age also has super youthful-looking siblings or parents. There’s no way around it. Some people are genetically blessed with youthful skin. 

Skin Care

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If you aren’t on the winning side of genetics, however, the good news is that there are some things that you can do to influence or slow down the aging process of your skin. A thorough skincare regime works wonders when it comes to preventing wrinkles and maintaining a youthful glow. By being proactive and making sure to clean your skin daily and keep it hydrated with lots of nourishing skin creams, you are stacking the odds of youth in your favor. 

Cosmetic Procedures

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Whether it's a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, or a full-blown face-lift, some people who look much younger than their chronological age may have cheated a little bit. If you are shocked to find out that someone is much younger than you thought, and then you notice that they have a pretty expressionless face, Botox might be the explanation for their youthful, wrinkle-free complexion. 


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The saying “you are what you eat” really is true. Our bodies love a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, and this is because most of these foods are nutrient-dense and they can provide our bodies with all of the essential vitamins and minerals needed to maintain health and vitality. Research has shown that some of the key nutrients that support our skin health and elasticity can be found in foods like salmon, olive oil, carrots, and oranges. You will find that young-looking people usually also have healthy diets. 


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Exercise is like medicine for the body, and regular movement floods our skin cells with oxygen, giving us that youthful glow of rejuvenation. If you want to add one thing to your lifestyle that has been scientifically proven to contribute to a youthful appearance, start exercising regularly. 


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Relaxation has been shown to decrease inflammation in the body, and inflammation is a big contributor to the aging process. So, by adding practices like meditation, mindfulness, or yoga to your lifestyle, you can increase your chances of lowering inflammation in the body while boosting your youthful appearance. 


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Happier people look younger, whether it’s the youthful look of a smile or the playful nature of someone who is always joking and laughing; if someone exudes happiness, they also exude youth. But there is a biological component for this also. Research shows that people who score higher on tests of happiness are also more likely to be rated as looking younger. 

A Positive Mindset

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Stress can contribute to the aging process, both internally and externally. If someone is always frowning or scowling, then they are more likely to accumulate wrinkles in these areas. Furthermore, stress can lead to an increase of free radicals in the body, which are linked to an acceleration of aging. 


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By increasing our intake of antioxidants, we can counteract the negative impact of free radicals in the body. Antioxidants can be found in green leafy vegetables, coffee, dark chocolate, and green tea, to name a few sources. 

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

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Another reason why some people look decades younger is the fact that they have maintained a healthy weight. Our brains associate a slender frame with youth, so making an effort to maintain a healthy weight is an additional way to keep a youthful look about you. 

No Smoking

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Smoking is probably the fastest way to age your skin, and it’s extremely unlikely that people who look drastically younger are maintaining a smoking habit. Smoking floods our bodies with harmful chemicals and pollutants, and these, coupled with a decrease in oxygen, rapidly accelerate the aging process. 

Limited Alcohol Use

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Our bodies treat alcohol as a mild form of poison, charming I know, but it’s true. The more alcohol that we drink, basically the more pollutants that our body has to clean out of our system, and if you want to keep looking young for as long as possible, it might be best to opt for a mock-tail, not a cocktail. 

Limited Exposure to Environmental Pollution

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Every day, our skin is exposed to pollutants in the air, whether it is from car exhausts, cigarette smoke, industrial fumes, or UV rays. That is why people who look decades younger make an effort to wear nourishing barrier face creams while going about their day. 


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You might be surprised to hear that being in love can actually make people appear younger. Research shows that individuals who claim to be in a loving relationship are more likely to be rated as younger-looking. Whether it's the love bonding chemicals that flood our brains and bodies while in love or our happier demeanor, love does seem to help halt the aging process. 


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People who look decades younger understand the importance of skin hydration. If anything gets dehydrated, it starts to look shriveled up and wrinkled; therefore, if you want to stay young-looking, you should be prioritizing hydration ASAP. Maybe it’s time that you started investing in some new face creams. 

Quality Sleep

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Whenever we are sleeping, our bodies are working; they are healing and repairing us from the inside out. I can bet you any money that if you know someone who looks exceptionally young, they are having an exceptionally good night's sleep. 

Sunless Tanning 

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Sun exposure is responsible for a high percentage of skin aging, and you can be sure that anyone who has spent time “worshipping the sun” for a golden tan will regret their wrinkles down the line. Instead, youthful-looking people make an effort to avoid sun exposure. They wear daily UV face creams, sunglasses, and hats to stay in the shade at all times. Furthermore, if they do want a tan, they use self-tanner creams as they give the same effect without the risks of aging. Take note. 

Hormonal Balance

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Hormones contribute vastly to skin health, appearance, and elasticity. If your hormones are out of balance, you may experience dryness, flaking, or acne, and none of these signal a youthful glow. But by making time for exercise, relaxation, and healthy food, we can help to support our own endocrine system.

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