Over 60 and Over It – 18 Frustrations That Men Face as They Age

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Older men have accumulated a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and life experience, but as they age, it can be a challenge for them to adjust to their new reality as an older person. Once a man reaches 60, this is when he might start to notice some significant changes in his physical health, abilities, and appearance, and although we hear a lot about the issues older women face, older men are fighting their own battles, too. Here are 18 things that men over 60 find challenging.

Feeling Less Attractive

Editorial credit: aslysun / Shutterstock.

Men care about their appearance, too, and as men get older, they have to adjust to the fact that they don’t look the way they did at 25. Lots of men over 60 find it challenging to accept that they might not be as attractive to the opposite sex as they once were. 

Less Energy

Editorial credit: pathdoc/ Shutterstock.

While youth is full of energy and vitality, old age brings a slower pace of life. As our bodies age, so do the metabolic processes that generate energy, and older men can find themselves feeling more sluggish, with less energy for the things they used to enjoy. 

IT Literacy

Editorial credit: Ollyy/ Shutterstock.

The fact is that we now live in a time that’s dominated by technology, and getting the hang of every new computer upgrade and software update can be challenging for men over 60. If you have spent most of your life without IT, it can be hard to get used to, especially considering that even turning on a smart TV can pose a challenge these days.  

Feeling Out of Touch

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Older men can get frustrated by the fact that they feel out of touch with today’s culture and trends. Whenever these men were in their 20s, it was the 1970s, and a lot has changed since then, from fashion to music and technology, and they can feel like they are living in a different time.  

Loss of Independence

Editorial credit: Carlos_Pascual/ Shutterstock.

With age comes an inevitable decline in ability, whether it’s something small like being able to run to catch a bus or walk unaided, older men can struggle to accept the fact that certain health conditions have impacted their independence. 

Being Politically Correct

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Whether we are talking about stereotypes, bias, or issues around equality and acceptance or fluidity, a lot of these concepts are new to men over 60, and they might experience a sense of embarrassment, such as gender or isolation at not always knowing the correct thing to say.

Losing Friends

Editorial credit: Olena Yakobchuk/ Shutterstock.

It’s a sad fact that as people age, the chance of losing close friends to illness increases, and it can be very challenging and frustrating to lose more of the people that you hold dear. 

Hearing Difficulties

Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Research shows that men are twice as likely as women to experience hearing loss, and aging just increases those odds. Hearing loss can be immensely challenging and isolating for men as they often feel left out of conversations. The stigma associated with deafness can result in them shying away from social engagement, which can have other negative implications. 

Social Media Culture

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

We aren’t sure about you, but we don’t know many men over 60 who are posting on TikTok or even Instagram. The fact is that older men see social media as something that’s not really for their generation, and they can get frustrated by the fact that they don’t understand how it all works. But, research indicates that social media use in older people can be beneficial for well-being. 

Mobile Phones

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Most men over 60 will have used a landline house phone for the majority of their lives, and while they may have adapted to using a mobile phone, and even enjoy its benefits, they do often get frustrated about just how complicated smartphones have become, with apps, widgets, and multiple cameras, older men think many of the functions are superfluous to requirements. 

Declining Manners

Editorial credit: Bonsales/ Shutterstock.

Men over 60 would have been born in the 1960s or earlier, and children from this generation were brought up aspiring to different social norms, and things like manners and politeness were taught as part of their daily learning. That’s why a lot of older men can feel frustrated at the lack of appreciation for basic manners, such as saying hello, opening a door, or saying thank you.

Dietary Restrictions

Editorial credit: GizemG/ Shutterstock.

Aging men will no doubt have to think about making healthier lifestyle choices, and their diet will play a big factor in this. Older men often find it frustrating that they can’t eat whatever they want anymore, and they may pine after their favorite foods, which are now forbidden for health reasons. 

Not as Physically Able

Editorial credit: Elnur / Shutterstock.

Part of men's identity is often their physical prowess and fitness; however, with age, this is likely to have declined considerably, and older men can feel frustrated by the fact that they aren’t as physically able to play sports or run a marathon like they used to. 

Work Place Dynamics

Editorial credit: Stokkete/ Shutterstock.

Being seen as an “older co-worker” can feel frustrating to men as they might feel like their years of wisdom and experience aren’t appreciated by younger staff who think that they know it all. 

Loss of Libido

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

It’s common for men over 60 to experience a loss of libido and also issues with erectile dysfunction. Both of these issues can severely impact a man's self-esteem and confidence, and he may struggle to feel like he can satisfy his romantic partner, which can lead to feelings of disconnection and isolation. 

Changing Physical Appearance

Editorial credit: cunaplus/ Shutterstock.

Older women aren’t the only ones who find it challenging to cope with their changing appearance. Older men have lots to contend with, too, from balding hair, grays, wrinkles, and amass loss of muscle men can feel irritated by their changing physical appearance as they age. 

Memory Lapses

Editorial credit: Toa55/ Shutterstock.

A common frustration amongst older men is that their memory may not be what it used to be, and it can be very irritating to have to keep trying to remember all of the things you have forgotten. Unfortunately, as we age, our memories often decline in sharpness, and this can be very challenging for men over 60.

Going Out of Style

Editorial credit: Budimir Jevtic/ Shutterstock.

Every older person was once a young person; they were once wearing the latest fashion and keeping up with all of the stylish trends. However, it can be incredibly frustrating for older men as they try to keep up with fashion, and finding clothes that are both comfortable and appropriate for their age can be a struggle. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock.

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