18 Things You Won’t Catch a Mature Man Doing

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Life is a process, and throughout it, we are all learning, growing, and hopefully, improving. Thus there are certain differences in behavior that you’ll notice when dating a mature man, in comparison to an immature guy. Mature men have some life experience. They have been places and seen things that have helped to shape a more mature outlook. Here are 18 things that you won’t catch a mature man doing.

Ignoring Your Calls

Editorial credit: 9nong/ Shutterstock.

Ignoring calls is an extremely immature behavior in a relationship, whether it’s because of a disagreement or an attempt to make their partner jealous. This is something that mature men don’t do. 

Being Selfish

Editorial credit: pathdoc/ Shutterstock.

Mature men understand that the world is bigger than themselves, and they have learned the importance of prioritizing their partners, children's, and parents' needs when it’s necessary, so you won’t catch a mature man acting selfishly. 

Blaming Others for His Problems

Editorial credit: MDV Edwards/ Shutterstock.

If mature men can do one thing well, it’s to take accountability for their actions and their problems. Unlike immature men who might seek to blame their parents or the economy for every issue they have, mature men aren’t afraid to step up and say, “I’ve got this.” 

Make You Feel Insecure

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

One thing that a mature man will not be doing is making you feel insecure about yourself or your relationship. In fact, he will do the opposite. He will reassure you and prove with actions, not just words, that he is there to support and love you. 

Afraid to Ask for Help

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

It’s not uncommon for immature men to see asking for help as a sign of weakness, but mature guys know that it’s actually a sign of strength, and if he is struggling with some issue, whether it’s financially, or emotionally, mature men aren’t afraid to reach out for help. 

Get Drunk Every Weekend

Editorial credit:Dzmitryieu Dzmitry / Shutterstock.

All young guys go through a phase of “drinking with their buddies,” but as men mature, their interests change and shift, and they begin to enjoy different things than getting drunk every weekend. They savor quality time with their family, their partner, and maybe a good bottle of wine. 

Hide His Emotions From You

Editorial credit: Ekaterina Jurkova / Shutterstock.

Mature men aren’t afraid to show you their vulnerable side, and they know that to share their feelings with you is a sacred act of trust and love that fosters a deeper connection. While immature men might act tough and keep up a fake “hard man” persona, this is not the behavior of a truly mature man. 

Acting Jealous

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

You won’t catch a mature man who is secure in himself acting jealous or attempting to try and make you jealous. As long as you aren’t giving him good reason to doubt the foundations of your relationship, a mature man will be confident that you are his partner, and no other male can threaten that. 

Be Inconsistent

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

While immature guys tend to be inconsistent and not show up on time or call you back when they say they will, one clear signal of a mature man is consistency. Men with maturity demonstrate stability, and they will instill a sense of security in your life that you might not be used to. 

Have the Last Word

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

This is a red flag for immaturity in a man. If your partner always needs to have the last word in an argument, maybe your last word needs to be “Bye.” Mature men don’t see their partners as someone to compete against. They want to compete with you against the world. 

Be Disorganized

Editorial credit: trekandshoot/ Shutterstock.

Whether he’s a business executive or runs his own company, mature men are likely to be advanced in their careers, and they will be organized as a result. He will have his ducks in a row, and his taxes will be paid on time. He’ll have a laundry day, a clean home, and a generally well-organized life. 

Avoiding Talks About the Future

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

While immature men are only living for the moment, or maybe the weekend, mature men are planning ahead. They know the importance of having a life plan, and you might hear them talking about their five-year plan. In fact, they will enjoy spending time talking about your future together. 

Playing Tit for Tat

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

When you’re in a relationship with an immature man, he will point score, and it will feel more like a game of darts than a partnership. This can be mentally and emotionally draining, and it’s a key clue that a guy has not matured. On the other hand, mature men don’t play silly games of “he said, she said;” they address issues and engage in conflict resolution calmly. 

Prioritizing Their Friends Over You

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic/ Shutterstock.

Immature men love to put their male buddies first, while mature men are the opposite, and they naturally enjoy putting you first. When a man has matured, his romantic partner, family, and his home become his priority. 

Always Needing to Be Right

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/ Shutterstock.

Mature guys have let their egos mellow out, and they understand that always being right is not the goal of resolving any issue; it’s about genuinely working together so you can win against the challenge as a team, not competitors. 

Ignore His Health

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Mature men are realistic about the fact that they need to take care of themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally, and they will make their health and fitness a priority. If you notice that he goes to the gym regularly and schedules checkups with his doctor, this is a good sign. 

Be Lazy

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

While immature men might want to lie on the couch all day eating nachos, mature men are motivated to achieve their dreams and goals. They understand that there’s only one way to make that happen, and it’s via hard work. 

Criticize You

Editorial credit: Vadym Pastukh/ Shutterstock.

Mature men will have most likely experienced some challenging life events, like grief, or hardship, which will inevitably have increased their emotional intelligence, and they will therefore be more sensitive to your needs, and understand that a healthy romantic relationship is built upon, positive reassurance, love, kindness, and support.

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