18 Signs He’s Got What It Takes to Be an Incredible Husband

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Dating in 2024 can feel like a minefield. Everyone is looking for their perfect match, and it can be hard to judge which guys have the potential to go all the way to the altar. Here are some key clues to watch out for, which are clear signals that a man is husband material. 

He is Consistent 

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Nothing says husband material like consistency. If a man is constantly showing up for you whenever he says that he will, and you know that he will follow through on what he says, this is a sure sign that he is husband material. 

He Supports You

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Our romantic partner should feel like our biggest support. If the guy you are dating makes you feel supported in every way, mentally, physically, and emotionally, and he’s always cheering you on from the sidelines, then he will make a great husband. 

He is Attentive to Your Needs

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A major part of being in a romantic relationship is getting our needs fulfilled. If the man you are with is able to tune into your needs and actively seeks to meet them on a daily basis, whether that’s reassuring you, making you feel safe, and loved, then you might need to marry this man.  

You Fight Well

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Research shows that couples that have “good fights” are more likely to have longer, happier marriages. I know that sounds like a contradiction; I can hear you asking, how can a fight ever be good? But, it can be, if you notice that your man can stay calm and engage in discussion to help work through, and solve issues together, then this is a sign that he is skilled at healthily navigating conflict. 

You Laugh Together

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The journey of life and a marriage can be long, and every couple will face hard times together. You will both need to be there for each other during times of grief and hardship, and being able to laugh with someone can make the dark days feel a lot lighter. 

He Has a Great Relationship With His Mum 

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

The relationship that a man has with his mother says a lot about how he will treat his female partner. If you notice that your guy is considerate and caring towards his mother and that he makes time for her, you can be reassured that this is a good sign he will make a brilliant long-term partner. 

He is Kind

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Kindness in a partner is something that we will all need at some point. The journey of life can be long, with difficult twists and turns, and often, we will need to rely on the kindness of our partner to help us through it. If you notice that a man is kind to animals and children, this is a positive sign that he’s husband material. 

You Can Depend on Him 

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A husband and wife will be there for each other when no one else is, like when you are recovering from surgery or struggling to cope with loss, so it is vital that you know you can depend on a man in times of vulnerability. 

He Makes You Feel Safe

Editorial Credit: Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock.

You should feel safe with a man in every sense, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s only whenever we feel emotionally safe with a partner that we can truly open up and show our vulnerable side, and vulnerability leads to a deeper connection in relationships. 

He’s Emotionally Available

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When looking for a potential husband, we want to make sure that a man is emotionally available. If a guy knows how to be there for you and comfort you whenever you are upset, this is a great sign that he’s husband material. 

You Have Chemistry

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For a marriage to last, there needs to be some kind of sexual chemistry. However, it is important to realize that over the course of a long-term relationship, your level of physical attraction will rise and fall. So it’s fine if you don’t want to rip each other's clothes off every day; just as long as the spark is there, you’re good. 

He Talks About Your Future

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If the man that you’re seeing talks about things he wants to do in the future with you, for example, where you both could live, the type of house he’d like to buy, and how many kids he’d like with you, you can’t get a better sign than this to show that this guy sees a long-term future with you. 

You Can See Him As a Father

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Not every couple wants to have kids, and that’s perfectly ok. But, if children are something you see in your future, being able to see fatherly, nurturing qualities in the guy you're dating is a massive bonus. 

He’s Not Afraid to Be Vulnerable

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Men often feel pressured to keep up a “tough guy” facade, and it can be extra hard for men to open up and show their vulnerable side. So, if the guy you’re with can be vulnerable with you and talk about his wants, needs, and fears, this is a wonderful sign that he is husband material.

You’re Sexually Compatible

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Sex is an important part of any romantic relationship, and if you are considering being with one person for a long time, then being sexually compatible with them is important. If you and your man match well in the bedroom and can fulfill each other sexually, then it’s another tick in the box. 

He Listens to You

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Listening is a skill, and relationship experts have identified that a specific type of listening called “active listening” significantly increases the quality of a relationship between two partners. Active listening involves your partner making an effort to fully understand what you’re saying and not just waiting for their turn to speak. It ensures a deeper level of understanding and emotional intimacy. 

You Have Common Interests

Editorial credit: Andrei Porzhezhinskii / Shutterstock.

A 50-year marriage is a long time, and if you don’t have some common interests, you can imagine that things could get a little stale. But, for example, if you have some hobbies in common, like hiking, swimming, or travel, this bodes well for a long and happy partnership. 

He Feels Like Your Friend

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You are looking for a friend as well as a lover in your future husband, and research shows that successful romantic relationships that last are not only based on physical attraction alone. After the initial phase of attraction subsides, successful marriages develop what is known as companionate love, a caring, long-term, loving friendship. 

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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