22 Signs Your Friends Might Be Sabotaging Your Love Life

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Friends are a crucial part of our lives, and we often rely on their advice to help us navigate life's challenges. But sometimes, their influence can be less than positive, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Now and again, your friends might feel put out that you’re spending time with a partner. They might even go as far as to ruin your relationship, either unintentionally or deliberately. Here are 22 signs that your friends are causing trouble in paradise and sabotaging your love life.

They Always Speak Negatively About Your Partner

Editorial credit: michaeljung/ Shutterstock.

Do your friends constantly criticize your partner? It might be that they have good reason to and they’re only looking out for you. If that’s not the case, this negativity will only create doubts and tension between you and your partner. Try to see the difference between genuine concerns and baseless negativity. Friends need to support, not sabotage your relationship.

They Make You Choose Between Them and Your Partner

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This is never a good move, and no one should ever force you to choose between them and your partner. A healthy friendship respects your romantic relationship, and they’ll appreciate that there’s room for everyone in your life. If they demand you pick sides, it's a sign of their insecurity.

They Disrespect Your Partner

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Disrespect towards your partner is unacceptable, and it’s never going to end well. If your friends treat your partner poorly, it could make your partner resentful towards you and may even cause a breakup. They deserve respect from your friends, so make sure you stand up for your partner.

They Spread Rumors About Your Partner

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Spreading false information is toxic behavior, and it’s a sign that your friends are jealous of your relationship. It might even damage your relationship. Trust is vital in any relationship, and rumors can be dangerous. Confront your friends and clear the air.

They Exclude Your Partner from Social Events

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It’s not very nice to exclude your partner from gatherings and says more about them than your partner. It’s fair enough if it’s a particular type of get-together where partners are excluded, but if it isn’t, it will create a divide. It’s your job to make sure that your partner feels welcome and included.

They Encourage You to Keep Secrets

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All friendship circles have their ‘in’ secrets, but it becomes problematic if they’re always encouraging you to hide things from your partner. Why should you? Unless they’ve told you something personal to them, you shouldn’t need to be told what you can and can’t share. Don’t let secrets come between you and your partner.

They Undermine Your Relationship Decisions

Editorial credit: FrankHH/ Shutterstock.

Friends who second-guess your decisions can cause doubt, so if you’re constantly faced with rolling eyes, it’s undermining. As an adult, you make your own choices regarding your relationship. Advice is one thing, but second-guessing is another. Trust your instincts and decisions.

They Flirt with Your Partner

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund/ Shutterstock.

This is a big no-no. Flirting with your partner is crossing a line. It’s disrespectful on every level and says a lot about their perception of friendship. Your friends should respect your relationship boundaries. If your friend is flirting with your partner, you might need to rethink your friendship circle.  

They Don't Respect Your Relationship Boundaries

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Respecting boundaries is important in any friendship. It’s disrespectful to disregard your relationship rules, and you have the right to set healthy boundaries. Make sure you outline them to your friends, and if they keep pushing, they’re not genuine friends.  

They Always Bring Up Your Past Relationships

Editorial credit: El Nariz/ Shutterstock.

If your friends constantly mention your ex, it’s only likely to stir up unnecessary emotions. There’s no reason for them to keep talking about your ex-partner, they should encourage you to move forward, not backward. If they frequently bring up past relationships, it can hinder your current one.

They Make Fun of Your Relationship

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Mocking your relationship is hurtful and cruel. It’s fine to have a few jokes and some playful teasing now and again, but it should never cross the line into disrespect. It’s bad enough if they constantly criticize their own partner, much less yours. Your relationship deserves to be taken seriously.

They Pressure You to Stay Out Late

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

While this is classic friendship behavior from time to time, constantly encouraging late nights out can strain your relationship. It might be that they’re jealous of time spent away from them which isn’t healthy. Friends should understand and respect your need to balance time. It’s fine to set boundaries, peer pressure is too much hard work.

They Ignore Your Partner's Feelings

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It’s normal for friends to take your side most of the time, but not if they’re always ignoring your partner’s feelings. Good friends will find a middle ground and tell you when you’re out of line, and things you could do things to improve your relationship. They shouldn’t be constantly belittling the emotions of your partner.  

They Involve You in Their Drama

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Being dragged into your friends’ drama can be draining. It can also start to affect your relationship. While it’s healthy to be supportive of your friends, constant drama creates a toxic environment. Avoid letting external chaos interfere with your relationship. Set boundaries to keep drama at arm’s length.

They Encourage You to Cheat

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Friends who suggest infidelity are toxic. Loyalty is the most important aspect of any relationship. Encouraging cheating shows a lack of respect for you and your partner, and they’re likely in search of drama. Not at your expense though. Surround yourself with friends who support fidelity.

They Dismiss Your Relationship Problems

Editorial credit:fizkes / Shutterstock.

Brushing off your concerns is dismissive. Friends should take time to listen and offer constructive advice. Ignoring your relationship issues shows that they’re fair-weather friends who have no interest in things that trouble you. You need friends who validate your feelings and provide support.

They Compete with Your Partner for Attention

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

It’s much too draining to be fought over, and unnecessary. Competing for your attention is unhealthy. Friends and partners should complement each other, not compete with each other. Balance your time between the two and never feel guilty for spending time with your partner. It’s a natural evolution as we grow older.  

They Jeopardize Your Relationship Plans

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It’s unhealthy to sabotage plans with your partner and can cause issues down the line. Friends should respect your commitments, so urging you to cancel, or interfering with your plans shows a lack of consideration.

They Judge Your Partner's Background

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No one has the right to judge your partner’s background. Judging your partner based on their background is unfair. If it’s ok with you, it shouldn’t be an issue for anyone else. Everyone deserves to be evaluated on their merits. Encourage your friends to look beyond superficial factors. If they can’t, it's them with the problem.

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