19 Witty Phrases That Instantly Humble An Arrogant Person

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There is nothing more infuriating than dealing with someone whose ego is so massive it’s like you don’t even know how to interact with them. When it comes to managing people who are overly arrogant, there are ways to instantly take them down a peg and hopefully make them reconsider their behavior. You don’t want to be unnecessarily unkind to someone, but sometimes the only way to get through to someone really obnoxious is to meet them where they’re at. Here are 19 methods for cutting someone obnoxiously self-centered down to size.

Is That Really Relevant to the Conversation?

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

If someone is going overboard with a tangent completely unrelated to the discussion at hand, perhaps it might benefit them to be brought back to reality. A question like this urges them to reconsider if they are aware of the feelings and time of those around them.

That’s Weird, I Don’t Remember Asking

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, people can drone on and on about themselves, bragging and embellishing their lives and experiences, and they may need a reminder that sometimes people don’t want to hear about it quite so much. If they wanted to hear, they would have asked. 

I Want You To Think About How That Makes You Sound

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Truly, some people are totally unaware of how their words can impact others. While blunt, this approach is not cruel. It is simply bringing to the forefront of their mind how their behavior is being perceived by others.


Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Silence often speaks volumes, and if what this person wants is a reaction from you, it’s best to give them exactly the opposite. It doesn’t have to be unkind, but if someone is saying something extremely arrogant or rude, you simply don’t need to respond. 

If I Believed You, I’d Be Super Impressed Right Now

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This calls out any fakeness in the story they’re telling. It’s pretty blunt, but sometimes being called out is the only way to knock someone off their high horse. This reveals the person’s insecurity because if they were truly confident, they wouldn’t feel the need to make up lies.

Are You Still Talking?

Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

Okay, maybe this one is a little harsh. However, if someone has been dominating a conversation to the point where they are being blatantly rude to other people around them, it might benefit everyone if they are called out in a way that actually makes an impact. Sometimes, fire must be met with fire.

Do You Hear Yourself?

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It can be really impactful to question someone’s self-awareness. This can be embarrassing for the person, but this does force them to confront their way of behaving in a way that might be good for them in the end.

I Need You to Take it Down About 10 Notches

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

This can be read as a joke, but it’s a bit of a neg. If someone is being particularly egotistical, calling them out in a more lighthearted, indirect way may help them to notice it without being overly blunt and making things awkward.

Read the Room

Editorial Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Telling someone to read the room reminds them that other people are impacted by their behavior and forces them to confront the fact that maybe not everyone wants to hear them going on about themselves.  

I Love That For You. Anyways…

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

You can be sincerely happy for someone who has so many great things going for them while still not wanting to spend all day talking about it. Acknowledge that this sounds great for them, then change the subject.

“Is there anything else going on or just that?”

Editorial credit: Cookie Studio / Shutterstock.

This is a good one because it implies that whatever they’re bragging about is all they have going for them. It will make them question why they want to brag about it in the first place.

Wait For Me to Come to You About That

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

That day will never come, but they don’t have to know that. It subtly tells them you are not interested in talking about it right now (or ever) and maybe reminds them to think about other people when they are approaching a conversation.

Dramatically Gasp At Everything They Say

Editorial credit: Nikolas_jkd / Shutterstock.

Kind of a weird thing to do, but it will definitely throw them off their game. If they ask why you’re reacting like that, just say you’re so impressed with how amazing they are. This will probably get them to stop, if nothing else, to make you stop gasping.

Weird flex, but Okay

Editorial credit: CREATISTA / Shutterstock.

This is a pretty common saying often used in a lighthearted manner, so it might get the person to stop going on and on without coming across as too blunt. 

Wow, You’re Just Perfect, Aren’t You?

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

This sarcastic quip will alert the person of how they’re coming across. They may not even realize how braggy they sound. Using sarcasm in this sense won’t kill the vibe of the room but will subtly put the person in their place.

I’ve Got to Run, but Good Luck With All That

Editorial credit: Farknot Architect / Shutterstock.

If you’re looking for a way out of a conversation with someone insufferable, you don’t have to make up some elaborate excuse to leave. Just let them know you’re dipping out and throw in a lowkey “good luck with all that” in a normal tone. This will leave them wondering if you were being serious or not.

Let’s Circle Back At A Later Date

Editorial credit: Kues / Shutterstock.

This corporate speak is sure to confuse them, which is exactly what we want. A confused person is often a silent person. 

Do Exactly What They’re Doing

Editorial credit: William Perugini / Shutterstock.

If the person is really getting on your nerves, you can have a little fun with it. Say something like, “Oh my gosh, that’s crazy. The same thing happened to me,” and tell some outlandish story that is very obviously not true. They will probably start to catch on.

It’s Great That You’re So Confident, But…

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio/ Shutterstock.

This doesn’t have to be sarcastic. It really is great to be confident, but cockiness and confidence are two very different things. Cockiness infringes on other people in a negative way and can be seriously annoying and at times hurtful. It might be a good thing for someone to be reminded that these two traits are actually quite the opposite.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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