19 Ways to Stop Crying Over Your Ex for Good

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Breakups are tough, and we’ve all that one ex that we can’t seem to let go of. Moving forward is crucial for your happiness, and it’s important to know that there is a wonderful life ahead of you, free from the constraints of a broken heart. It’s about taking a few active steps to rid your mind of them which can be done with a positive mindset. Let’s look at 22 effective ways to help you stop missing your ex and start focusing on a brighter future.

Delete Their Contact Information

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You know the old saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. It’s used for a reason. Deleting your ex’s number and unfollowing them on social media helps give you that clean break. It also reduces the temptation to reach out at any given moment. Plus, it stops those late-night texts you'll regret in the morning.

Clear Out the Clutter

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Get rid of any physical reminders of your ex. That could mean photos, gifts, and any keepsakes that keep you stuck in the past. Clearing these items gives you a space that’s free from painful memories. Now you’re ready to make new, happy memories.

Stay Busy with New Hobbies

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It’s time to try something new. Distraction is a powerful tool, so throw yourself into new activities or pick up hobbies you've always wanted to try. Staying busy helps keep your mind off your ex and it’s a great way to meet new people and build a fresh social circle. You never know, you might even meet someone new.

Lean on Your Friends and Family

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Your friends and family are there to support you, so take advantage of them.  Spend time with people who uplift you and make you laugh. They can provide comfort, advice, and a much-needed distraction. Sharing your feelings with them also helps you process your emotions better.

Focus on Self-Improvement

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It’s a great time to work on yourself. Whether it’s hitting the gym, taking a class, or reading self-help books, shift your focus to becoming the best version of yourself. Self-improvement can boost your confidence. You’ll feel empowered in no time.

Avoid Rebound Relationships

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It’s tempting to find a new ‘fling’ to take your mind off your ex, but jumping into a new relationship too soon can complicate your emotions. You need to give yourself time to heal before moving on with someone. Rebound relationships don’t tend to last and can bring heartache you don’t need. Focus on ‘you’ first.

Write Down Your Feelings

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Journaling is a great way of processing your thoughts. Write down what you’re feeling and the reasons why you miss your ex. When you see your feelings on paper, it can help you understand them better. Sometimes, you realize that there’s not as much to miss as you initially thought. The mind is good at catastrophizing. It’s therapeutic to get those emotions out.

Set Goals for Your Future

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You have so much to look forward to, even if you don’t feel it yet. Set personal and professional goals that get your adrenaline pumping. Working towards these goals will give you a sense of purpose and help shift your focus from what you’ve lost to all that you can achieve.

Avoid Romanticizing the Past

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We always tend to remember only the good times, it’s the mind playing tricks on us. But it’s important to remember the reasons why the relationship ended. Romanticizing the past will make you miss your ex more, so keep a balanced view to help move on.

Travel Somewhere New

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A change of scenery can do wonders for a broken heart. Traveling can give you a fresh perspective and teach you how to feel excited again. It’s a great way to break free from your usual environment and let go of any tension. Plus, it’s fun and adventurous.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

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Our brains can go into a tailspin with heartache, so staying present can help you avoid dwelling on the past. Mindfulness and meditation encourage you to focus on the ‘now’ and can reduce anxiety and promote emotional health. When your mind starts racing about your ex, allow yourself a few focused moments.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

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There’s no shame in getting help, and if you’re struggling to move forward, a therapist can help. They’ll help you understand and work through your feelings. Sometimes, professional guidance is exactly what you need to feel a million dollars again. You might even identify issues that have held you back in relationships, so it’s all for the greater good.

Engage in Physical Activity

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Many people hit the gym after a breakup to get themselves into great shape. It’s all about the ‘revenge body’. It’s more important to consider that exercise releases endorphins which can boost your mood. Whether it’s running, yoga, or dancing, find an activity you enjoy. Physical activity helps you feel strong and empowered, and you’ll get the summer body you want in the process.

Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

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It might seem like you have good reason to drown your sorrows and blast Celine Dion ballads, but alcohol will only intensify your emotions. It’ll probably make you feel worse about the breakup. Watching your intake and staying healthy helps you remain clear-headed. It’s much easier to handle your feelings without a raging hangover.

Find New Social Groups

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It’s time to make new friends. Meeting new people can be refreshing, and there’s no better time to do it than now. Join clubs or groups that interest you. Expanding your social network leads to new friendships, and it’s a step towards building a new life. You might even meet a potential partner, you never know.

Focus on Gratitude

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Few of us practice this enough but try to take a few moments to appreciate what you have. Keeping a gratitude journal shifts your focus from loss to abundance. You can identify the positive aspects of your life and feel content with all that you have. Gratitude brings a more positive outlook and attracts more positivity into your life.

Avoid Contact with Your Ex-Ex

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You might be left feeling like you need some romantic attention, but it’s never a good move to reach out to your ex-ex. They’re in the past for a reason, and just because you need a pick-me-up doesn’t mean an old relationship should be thrown into the mix. It could lead to more heartache, and you’re already dealing with enough heartache. No ex is a good ex, so focus on time spent with friends and family.

Volunteer for a Cause

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Helping others can be fulfilling if you have the time available. Volunteering shifts your focus from your problems and allows you to look at the bigger picture. It also provides a sense of purpose and community, and you’ll meet some friends along the way. It always feels good to give back.

Create a New Routine

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Changing your daily routine can break old habits, especially if you’ve built them with your ex. Bring new activities and interests into your day, and shift around the ways you do things. A fresh routine symbolizes a new start. It also helps you build a life that’s no longer centered around your ex. You’ll be over them in no time. You just have to believe it.

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