19 Ways American Society Fails to Meet Men’s Needs

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American society has seen substantial shifts in gender dynamics, yet men's specific needs have remained unaddressed. While there have been great, and necessary leaps forward in the recognition of women’s needs, American men find themselves feeling left behind, unheard, and as if their voice has been forgotten. 

Let’s take a look at 19 critical areas where men's needs are being overlooked by American society: 

Relationship Expectations

Editorial credit: SynthEx / Shutterstock.

Whether people like to admit it or not, traditional gender roles in America still dictate that men should be the primary financial providers and protectors. These expectations can create immense pressure on men, especially in the current unstable economic landscape.

Mental Health Stigma

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Men are three times more likely to die from suicide than women, and one of the perceived reasons for this is that men face significant stigma around their mental health, and this can discourage them from seeking help. The cultural bias that American males face regarding mental well-being often leads to untreated depression and anxiety, contributing to higher suicide rates. 

Economic Shifts

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The decline in traditionally male-dominated industries has left many men struggling to find their place in the workforce. This economic displacement not only affects men’s finances, but can also affect their self-worth, confidence, and mental health.

Fatherhood Challenges

Editorial credit: InesBazdar / Shutterstock.

Being a father comes with its own set of unique challenges, especially in today's modern culture. More and more Americans are having children outside of marriage, and divorce is on the rise, this leaves many men struggling to gain access to their children. 

Men also often face biases in family courts, which can hinder their ability to maintain relationships with their children post-divorce, and this can lead to emotional distress.

Workplace Pressures

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Traditional masculine norms in the workplace can lead to significant stress and burnout, as men try and live up to the standards of “hustle culture,” and “no pain, no gain” narratives that they were socialized to aspire to. Through no fault of their own, many men feel compelled to adhere to outdated stereotypes of “pushing themselves to the limit,” which can ultimately, impact their mental and physical health.

Healthcare Accessibility

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Research shows that men are less likely to seek medical help, and this is often due to trying to live up to the societal expectations of maintaining a sense of toughness and self-reliance. But this often results in men not getting their healthcare needs met, and instead, suffering from untreated health conditions, and a generally lower life expectancy.

Emotional Expression

Editorial credit: antoniodiaz / Shutterstock.

Society often discourages men from expressing emotions, labeling such behavior as “weak,” when really, embracing vulnerability is the greatest form of strength available to us as human beings. This suppression of emotion can lead to mental health issues and hinder men's emotional development.

Social Isolation

Editorial credit: KinoMasterskaya / Shutterstock.

Men are experiencing increasing levels of loneliness and social isolation, which can be as harmful as smoking or obesity. This isolation is partly due to the lack of support networks that encourage open communication and emotional support.

Education Disparities

Editorial credit: EduLife Photos / Shutterstock.

Men are now enrolling in higher education at lower rates than women, which impacts their long-term economic opportunities and societal roles. But the question needs to be asked; why are men engaging less with higher education? And then it needs to be effectively answered with proactive solutions that support and encourage men back toward investing in themselves. 

Substance Abuse

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

High rates of substance abuse among men often stem from untreated mental health issues and societal pressures, and this problem is exacerbated by limited access and availability of effective treatment options that are aligned with the needs of masculinity. 

Legal System Biases

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov/ Shutterstock.

The legal system can be biased against men, particularly in cases of domestic violence, custody battles, and violent crimes, where men are less likely to receive fair treatment, and tend to be judged more harshly. 

Body Image Issues

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

We hear a lot about women’s struggles with body image issues, and men also struggle with their body image too, but they often lack the resources and societal support to address these concerns, leading to low self-esteem and unhealthy behaviors such as using enhancement drugs or overtraining at the gym. 

Retirement and Aging

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

As men age, they face unique challenges, including a lack of social connections and support systems. Older men in particular have less social support, and medical resources available to help them adapt to the unique realities of aging as a man. Men tend to attach their sense of self-esteem to their work, and once this part of life is over, men can be left feeling useless and depressed in retirement.

Sexual Health

Editorial credit: dokurose / Shutterstock.

Men's sexual health issues, such as erectile dysfunction, are often stigmatized, preventing many from seeking help, and this can have detrimental effects on their relationships and self-esteem.

Violence and Safety

Editorial credit: Odua Images / Shutterstock.

Men are more likely to be victims of violent crimes, yet this issue receives less attention, and addressing men's safety concerns is crucial for their overall well-being.

Educational System Failures

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

Boys and the unique needs of masculinity are often not adequately supported in the educational system, leading to higher dropout rates and lower academic achievement compared to girls.

Employment Discrimination

Editorial credit: 4 PM production / Shutterstock.

Despite strides in gender equality, men can face discrimination in certain fields, especially those traditionally dominated by women. This limits their career opportunities and growth.

Identity Crisis

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The shifting definitions of masculinity leave many men confused about their roles in modern society, and this identity crisis can lead to mental health struggles and a lack of purpose.

Lack of Support Networks

Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

Men often lack robust support networks that provide emotional and practical assistance, and this can contribute to feelings of isolation and helplessness. Men often value the company, and camaraderie of other males, but the American healthcare system lacks a valid range of “male-tailored support” options that men crave, and really need. 

Men Deserve Pro-Active Solutions 

Editorial credit: Quality Stock Arts/ Shutterstock.

Addressing these issues requires challenging outdated norms and government support to develop the necessary support systems that men need to thrive. But in the meantime, many men are turning to specialized male coaches for guidance and support on everything from dating to motivation, confidence, and goal attainment. 

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