18 Things Everyone Needs to Understand About Gender Identity

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Pronouns play a crucial role in our language and communication in 2024, especially when it comes to respecting and affirming people's identities. But not everyone is up to speed with what’s acceptable and what’s not, so let’s take a look at 19 facts about pronouns that everyone should know.

What Are Pronouns?

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Pronouns are words used to refer to people without using their names. Common examples include he, she, and they, and pronouns are an essential part of how we communicate and relate to one another.

The History of Pronouns

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The singular “they” is not a modern invention, and it has been used in English for centuries, even by writers like Shakespeare and Chaucer. This makes pronouns both grammatically correct and historically grounded.

Why Pronouns Matter

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Using the correct pronouns is a fundamental way to show respect and recognition of someone's gender identity. When someone doesn’t receive acknowledgment of their authentic identity, it can significantly impact their mental health and sense of belonging.

Gender Identity vs. Biological Sex

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Pronouns often align with a person’s gender identity, which may differ from their biological sex. This distinction is crucial for understanding why someone might choose certain pronouns, and just because a person may have been born as a biological woman, that does not automatically denote their gender identity. 

A Variety of Pronouns

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Beyond the familiar he/him and she/her, there are non-binary pronouns such as they/them, ze/hir, and others, and some people also use neopronouns like xe/xir. Understandably, older generations may not be as aware of all of these terms as Gen Z, for example, but that’s why articles like this exist, to promote education and understanding for everyone. 

The Power of Asking

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It’s better to always ask someone their pronouns instead of assuming, and this simple act can foster a more inclusive and respectful environment. For years, we lived in a society where people's gender was assumed on a daily basis, but in 2024, there is much greater sensitivity and awareness about the importance of respecting an individual's choice of pronouns. 

Sharing Your Pronouns

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Sharing your pronouns in introductions or email signatures can normalize the practice and make others feel more comfortable sharing theirs. This can also remove any awkwardness for others as they don’t need to ask you directly to advise of your preferences. 

Pronouns Can Change

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People’s understanding of their gender can evolve over time, and their pronouns might change accordingly, so making an effort to stay up-to-date and respectful of these changes is important.

Pronouns in Different Cultures

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Cultural perspectives on gender and pronouns vary widely, influencing how pronouns are used and understood globally. It’s important to be mindful of cultural differences around pronoun use when traveling, as practices may vary from country to country. 

No Pronouns

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Some individuals prefer not to use pronouns at all and instead use their name, and this preference should be respected just as much as any other. Some people find it easier to forgo the use of a pronoun altogether and they may not wish to categorize themselves at all, and this is also a valid choice. 

Creating Inclusive Environments

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Using inclusive language and correct pronouns helps create environments where everyone feels respected and valued. This practice promotes acceptance and understanding across different groups, and it can be particularly effective in work environments as it promotes inclusivity, equality, and diversity. 

How to Handle Misgendering

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When someone is misgendered, it’s important to correct the mistake respectfully. Whether it’s you or someone else making the mistake, addressing it appropriately can help maintain a supportive environment. It’s easy to make a genuine mistake, and as long as you remain respectful, apologize, and move, there shouldn’t be an issue. 

Singular “They”

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Using “they” as a singular pronoun is both linguistically and socially accepted, and It’s particularly useful when referring to someone whose gender is unknown or when they prefer gender-neutral pronouns.

Pronouns in Professional Settings

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Many workplaces encourage including pronouns in email signatures and meeting introductions to promote inclusivity and prevent misgendering. This simple act can go a long way toward making everyone feel comfortable in professional settings. 

Educational Resources

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Numerous resources are available to educate yourself about pronouns and gender diversity, and there are lots of websites, workshops, and community centers that provide valuable information, so don’t be afraid to reach out to one of these resources if you are unsure about anything. 

Mistakes Happen

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The fact is that we are all human, and not everyone will be aware of the correct “pronoun etiquette,” but If you use the wrong pronoun, don’t worry, apologize quickly, correct yourself, and move on. This will show respect without making the situation uncomfortable.

Pronouns and Mental Health

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Research shows that using correct pronouns makes individuals feel recognized for who they really are, and this can significantly reduce depression and anxiety among trans and non-binary individuals. So, it’s clear that using the correct pronouns is a small act that has a big impact.

Legal Recognition

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Some regions are beginning to legally recognize non-binary and gender-neutral pronouns. This is positive progress as it reflects increased societal awareness toward greater inclusivity. American society appears to be the most inclusive and open that it’s ever been, and it is something to be celebrated. 

Pronoun Pins and Badges

Editorial credit: AWang (WMF) / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

Pronoun pins, badges, and stickers are becoming popular ways to indicate preferred pronouns, helping others to avoid assumptions in social settings.

The Importance of Allyship

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Allyship means being proactive in learning about and using correct pronouns, shows support, and can significantly impact the well-being and acceptance of those around you. The use of pronouns is about creating a more empathetic and inclusive society for all. 

Understanding and using pronouns correctly is a fundamental part of respecting each person's identity. By adopting these practices and staying informed, we contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic world. 

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