17 Timeless Homemade Remedies from Grandma That Actually Work

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Although modern-day pharmaceuticals are undoubtedly saving lives around the world, medicines are not new. Forms of medicinal treatments have been around for centuries. Thanks to the aid of science helping us to understand how the body works, we've been able to decipher what is merely a wive's tale when it comes to remedies. Through experimentation, we have also found that some of the remedies handed down from our grandparents were not tales at all. Many homemade remedies have validity to them and help our bodies fight infection and disease. 

Honey and Allergies

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

Honey is something that people have used to sweeten their palate for centuries, but it has also been used as an aid to reduce allergy suffering. Science tells us that consuming just a tablespoon of natural local honey daily can reduce your body’s reaction to local pollen and reduce your allergy suffering. The effect does tend to be cumulative so taking it year-round does help.

Ginger and Digestion

Editorial credit:Eziu / Shutterstock.

The ginger root has been used for many medicinal properties over the centuries, but mostly for problems of the digestive tract. Ginger tea also helps curb feelings of nausea, indigestion, and gas. When people take it daily, it has excellent preventative properties for better overall GI health.

Aloe Vera for Skin Burns and Sunburns

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Aloe Vera is a plant that has been proven to soothe rashes and to calm a sunburn or skin burn. It is an anti-irritant for the skin when applied directly to the affected area. The cooling effect helps to reduce swelling and promote healing. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throats

Editorial Credit: masa44 / Shutterstock.

When you have a sore throat, gurgling with apple cider vinegar can help to lessen the pain of swelling. The acid in the vinegar helps to fight off bacteria and infection. It is best used at the very first sign of a sore throat before bacteria can grow.

Oatmeal for Skin Rashes

Editorial credit: Anna Ok/ Shutterstock.

Many people take oatmeal baths to soothe skin irritation and rashes. When you ground oatmeal to add to a warm bath, it helps to soothe skin conditions such as poison ivy, eczema, and chicken pox. Also, oatmeal has something called a “colloidal” property that helps to protect the skin so that it can heal.

Peppermint for Headaches

Editorial credit: Tatevosian Yana/ Shutterstock.

There is a natural analgesic property to peppermint that can help to alleviate the pain of headaches. By applying it directly to your temples and the back of the neck, you get a cooling sensation that helps to reduce pain. It is most effective for headaches that stem from tension.

Salt Water and Sore Throats

Editorial credit: jayk67 / Shutterstock.

Another way to soothe a sore throat is by gurgling with salt waterThe salt works by drawing fluid from the tissues of the throatthereby reducing mucus and swelling. It just takes a teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water and gurgling for a minute or two.

Turmeric for Inflammation

Editorial credit: monticello / Shutterstock.

Turmeric is a root that is recognized for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When you make a paste of it by using a powder form mixed with water, it can be applied directly to the skin to help fight irritation and infection. It is also a great way to reduce the sting of bites or bug stings. When it is taken internally in tea or food, it can help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Potato Slices for Headaches

Editorial credit: MaraZe/ Shutterstock.

Raw potatoes cut and placed on your forehead can help to reduce the pain associated with headaches. Potatoes have a cooling effect that can help reduce both inflammation and tension. It is a great way to attack headache pain with over-the-counter aids.

Banana Peel for Warts

Editorial credit: G.Tbov/ Shutterstock.

Rubbing a wart with the underside of a banana peel is known to reduce the size of a wart over time. The natural compounds and oils of a banana peel help to soften the wart and, thereby, encourage healing. Although it isn’t an immediate cure, it does help over time. 

Lavender for Anxiety and Migraines

Editorial credit: joww22/ Shutterstock.

Studies show that inhaling the scent of lavender can help to reduce migraine pain and feelings of anxiety. Drinking lavender also helps to relieve some pain associated with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Cabbage and Joint Pain

Editorial credit: irina02/ Shutterstock.

Cabbage is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe pain and swelling in the joints. When cabbage leaves are placed directly on the joins, they help to reduce pain and swelling. Cabbage is especially good at targeting the pain of arthritis and works best when the leaves are allowed to sit for a long time. 

Baking Soda for UTI

Editorial credit: JPC-PROD / Shutterstock.

Baking soda can help ease the discomfort of UTIs because it helps to neutralize the acid in the urine. It isn’t a substitute for traditional medicines like antibiotics, but it is a great tool to use alongside for pain relief. 

Lemon Balm for Cold Sore

Editorial credit: TierneyMJ / Shutterstock.

Lemon balm has an antiviral property that can help to reduce the swelling associated with cold sores. It can also reduce redness and stop the spread of a cold-sore virus. Lemon balm can either be applied in a cream or you can use it directly from the plant itself. 

Onions for Earaches

Editorial credit: Serhii Khrystenko / Shutterstock.

When you have ear pain, placing a small raw onion on the outside of the ear can help to reduce ear pain. Onions have natural compounds that hold antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to ease ear pain. You should never, however, put an onion inside the ear canal. 

Chamomile for Sleep

Editorial credit: Anna Puzatykh/ Shutterstock.

Chamomile is an excellent aid to calm your nerves and help you get to sleep. It helps you relax and, thereby, increases the quality of your sleep. The calming effect can also help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime is a great before-sleep routine that can help you get a better night’s rest. 

Garlic for Flu and Cold

Editorial credit: HannaTor / Shutterstock.

Garlic is used as an old wive’s tale for warding off spirits and vampires, but it really does ward off colds and flu by supporting a healthier immune system. When you consume raw garlic, it helps to fight viral infections. For those who can’t bear the taste, it can also be ground or chopped and added to a water bottle.

Medicines have been around since the beginning of time. Our grandparents had their own medicinal aids, some with validity, others without. What is clear, however, is that the pharmaceutical company isn't always the best first go-to for everything. Sometimes, natural remedies can do the trick just as well.

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