15 Habits of Average-Looking Individuals Radiating Irresistible Appeal

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Average is a funny word when it is meant to describe someone’s attractiveness. Average in that sense means how much a mate would choose you over someone else based on how attractive you appear. Despite the features and traits you were born with on the outside, there are things that someone can do without surgery or effort to make themselves more likable appearance-wise. These are habits that make average people look above average.


Editorial Credit: Anatoliy Karlyuk / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t want to be around the person who takes lemons and makes lemonade? The world is filled with negative and unpleasant things. The person who can find the silver lining, even when it is hardest to find, is the one who attracts those around them. When someone is positive, you want them in your line of sight. No matter what their exterior appearance is, they make you feel good inside. 


Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Empathetic people are those who walk a day in someone else’s shoes. That means that they understand what makes someone behave well and not so kindly, and they also know what makes them happy and unhappy. When someone is kind and cares about picking you up out of your misery or is willing to put themselves aside to consider others, they are a very attractive human. Empathy is not something everyone is born with, nor is it a standard. Therefore, for those who have it, it is a very attractive commodity.

They are Open to New Experiences

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Who doesn’t want to be with the person who says “Okay” to anything? Someone willing to be open to new experiences, suggestions, and generally just a “yes man,” in a good way, is someone you want by your side. At the heart of being attractive is the person making others feel good about themselves. When someone is willing to be along for the ride simply because they are with you, it makes you feel pretty special!

Confidence is Everything

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People who know their worth are highly attractive. Having confidence in yourself means that you understand your value. When someone appreciates who they are and what they have to give, that signals to others that they have it together. Being self-assured means that you have done the work and are mindful of who you are, what you have, and what you have to give. That’s about the most attractive trait there is.

Being Respectful of Everyone

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It is easy to respect those people in society who command it. Who doesn’t give respect to people they are supposed to and fear? The key to being attractive is when you give respect to everyone around you, from the person who parks their car to the person who removes their dishes. There is nothing more attractive than someone who appreciates that they aren’t entitled to niceness just for their position in life. 

They Are Who They Are

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Along with confidence comes being authentic. Someone who knows who they are, is unapologetic for it, and relishes it is attractive. We all have parts of ourselves that we might not like so much, but those who aren't afraid to themselves and let the good, bad, and yes, sometimes ugly, shine are genuine and refreshing to many who pretend to be someone they are not. If you want to be attractive, then be unapologetically you. When you let yourself shine, you can’t go wrong.

I’m Here to Listen

Editorial credit: My July / Shutterstock.

Listening is a very rare skill. Most people pretend to, but they tune you out the minute that you aren’t playing their tune. If you want to appear more attractive, take the time to listen and process, ask questions, dig deeper, and truly care about others. Not many people get invested in what other people have to say. When you do, that puts you ahead of others attractive-wise.

Communicates Well

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When you meet that one person who just gets you, and you get them, you make an instant connection. Being able to communicate clearly to let people know who you are and what you want is a very attractive skill. Not many people are deep. The world tends to be shallow and unimaginative conversation. Those who can communicate and be deep are attractive. 


Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

The world is serious enough as it is. Any chance that people have to make light and smile is well appreciated. Having a sense of humor and making people laugh even when things aren’t always funny is one of the most attractive traits there is. Laughter truly is the best medicine and one that frees everyone, making them feel better. If you are humorous and can light up a crowd, then you are the most attractive person around. 

Being Passionate

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Have you ever seen someone who is passionate? Not only can you see it in their face and their eyes; it is like they glow. Someone passionate is intense and electrifying. It can breathe new life into you and excite parts of you that you weren’t even aware were missing. Being passionate is attractive because it shows someone you can put your heart behind something, whether that is them or something else. 


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Humility is one of the most attractive qualities there are. Your achievements should speak for themselves, and someone who doesn’t have to toot their own horn to impress is highly attractive. Arrogance is anything but attractive, and someone willing to be open-minded, give someone else the floor, and consider someone else’s point of view is the most attractive human out there. 

Tenacity and Perseverance

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Everyone is a star when things are going their way, but the person who can come up on top when faced with adversity is very attractive. Perhaps due to the theory of survival of the fittest, those who not only fend for themselves but also take the world by storm are the ones that people want to follow and admire. We all have adversity; the ones who not only rise above but also use it as a stepping stone to greatness are the most attractive people out there. 

Careless About the Superficial

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The most attractive people are the ones who don’t have to try. Attractive people don’t squeeze into clothes that don’t fit. They don’t paint their faces with makeup to hide who they are, and they don’t do things that others tell them are attractive. Desirable people have a sense of style, and they do their own thing. At the heart of being attractive is knowing that you don’t have to pretend to be someone you aren’t to please others. 

Highly Emotionally Intelligent

Editorial credit: Comeback Images / Shutterstock.

Looking at a pretty face only lasts so long. At some point, you have to feel something other than a physical attraction. When you can care about others, have deep conversations, and get past the initial face value, what really matters is what you have underneath. Emotionally intelligent people are attractive because they form relationships with others on a deeper level than the giddy feeling of being pretty. 

Concern for Others

Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

It is a rare quality to be anything other than self-seeking. In an age of selfies and all about me, people are searching for someone who actually cares more than the surface. Those who ask questions and stick around to hear the answers are highly attractive because you know that they will be there for and care about you. Attractive features only last for a flash in the pan; loving and being genuine mean so much more. 

Not everyone is born with the looks of a Greek god or a supermodel, but the good news is that it isn’t just about your appearance. Many traits and characteristics make you more attractive than any amount of weight lifting or plastic surgery can. Be genuine, positive, caring, and good, and you will attract anyone you want. 

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