What Should Go On Your January To-Do List? 

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Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

January always feels like the right time to make a to-do list and start getting productive in and around the home and in and around our lives. Of course, January is really no different than any other month, and you can make a big list of things to do at any time of the year, but January is associated with fresh starts, so it makes sense that if you want to be motivated, now’s the time to do it. 

So you know you want to make a to-do list, and you know you want this year to be more productive than the last, but do you know what to add to that list? If not, it can be hard to get motivated, but the good news is we’ve got some helpful hints for you. Some of the following ideas might be good ways to start your list off in the right way, so read on to find out more. 


Humans are good at collecting things, but while some of those things are useful and important, most of them aren’t. Most of them are just items that take up space in the house, and that we get so used to, we hardly see them anymore. 

That’s why a January declutter can be a great option. By clearing out all those things you don’t have any need, want, or love for, you can start the year fresh and clean, and your home will have a lovely spacious feeling to it that you’ll want to keep all year round. 

There are various things you can do when you declutter. You can sell the things, you can donate them to charity, and you can even upcycle some of them (but not too many because you are trying to get rid of them, after all). If there’s a lot of stuff, you can invest in skip hire and really have a good clearout. You’ll feel great once you do. 

Review Your Budget

January also tends to be a bit of a lean month when it comes to finances; you might have spent a lot of money over the Christmas period, for example, or you might have taken some extra time off work, potentially meaning you’re paid less. Whatever the reason, money in January is often quite tight, so it’s the perfect opportunity to review your budget and finances and make sure everything is in order. 

Look at your outgoings and make sure you’re not paying for things like subscriptions that you no longer need – it’s amazing how many times you’ll forget you even signed up for something when you’re only paying a little bit once a month. Cancel everything you no longer need and streamline your finances so you’re only paying for essentials. 

If you find that your income isn’t covering everything as well as you’d like, this could also be the time to consider finding a better-paying job or even starting a side hustle. 

Think Back

They say the new year is the time to look forward – that’s why making plans and creating a to-do list is important in the first place. But it’s also wise to think back over the year that’s just gone so you know the challenges you faced and how to deal with them, and you can see where you were successful too. 

Learning lessons and feeling accomplished are just two of the things that can happen when you look back at the past, so it’s a good idea as long as you don’t stay there too long. 

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