What Divorcees Say Is the Key to Saving Marriages

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Divorcees are best placed to give marital advice; they’ve seen and made mistakes and know what a marriage needs to survive. Surprisingly, infidelity isn’t the main reason their marriages didn’t work out; there are more important factors for a stable marriage. Here is the key to saving marriages, according to divorcees. 

Understanding the Commitment of Marriage: What You Need to Know Before Tying the Knot

Editorial credit: HDesert / Shutterstock.

Commitment is more than words; it’s a lifelong emotional and physical devotion to a partner. There will be times when a marriage is under pressure, but working through it is a sign of strength. Resentment builds between couples who don’t fully understand the responsibility undertaken, and the chances of a split increase. 

The True Meaning of Marriage Commitment: Insights from Experts

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A concrete definition of the word ‘commitment’ contributes to conflict in a relationship; it constantly evolves and requires effort from both partners. Communicating needs and what commitment means as individuals creates a stronger understanding.

Common Misconceptions About Marriage and Commitment

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Marriage is not always the fairy tale many couples imagine. This doesn’t mean it must be a struggle, but acknowledging there will be times of disagreement and doubt is healthy. Unrealistic expectations of commitment are a foundation that will lead to a breakdown in communication and the relationship.

How to Prepare for the Long-Term Commitment of Marriage

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Preparation for long-term commitment involves asking uncomfortable questions. Doubt is natural, but confront it with honesty. Addressing uncertainty and areas of disagreement gives both partners clarity before committing to marriage. Fear is also healthy and isn’t a sign that a relationship isn't working; a commitment made for life will produce some anxiety.

The Importance of Knowing Your Partner’s Values and Morals Before Marriage

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Understanding values and morals gives a deeper insight into a partner. Not knowing what they believe is important is ignoring a source of disagreement. 

Why Shared Values and Morals Matter in a Marriage

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Shared values and morals create a happier living environment. It also translates to shared interests and an agreement on mutual responsibilities. Partners who can’t agree on simple things won’t be able to resolve other conflicts. 

How to Discuss Values and Morals with Your Partner

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Honesty is the only way to discuss values and morals with a partner. Sit down and talk about beliefs and where there is disagreement. Uncomfortable conversations are hard, especially with a partner, but it will avoid wasted time. If there are differences, it is better to know before marriage. 

Red Flags: Identifying Value and Moral Differences Early

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Some moral and value differences are normal; it is problematic if beliefs are polar opposites. Arguments arising from views on religious, political, and social issues are a red flag. Accommodating morals and values to make a partner happy also fosters resentment, resulting in a strained relationship and an unhappy life. 

How Delaying Parenthood Can Strengthen Your Marriage

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

The responsibility of raising children adds pressure to a relationship. Delaying parenthood leaves more time to develop a marriage and form a stronger bond. This is healthy for both partners and provides a healthy and happy environment to bring up children. 

The Benefits of Waiting to Start a Family

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Raising children is a beautiful experience, but it is time-consuming. At the start of a marriage, time taken to enjoy activities and vacations together will leave no regrets.

Focusing on Your Relationship Before Having Children

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Learning to be comfortable with a partner requires time and space; with children around, it isn’t possible. In early marriage, focus on strengthening the relationship so that when the time comes, parenthood will feel natural. Develop trust and understand what makes each other happy without added responsibility. Society’s views have changed, and it isn’t unusual for married couples to wait before having children. 

How to Make the Most of the Time Before Parenthood

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Understand what both partners want from life before having children, and accomplish these wants. Take vacations, have dinners together, and allow the relationship to flourish in a carefree environment. 

Why Professional Help from Therapists and Counselors is Crucial for Marital Success

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Therapy is viewed as a last resort when a marriage is failing. This is outdated, and working through marital problems with a professional provides a safe space and an alternate opinion. It doesn't have to be long-term or relied on, just enough to build a stronger marriage.

The Role of Therapy in Building a Strong Marriage

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Developing emotionally, especially with another person, is challenging. Past trauma affects the ability to trust and believe another person doesn’t have bad intentions, no matter how much love is present. Working through issues with a therapist builds understanding, creating a stronger marriage built on trust.  

How Couples Counseling Can Prevent Marital Issues

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Professionally trained therapists see behaviors before couples are aware of them. Listening to them and practicing their advice stops issues before they become irreconcilable. Counseling also promotes healthy communication.   

Finding the Right Therapist for Your Relationship

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Finding the right therapist takes time. The therapist must be someone who specializes in relationships and both are comfortable with. If there is a feeling that the therapist isn’t the right one, change to a different one instead of wasting time and money.

The Benefits of Waiting Longer to Get Married

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Waiting longer to marry provides time to build trust and to make certain that both are ready for commitment. It is also wise to live together before marriage; it is a different experience than seeing each other a few times a week. 

How Age and Maturity Affect Marital Success

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Age and maturity bring experience and understanding that life isn’t perfect, and marriage won’t be either. This knowledge will help when there are struggles in the relationship. Maturity also brings recognition of true emotional feelings and knowing that love is not infatuation or a passing phase. 

Financial Stability: Key Factor in Waiting to Marry

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Finances are vital to a stable marriage. Avoiding the discussion before marriage will lead to conflict later on, especially if one partner is bearing the financial weight of the relationship. Waiting until it is financially viable for both removes this possibility. 

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