18 Christian Values the World Has Abandoned

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For the most part, religion is a subject that people avoid to avoid conflict. But there are some things we ascribe to being related to religion that are really just about human decency and kindness. The world could use a little more kindness today. Although some of these Christian values might seem outdated, they are behaviors that arguably make the world a better place. 

Loving Thy Neighbor

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

There is a Christian ideation about loving one’s neighbor. It isn’t about loving the person whose door is next to yours, rather, about treating people the way that you want to be treated. In an age where we are disconnected from the community, making a neighborly attempt can help us all feel less isolated and more connected outside of our social media “friends.”


Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Forgiving is something that not only helps the person asking for forgiveness, it helps the one forgiving. When you hold onto grudges and refuse to accept someone’s apology, it is you who carry the backpack around. The world would be a much better place if we could all learn to forgive one another’s imperfections. That doesn’t mean that you have to forget, but forgiveness, when asked for, is better for both parties.


Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Being humble is something that is continually becoming more rare as time goes on. Whether that is because of the influence of the constant self-promotion of social media or just a cultural thing, we could all benefit from doing a little less promoting of ourselves and a little more lifting of others. Arrogance is never a good trait, period.

Having Compassion

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Compassion involves having understanding for and acceptance for others, and it seems to be at an all-time low. At a time when the world is facing so much hostility and aggression, we would all be better off trying to be more compassionate to those who need help. If we all chipped in, we could simultaneously put a dent in discrimination, inequity, and poverty in the United States and around the globe.

Being Grateful

Editorial credit: Nastyaofly / Shutterstock.

The Christian religion believes in being grateful for the blessings we receive. It is a proven scientific fact that gratitude improves a person’s happiness and outlook. Therefore, it isn’t a good idea to be grateful because Christians say so; it is good for your own good and the community as a whole.

Having Integrity

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

In the end, the only thing that you leave behind when you leave Earth is the impression that you made on it. Living with integrity means that you take the moral high ground and that you can be trusted and follow through with your words. Those are all things that benefit humanity as a whole, not just a certain few who believe in religious ideation. Being trustworthy is one of the most important characteristics there are.

Acceptance of Others

Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

Discrimination is something that has been around since the beginning of time. Although some steps have been taken to reduce its effects, it still exists. When you don’t have acceptance for others, you act indifferent to their hard times and struggles and ignore their need for help and protection. When you accept who people are and try to understand why they behave or act as they do, it is much easier to make peace with them and find commonality.

Faith in What You Can’t See

Editorial credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.

Science has uncovered so many things that we used to think were the source of the divine. That does not, however, necessarily mean that you can’t have faith in things that you, and or science, can’t explain. If you don’t have some sort of faith in a higher being, then there is really no reason to be a good person or to care for others. If there is nothing there, then this life really just feels meaningless.


Editorial credit: Erickson Sto / Shutterstock.

Not only is gluttony discouraged in the Christian faith, but generosity is also encouraged. When you have enough, it not only helps others when you share, but it makes you feel good. Science tells us that acts of good deeds give us a little boost of endorphins that make us feel good. Sharing not only means caring for others, it means you care about yourself and being a good human.

Taking Responsibility and Reconciling Your Wrong-Doings

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It is important to take responsibility for the things that you do that negatively affect others. Not many people have a problem taking responsibility for the good acts they do, but admitting your wrong-doings can be just as impactful on those around you. It also helps to promote healing in yourself and others. With the world experiencing such a high degree of animosity and derisiveness, now is an excellent time to reconcile your wrongs and move forward so everyone can begin the healing process.

Celebrating Your Community

Editorial credit: Chokniti-Studio / Shutterstock.

Christians come together both in mass and outside of it to support one another. When communities unite and care for the least of them, that helps everyone. Although Christians are usually aligned according to their religious beliefs, at the core is care and concern for those around them. That is something everyone could benefit from.


Editorial credit: KieferPix / Shutterstock.

In a world where instant gratification is the norm, learning to be patient has become a rare thing. When you continually get what you want, when you want it, it can start to lose its luster. That leads to a lower sense of appreciation. Delayed gratification allows people to work harder to achieve their goals and find a greater sense of accomplishment when they do. 


Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich/ Shutterstock.

Although not many people know or understand the word “servanthood,” it is a word that Christians use to describe the act of doing something for someone else rather than for yourself. Humans, in general, tend to be self-seeking. When they humble themselves and think of community over self, however, the entire community profits. When you aren’t always putting yourself first, caring goes a long way, and it can also be contagious. 


Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Self-control is not easy, nor has everyone mastered it properly. It requires that you hold off and think about how your actions affect others instead of just impulsively doing what you want. If people were better able to control themselves and their emotions, they would think before acting, and a lot of strife in the world would probably not be. 

Embrace Your Peace

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

What Christians strive for most is a sense of peace. When you can find peace, it is like you are okay with not just you but also the world around you. At a time when anxiety and isolation are at an all-time high, you being okay with you and others with themselves can create a feeling of peace that can radiate. 


Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Christians teach the importance of being able to walk a day in someone else’s shoes. That is called “empathy.” When you are empathetic, you think about others and seek to find out why they do what they do and how you can help. When you don’t assume to know why someone acts or behaves as they do and go to lengths to examine the motivation behind their behaviors, you gain acceptance and tolerance. 

Helping Others

Editorial credit: BRAIN2HANDS / Shutterstock

With the hectic lives we lead, we often barely have enough time for our own errands and responsibilities. Helping others is not something that we all do regularly, especially for strangers. Think of how nice the world would be if we did for others what we hope people would do for us if we needed help. Being able to not only see but also help others in struggle would benefit everyone, not just the Christians of the world.

Sometimes it Isn't About What Religions Say

Editorial credit: ArtMari / Shutterstock.

Some behaviors and thoughts are aligned with religious thought, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t rooted in behaviors that benefit society. If we were all a little more understanding, loving, and accepting of ourselves and our neighbors, the world would be a much better place. That isn't a religious thing. It is a human one.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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