18 Things People In The United States Want Banned

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Although attitudes and traditions vary greatly from one state to the next, sometimes there is an overwhelming resound that encompasses the majority of US citizens about wanting to ban particular behaviors and acts. These are things that are being deemed unacceptable nationwide and need to be stopped.

Commercial Interruptions

Editorial credit: lunamarina / Shutterstock.

Commercials have been a form of advertising since television began, and although most people buy streaming subscriptions to remove them, not all people do. Advertisers that turn up the volume on their commercial spots seek to get the attention of viewers, but it really just leaves a poor impression. Not only do most people want to ban the sound differentiation of commercials, but they are also questioning the tactic. It seems to turn people off and not gain popularity for brands that use it. 

Spam Calling

Editorial credit: TY Lim / Shutterstock.

Years ago, home phone residents were allowed to put their names on a “do-not-call” registry, which limited phone solicitors from calling people without permission. Spam calling is the new interference that many want to ban. Spam calling is intrusive, and it also interrupts a private service that people pay for. 

Plastic Waste

Editorial credit: Jim Lambert / Shutterstock.

America has become a throw-away society, and one of the biggest global offenses that we contribute to is a larger-than-average amount of plastic waste. Europeans have already banned most of the packaging made from plastic. Plastic waste is polluting our environment and having a disastrous effect on the health of people around the globe. By switching to more sustainable habits and alternative solutions, we can limit the negative consequences of overproducing plastic. 


Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

Only some states still allow the open sale of fireworks to communities across the US. Not only are fireworks loud and obtrusive, but they are also dangerous. Fireworks pose a personal risk of burn and injury, they also can lead to a fire hazard if not set off with precaution. According to the U. S Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were over 10 thousand firework-related injuries in the year 2022 alone. It is dangerous to let people play with fire.

Posted Salaries

Editorial credit: Edvard Nalbantjan / Shutterstock.

It is difficult enough to find work in today's economy due to the many avenues that companies use to find talent. Sending out resumes, following up, and interviewing can be a full-time job itself. Most people feel there should be more transparency so that many aren’t wasting their time on salaries that are not appropriate for their lifestyle, education, or experience.

Oceanic Pollution

Editorial credit: Romolo Tavani / Shutterstock.

Statistics tell us that over 14 million tons of waste enter our oceans annually. That waste comes from many different sources, but the result is the same. Marine pollution kills natural habitats like beaches and coral reefs. It also endangers marine life and pollutes the planet. Many believe we need stronger bans to protect our oceans and waterways. 

A 40-Hour Work Week

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvald / Shutterstock.

Not everyone wants to put their nose to the grindstone day in and day out. Europeans work a fraction of the hours that Americans do, and their economies thrive just fine. Many believe that there should be a better work/life balance, especially in a post-pandemic era mindset. Set weekly workday hours were set a very long time ago. They should probably be overwritten for the times or banned altogether.


Editorial credit: ucchie79 / Shutterstock.

Public and private zoos are a great tool for children and adults to encounter animals that aren’t indigenous to an area. There is a reason, however, why they are not. Zoos might try to recreate an animal's home, but it can’t. Also, animals should not be caged just for people to look at and enjoy. Many believe that zoos are unethical and so unnatural that they should not be allowed. 

Beauty Pageants For Children

Editorial credit: Denise Andersen / Shutterstock.

JonBenet Ramsey was a child who brought child pageantry and the over-sexualization of children to light. Although having nothing to do with the actual case, it was shocking to many that children are put on display and judged in such a critical way at such a critical time of their emotional development. Many believe that child beauty pageants should not be allowed and find the whole industry without a moral compass.

Political Donations

Editorial credit: Carlos Yudica / Shutterstock.

Donations are money that people give to organizations that are supposed to be used to better society. When someone gives a politician a donation, it usually does not come without strings attached. The job of a politician is to be fair and impartial and also to represent the communities they serve. How can someone be either of those things when they are getting paid behind the scenes?

Posting Your Child’s Videos for Profit

Editorial credit: My Life Graphic / Shutterstock.

Most adults understand the harms of posting their children’s pictures online. Many also warn their children frequently about what putting yourself out there can do to someone’s safety and their future. The parents who post videos of their children for profit are putting their children at risk. They also do not have the child’s permission to do so. Children should be afforded the same privacy rights. If their parents aren’t going to watch out for them, then the government should ban the practice.

Breeding Animals

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

Go to a local shelter, and you'll see that there are millions of animals who need homes. Many feel as if breeding animals is neither humane nor ethical. They think that banning the practice will cut down on animals being euthanized. It might also lessen animals from being used for nothing more than their reproductive abilities.

Costly Pharmaceuticals

Editorial credit: lyalya_go / Shutterstock.

The cost of necessary medicines in the US is skyrocketing, and many are finding themselves in a situation where getting lifesaving medication is either not possible, or they are shelling out their savings and not being able to afford other living expenses. America is one of the few countries that do not guarantee healthcare to its citizens. At a minimum, there should be a cap on what lifesaving medications cost.

False Advertising

Editorial credit: Elena_Dig / Shutterstock.

Although it is illegal to use false advertising in the traditional sense, people use it all the time with something called a “disclaimer.” A disclaimer, however, does nothing to protect the public from being misled. As a practice, no one should be able to advertise something untrue, period.


Editorial credit: Dmitry Demidovich / Shutterstock.

The Internal Revenue Service was started so that the government could fund the military to protect us and to build roadways and infrastructure for all. As the IRS has grown over the past hundred years, however, it has altered and changed, and now wealthy people can hire people to find loopholes. That means that the people suffering the most are those who can’t afford it, to begin with. Many believe there has got to be a better system than the way that America collects federal taxes.

Having Police Sirens in Advertising

Editorial credit: Photo Spirit / Shutterstock.

Whether you are watching television at home or are driving in the car, there is nothing more jarring than hearing a police or ambulance siren. Sirens are meant to alarm people. When advertisers use them to gain visibility, then that puts undue stress on the public and can lead to distractions and harm. 

High Bright Head Lights

Editorial credit: May_Chanikran / Shutterstock.

There are a lot of things that people do with automobiles that are probably not safe, like hanging things from the rearview mirror and adding DVDs to their monitors. High-beam headlights might help the driver of the car see, but they distract oncoming traffic, which is highly dangerous for everyone. There should be some standards about how bright your headlight lamps can be.

Bots and Concert Tickets

Editorial credit: red mango / Shutterstock.

If you’ve tried to buy a concert ticket lately, you will find that it is virtually impossible to buy it at face value. There are bots that companies use to buy concert tickets and then put a higher price tag on them for reselling. It used to be that you knew when the tickets were going on sale. If you wanted to go to a concert, you would wait in line days in advance or begin calling the minute the tickets went on sale. Now, no matter what you do to try to get a fair ticket price, you can’t. Scalping has been illegal in many states for decades, and bots are basically the same practice.

Some practices are annoying and should be banned, while others are downright dangerous. If something does harm to all, then it should not be allowed to continue. America is the home of the free, but that doesn't mean that people should be free to do what they want, whenever and wherever they want.

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