18 Things People Do When No One Is Watching

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Although most of us think we are being sneaky, chances are we are doing the same thing as everyone else. We all have parts of ourselves or rituals we engage in that we might not want other people to know about, but here is a little secret. We all do them. No matter how much you think you are outside the norm when you do certain things, you can almost guarantee whatever it is that you are doing, there are millions out there doing it too.

Creeping on Someone’s Social Media

Editorial credit: 13_Phunkod / Shutterstock.

It is completely human to wonder what your ex or your best friend has been up to. Social media has allowed us to get a glimpse into people’s world, and the best part about it is that most platforms let you get a sneak peek without anyone knowing. We all like to go back and see what someone we lost touch with is up to or what people are up to without us. 

Sneaking Food 

Editorial credit:Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

Whether it is in the middle of the night or midday, we all sneak food. Sometimes, we do it because we are embarrassed that we are overeating or we don’t want people to know what we eat. The reality is that all of us sometimes go in for another helping and help ourselves when no one is watching.

Pick Your Nose

Editorial credit: Daniel M Ernst / Shutterstock.

We have all been at the stop sign to look over and catch someone picking their noses. As much as we giggle at others, deep down, we know we all do it. Some people make it a habit, others only do it when it is necessary, but those holes in your nose are way too tempting and easily accessible to not at least give it a go once in a while.

Pretending You Don’t See Someone

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem/ Shutterstock.

When out and about, you aren’t always in the mood to chit-chat. There are other times when you see someone that you never want to chat with ever again. As much as you want to think they didn’t notice that you hid and walked by, the truth is, even if they saw you most likely, they didn’t want to seek you out either. We all avoid people when we aren’t in the mood.

Talking to Yourself

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

We all use our inner voice to self-talk, but there are occasions when those inside voices come out, even when there’s no one else there. Talking out loud is beneficial because it makes you remember things longer when you hear them and think about them. They commit better to memory. So, consider it a memory tool.


Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

When you are presented with a scenario, it is natural to play it out in your head. The reason that stories even exist is that humans have the innate ability to play through things from start to finish. It is an evolutionary tool that allows us to foresee potential ways that things can happen. Some people are just way more vivid with it, but we all do it.

Wear Dirty Clothes

Editorial credit: trekandshoot/ Shutterstock.

There is not a person out there who has never done the sniff check. You would also be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t done the sniff check, acknowledged that it is slightly dirty, and gone ahead and thrown it on anyway. When you consider that people in previous generations wore their clothes for weeks at a time, what is one more day?

Look in the Toilet

Editorial credit: Thanaphat Somwangsakul / Shutterstock.

You probably don’t even know what you are looking for, but everyone examines what is in the toilet after they go to the bathroom. Curiosity is a way we maintain our health. Making sure that things are status quo gives us peace of mind.

Google Yourself

Editorial credit: JMiks/ Shutterstock.

Everyone Googles themselves to see what pops up. It is a good thing that you do. Sometimes, things on Google can be threatening or untrue. It is important, especially as a professional, to ensure that your reputation proceeds itself, for real.

Avoid Calls and Texts

Editorial credit: Tero Vesalainen/ Shutterstock.

We all look at our cell phones at times when they are ringing or a text pops up and decide that it is something that we aren’t ready to address at the moment. Although most of us have become like Pavlov’s dog with our mobile devices, that doesn’t mean that we can’t turn off the immediate response of answering something we just don’t want to or aren’t ready to.

Keep Fat Jeans

Editorial credit: Alena Ozerova/ Shutterstock.

Whether it is because you just want to feel like you have options or you want to know if you gain a few pounds, you will be able to go out in public, we all keep clothes that we have no intention of wearing. Those clothes that you might want to wear someday sit for decades until one day, you finally give in and throw out.

Pretend to Watch Our Phones

Editorial credit: effective stock photos / Shutterstock.

It is awkward to sit and not have something to stare at. When out to lunch by ourselves, at the gym, or in a doctor’s office waiting, most of us stare at our phones even if we aren’t doing anything with them. Most of the time, we use our mobile devices to shield ourselves from having to engage with others when we don’t feel like it.

Sniff Ourselves

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com/ Shutterstock.

It is completely natural when you get a whiff of something that doesn’t smell good to make sure it isn’t you. If you didn’t get a shower in, just got out of a workout, or know that you are going to be close to someone, you do the sniff check to make sure you do not offend. That is not only human nature; it is thoughtful!

Go Through Your Debate

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Arguments are meant to be won or lost, and no one wants to lose. It is natural to go over a disagreement you know is coming to prepare yourself for your retort. It makes sense to go over things logically and to know what you are going to say, just in case.

Pass Gas

Editorial credit: Cast Of Thousands / Shutterstock.

The children’s book The Gas We Pass is a book that was created to give kids information about where gas comes from. We all pass gas. Some of us just like to pretend that we don’t. Most of society thanks us for it.

Listen to Others' Conversations

Editorial credit: andriano.cz / Shutterstock.

When you hear someone talking behind or around you and you can make out what they are saying, it is normal to listen to what is being said. Eavesdropping is something that we all do. It is a built-in protection mechanism that directs us to pay attention to our surroundings. When the talk is cheap, even better. 

Examine Your Face in the Mirror

Editorial credit:Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Most of us know that you are not supposed to pop a pimple, but no one wants a white head front and center in the middle of their face. It is normal to stand in a mirror and do an inspection to look for pimples, and frown lines, or just make funny faces to see what they look like to other people.

Laugh at Unfunny Things

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

There are times when something happens that is not funny to others at all, so you hold in your need to laugh out loud. When you are alone, however, you do laugh to yourself. It is okay that sometimes you find the unfunny funny. Laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes you just have to let it out. 

Although we all like to think we are unique, we aren’t. We might hide parts of ourselves because they are embarrassing or not our best side, but we all have them, and we all do the same stupid things when alone. Although there is no such thing as “normal,” it is normal to do not-so-normal things when we are all by ourselves. 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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