Should You Launch a New App for Your Business?

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There’s no denying that most people use a smartphone in their daily lives. Mobile phones have evolved from devices to make and receive calls on the go to compact portable computers.

As you can imagine, the business world has also evolved with today’s cutting-edge technology. Nowadays, many businesses offer some form of presence on consumer smartphones, with the most popular option being an app.

You’re likely reading this because you run a business and wonder whether it makes sense to offer your customers a downloadable smartphone app. In short, yes – it makes absolute sense to have an official app for your company. Here’s why:

Ease of Online Shopping

Editorial credit: Stokkete / Shutterstock.

If you sell your products and services online, it’s a great idea to offer your customers a dedicated app to purchase those items with ease. You can even use the dedicated apps as a way of engaging with your customers:

  • Apps can offer secure chat facilities so customers can enquire about products, services, and orders in confidence;
  • You can provide your customers with rewards for buying through your mobile app, such as discounts off future orders;
  • Your app could even offer cutting-edge augmented reality technology so customers can visualise how products could look in their homes.

Backend Database Implementation

The great thing about mobile apps is they can offer the same benefits as websites but with a lot more functionality. Augmented reality is an example that uses a smartphone’s camera, and an app can use the smartphone’s microphone for identifying music, for instance.

Those examples and more will likely work with an online backend database. Today’s smartphone apps can easily link with cloud databases, and IT companies can help you implement such links with your mobile app.

Nothing is stopping your business from offering an innovative smartphone app that boasts groundbreaking technology. Your app alone turn your company’s fortunes around and make your brand known as one of the most innovative businesses in its industry.

Offline Usage

One downside to having a website is you must have an active Internet connection to access it. That can be bad news if your customers can’t easily go online in specific locations, such as in their homes or places of work.

If your website allows consumers to browse your products and services, you can create an offline version packaged as a smartphone app. That means they can learn more about what you offer through your app, even if they aren’t connected to the Internet.

Offline apps can be useful if you’ve got an extensive catalogue of products, for example, and customers need a quick and easy way to access that information without carrying an extensive paper catalogue around with them.

Location Tracking

Finally, let’s say you run a business with several retail stores. Using a device’s location services, your smartphone app can direct customers to their nearest store. It can even work with services like Google Maps to give them turn-by-turn directions.

Another way location tracking can work with your app is by giving consumers notifications about special offers at their nearest stores.

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