18 Science-Backed Facts That Americans Are Reluctant to Believe

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No matter how many scientists testify and demonstrate proof of something, there will always be a minority of skeptics who refuse to accept the evidence placed in front of them. There is an element within American society that prefers to believe in conspiracy theories over robust scientific research, evidence, and data. Here are 18 facts that have been proven by science that members of the American public still refuse to accept.

Climate Change 

Editorial credit: Piyaset / Shutterstock.

Despite numerous studies, scientific testimonies, and swathes of numerical data from across the globe, some people still reject the idea that climate change is real. Even though many countries are now seeing the impact of climate change in action with numerous adverse, extreme weather events, some members of the public would rather stick their heads in the sand and pretend it doesn’t exist. 


Editorial credit: frank60 / Shutterstock.

Even though evidence for the theory of evolution is all around us, and it has not only been proven by Darwin, but by countless scientists since then, some people refute the fact that evolution and natural selection are real. Whether it is for religious reasons or a preference for conspiracy theories, such as we were all dropped on Earth by aliens, no matter how much research is presented to some people, they double down on their rejection of this as a reality. 

GMO’s Are Safe 

Editorial credit: Nature's Charm / Shutterstock.

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms, and regardless of a wealth of data that has proven GMO crops to be as safe as conventionally grown foods, a great deal of skepticism remains about their safety amongst the general public. 

Vaccines Are Safe and Effective 

Editorial credit: LookerStudio / Shutterstock.

Since vaccines were invented, there have always been people who refuse to take them and cast dispersions about their safety and efficacy. Unfortunately, we saw a lot of this skepticism and paranoia during the pandemic as certain people rejected vaccines in the fight against COVID-19. 

The World is Flat 

Editorial credit: Amanda Carden / Shutterstock.

This one sounds like a joke, but there are real human beings walking around in 2024 who believe that planet Earth is flat. Despite viewing live footage from space, NASA telescopes, and numerous testimonies from astrophysicists, there is no way to convince some people that the Earth is round. 

Intersex People Exist

Editorial credit: Angyalosi Beata / Shutterstock.

Some people are completely unaware that some individuals can be born with features of both genders. This is commonly referred to as being intersex, and while this can refer to personality characteristics, it can also refer to biological sex organs too. 

The Big Bang Theory

Editorial credit: Daniel Heighton / Shutterstock.

Some people totally reject the idea of The Big Bang Theory, whether this is because they come from a creationist religious background and believe that God created the heavens and Earth in seven days or they just reject the science around it. No amount of evidence can convince some people otherwise. 

Humans Evolved From Apes 

Editorial credit: Onyx9 / Shutterstock.

Even though humans share some DNA with primates, and this has been scientifically proven in medical laboratories, some Americans refuse to accept this fact. Whether it’s because they find it offensive to think of themselves as being related to apes or they have some leaning towards conspiracy theories, sometimes you just have to let people think what they want. 

Homosexuality is Not a Choice 

Editorial credit: Marc Bruxelle / Shutterstock.

While some individuals argue that homosexuality is a choice, the fact is that science indicates that sexuality is predetermined before birth. Furthermore, if sexuality was a choice, why would people living in countries where the penalty for homosexuality is death not just choose to be heterosexual? 

The Hole in the Ozone Layer

Editorial credit: Bilanol/ Shutterstock.

There are some members of the American public who refuse to acknowledge that there is a hole in the ozone layer. Instead, they prefer to believe that this is a conspiracy theory created by the government as some kind of mind control. Ok, ahem. 

The 1969 Moon Landing 

Editorial credit: Three Sixty Images / Shutterstock.

You might be surprised that quite a large number of people claim that the 1969 moon landing with Neil Armstrong was a fabricated lie. These people claim that it was most likely a movie scene with some special effects set up by the US government to trick the world into believing that they got to the moon first. 

Jesus Was Not Caucasian 

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

Despite the fact that it is openly acknowledged that Jesus was born in Israel, a country whose native people are not caucasian, many refuse to acknowledge that Jesus was most likely not white. This is hard to believe, and at the end of the day, why does it even matter? 

MSG is Safe 

Editorial credit: ukrit yasuwan / Shutterstock.

MSG stands for monosodium glutamate and this is a type of food additive that is used as a flavor enhancer. However for many years, people believed that MSG was harmful, but even though these theories have now been disproven, some people still claim that this ingredient is toxic and a health hazard. 

Vaccines Don’t Lead to Autism

Editorial credit: Masae /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Unfortunately, years ago, one unscrupulous physician published a study that cited a link between vaccines and Autism; however, these claims have since been disproven across the board. But unfortunately, thanks to one phony guy whose aim was to make financial gains from misinformation, some parents still refuse to vaccinate their children out of a fear that it puts them at risk of Autism. 

Mental Health Issues Are Real

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Some people who are possibly low on empathy find it hard to believe that mental health is a real thing. These are the kinds of people who are likely to tell someone to “pull yourself together,” even though the person might be dealing with real-life challenges such as grief or depression. 

Gender Variance is a Natural Occurrence 

Editorial credit: Rittis / Shutterstock.

In 2024, American society has made massive progress toward the inclusion and recognition of gender variance and gender fluidity. Although there is always more work to do, some people still deny the fact that gender variance exists. Despite medical research and evidence that indicates the contrary, some people choose to turn a blind eye to the science. 

The Earth is Not the Center of the Universe

Editorial credit: Haris Ashfaq / Shutterstock.

Some people genuinely struggle to believe that they are not the center of the Universe in more ways than one. And even though we have numerous forms of evidence, including footage from NASA telescopes and live streams from space, which clearly show Earth's position, some nay-sayers still claim that Earth is the center of everything. 

Humanity’s Impact on Biodiversity 

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

Some individuals completely deny that humans are having a negative impact on the natural resources of the world. These people refuse to accept that human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and the extinction of animals are a reality. This is a sad fact because if we want to reverse the damage that humanity has done to the world, we all need to work together to protect and preserve our beautiful planet. 

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