21 Unique Traits of People Who Prefer Their Own Company

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Ever wondered what makes your elusive classmate tick or why your colleague prefers to spend time away from the group? Or maybe you're wondering if you fit the profile. Below we have highlighted 18 common personality traits found in people who prefer solitude.


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People who spend a lot of time alone have more time to reflect on themselves, their character, and their behavior. This can make them much more self-aware, after having taken the opportunity to learn about their own habits, rather than spending time judging others.


Editorial credit: Tatsiana Kalasouskaya / Shutterstock.

Spending time in solitude often means an individual has a high level of independence. Able to make decisions for themselves and reliant on their own knowledge and experience, they can comfortably stand on their own two feet.


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Being alone can give a person ample opportunity to watch others. Watching the world go by and taking in surroundings from their solitude makes them rapt observers of their environment. Far from passive, they can be the most observant people in any given circumstance.


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People who enjoy alone time are often introverted, preferring to recharge in their own company rather than in a social setting. Taking time alone is a more attractive prospect than heading to a busy bar or hanging out with friends. Sometimes, socializing is a source of stress or anxiety for those who enjoy time alone, perhaps fearing rejection or embarrassing themselves in public.


Editorial credit: Ivan Kruk / Shutterstock.

Far from seeking the next popular crowd to be seen with or trendy restaurant to frequent, people who enjoy spending time alone are often content with the little things. A cup of coffee and a good book, curling up on the sofa for a movie, or taking time to pause in peace and quiet.


Editorial credit: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

In the same vein, many people who enjoy their own company share a sense of spirituality, whether it's meditation, yoga, or silent retreats. Connecting to a higher power or exploring the depths of meditation practice can make alone time much more fruitful and enjoyable.

Appreciation for Silence

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Many of us need a constant level of distraction for the mind, preferring to idly listen to a podcast or music at all times rather than sit in silence. For those who are used to solitude though, they are likely to be comfortable in their own company and with their own internal monologue, and therefore can enjoy quiet and appreciate silence.


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Without the constant desire to be with others and socialize, people who enjoy their own company are often patient enough to understand that just as much can be gained from spending time alone as spending time amongst others. They find that there is no need to rush progression or decisions, instead trusting the natural flow of things and their own abilities to flourish.

Hobbies and Skills

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Solitary individuals often spend their time expanding their skills and delving into hobbies. Whether it's writing, painting, gaming, or reading, they can find peace and fulfillment in undertaking their own solo projects.


Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.

Finding themselves waiting for a delayed flight or waiting in a queue for hours is no problem for people who enjoy their alone time. On the contrary, they are able to adapt to situations as they entertain themselves in different settings. Where many of us would complain and call every friend we know, they are more likely to make the most of the time in solitude, finding a quiet corner to pass the time.


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Finding joy in spending time alone often means finding peace in oneself. For those who crave solitude, being true to themselves is second nature after so much time in their own company. Even by not bending to the pressure of joining groups to socialize, they are staying true to their desires.

Genuine Connections

Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

For those who appreciate time to themselves, the people they choose to socialize with are likely genuine friends. Often, only real connections and authentic friendships appeal to solitary individuals, as they choose wisely who to spend their time with. When time alone is so sacred and important, one isn't likely to give it up for anything less than a true friendship.

Acceptance of the Unknown

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Being comfortable with their own personality and ability to spend time with themselves can make people much more comfortable with uncertainty. Having confidence in their independence makes the unknown of the future much easier to handle.


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People who enjoy time alone are often more productive than those constantly surrounded by others. They use distraction-free time to complete tasks or develop their skills, able to concentrate on one thing at a time. Without seeking motivation from others or the need to curb their desire to go out with friends instead of completing their tasks, people who enjoy time with themselves often get much more done.


Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Spending time in solitude doesn't mean being bored. On the contrary, it often means being far more creative on how to spend time enjoyably and productively, making the most of time alone. Equally, it allows time for artistic endeavors, DIY projects, and more, scratching that creative itch many of us have but fail to make proper time for.

Comfort in Being Single

Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

Rather than endless scrolling through dating apps, people who appreciate time alone are often comfortable in their single status and don't need to seek value from a partner. Instead, they are perfectly content without a relationship and acknowledge their inherent value independently.

Inner Strength

Editorial credit: KieferPix / Shutterstock.

Facing problems alone can be a daunting prospect for those of us who frequently lean on others for support. People who are content with themselves, on the other hand, often have an abundance of inner strength that allows them to face personal challenges head-on.


Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

People who spend and enjoy time alone are often more aware of all there is to be grateful for in their life and in the world. An appreciation of the wonder of nature, for example, is more likely to be cultivated in people who take the time to quietly be amongst it in solitude. Equally, spending greater amounts of time than is typical with loved ones and friends can make them much less likely to take it for granted.

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