How to Plan the Perfect Self-Care Session at Home

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Life isn’t easy. Stress is everywhere, and many people are on the precipice of becoming overwhelmed and burned out, which makes it difficult to do anything. The good news is that there are some ways to combat your stress and anxiety.

One of the best ways to tackle stress is to talk to someone about it, whether it’s a mental health professional or a trusted friend. However, another way to deal with the stress in your life is to carve out a portion of time in your busy schedule and plan a proper self-care session for yourself.

Making Time

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

The first hurdle is finding the time for self-care. If you’re stressed, then chances are that you’re also busy. Adult life comes along with many responsibilities and spare time is hard to come by. This is why sometimes you have to make time for yourself.

It’s been said that, if you don’t take the time to look after yourself, your body will force you to take time instead. This is where burnout comes into the picture. If you push yourself too hard, eventually you will be forced to stop and recover. 

However, by scheduling a day or a weekend for yourself, you can recover and rebuild your strength before things come to that. You need to be disciplined and strict with yourself and others, and make sure that you give this time priority. If possible, take a personal day. 

Planning Your Self-Care Session

Once you’ve managed to put aside some time for your self-care, it’s time to prepare for it. The whole point of self-care is that you don’t worry about chores or other things, so make sure that things are done in advance so that there’s nothing to worry about. Tell people that you’re unavailable on that day and it might even be an idea to put your phone on do not disturb.

Prepare your food and any drinks in advance. While it’s tempting to order takeout, sometimes it’s better to eat something healthier and lighter for your self-care session. Heavy, fatty, and salty food can sit uncomfortably on your stomach. But something both tasty and relatively healthy that you’ve prepared in advance can hit the spot and make the day seem more special.

Ideas For Self-Care

Different people have different ideas about what’s relaxing. While you don’t need to plan the day down to the minute, it’s good to have some idea of what you’ll do. If you like reading, then get yourself a good book or two to curl up with. 

Run a bath to relax your body as well as your mind. While you’re at it, light some CBD candles to make it even easier to completely relax and chill out. The soothing and beautiful fragrance combined with the aromatherapeutic benefits of the candles will do wonders.

If you’re more of a binger, then plan a television show to sit down to and enjoy, or get some video games ready. There’s no wrong way to relax, just put aside the time and chill out.

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