How To Get Your Brand Noticed

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You have been working hard to build your business. Funding is secured and readily available. The location is just right, and you are all moved in. Raw material procurement and the logistics of distribution are all set up and running smoothly. Now that the business is progressing well, it is time to think about putting your brand into the public eye on a broader level while your company is still fresh and new. Consider one or all of the following ideas to get your brand on everyone’s radar.

Invest in Promotional Items

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One of the best ways to get your brand greater visibility is to physically send it out amongst the masses of potential consumers. The easiest way to accomplish this undertaking is by investing some company capital into promotional items. Click here for some unique ideas you will want to try.

When considering which promotional items to place your company’s name and logo on, think about what will best represent what your business has to offer consumers. If you are a water filtration company, a reusable water bottle will align nicely with your core clientele.

Selecting useful promotional items is a great way to advertise your company, as well. This way, your name stays in front of potential customers’ eyes on a daily basis. As an example, a flash drive is something that is used almost daily in this technology-driven world. Inserting a flash drive into the side of someone’s laptop means they will see your company name and logo every time they look at the keyboard. Brand recognition is all about repetition and recognizability in consumer circles.

Finally, promotional items can be the perfect gift for current clients or customers or ones with whom you are trying to complete a business deal. These high-quality products make inviting raffle prizes, too. Place a raffle box and paper entries near the checkout counter at your physical location to encourage customers to come inside. 

Be Active on Social Media

Social media is essential for any company in business today; and, this is especially true if you are a small business owner. Being active on a variety of social media platforms is a way to connect with a diverse mixture of consumers. You can reach your target demographic while exposing your brand to other markets without costing you anything other than your employee’s wages.

To that end, having a dedicated staff member to manage your social media accounts is beneficial so that nothing falls through the proverbial cracks. Your staffer can monitor your accounts and internet mentions for customer complaints and address them immediately to stave off any unhappy customers or bad press.

Watch this informative video to learn what the most popular social media networks are based on active users.

Make Your Space Exciting and Inviting

There are a number of things you can do to make your physical location a place that will spark interest. When people want to come to you, you have an amazing opportunity to grow your business by making connections and showing what your company can do for others or has to offer.

Consider hosting a happy hour. Invite local business leaders or social influencers to be a part of the evening. Approach your local Chamber of Commerce and offer to hold an after-hours mixer at your business. This opportunity will give you considerable exposure amongst other business leaders and will likely lead to positive business contacts you can draw from in the future.

Creating an inviting office space or storefront is essential for drawing people inside your establishment. If your environs are not up to your standards, consider refurbishing your space. By updating the look, feel, and functionality of your building, you have the opportunity to stage a Grand Reopening of sorts and invite the public in to see what you have to offer. 

Treat your event like an event and provide appetizers and beverages. Lay out information pamphlets or samples for people to try or take with them. During your event, raffle off some of the promotional items you had previously invested in for brand recognition. Make it exciting and promote the event through your social media accounts to drum up anticipation. Be sure to post highlights online after the event is over, as well.

If you put in some effort at the forefront to get your brand noticed, you will reap the rewards for years. Buy some useful and memorable swag emblazoned with your company’s name and logo to give out to loyal customers and anyone else who is interested.

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