17 Sobering Facts About California’s Decline

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There are so many things to love about California. It is one of the most beautiful states in the union as well as the world. But even with its beautiful beaches, the hills of San Francisco and Fisherman’s Wharf, and the wonderful weather year-round, it is a state that is in dire need of a pick-me-up. Over the past couple of decades, California seems to be stuck in a cycle of drama that has not done anything good for the economy or the face of the state around the nation. These are things that have led to its decline.

Astronomical Expenses

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

The cost of living continues to soar around the US, but California has been soaring for decades. It is not only one of the most expensive states for real estate, the state taxes are enough to kill anyone trying to get ahead. Basic goods are basically not affordable for anyone. 

Housing Markey Issues

Editorial credit: Karin Hildebrand Lau / Shutterstock.

Not everyone in California is rich, but you do have to be affluent to afford basic housing. The state as a whole has experienced rent hikes that are putting its citizens out on the street. When combined with strict regulatory and zoning issues that stop progressive development, it is very difficult for people to get housing, little-less afford to stay in them. 

Natural Disasters

Editorial Credit: Eugene R Thieszen/ Shutterstock.

Although there is nothing that causes national disasters, California’s climate tends to put it at a disadvantage. The state seems to get the worst risks of all regions from earthquakes to mudslides. California is continually dealing with a state of emergency for one reason or another, which is very costly. 

Pollution and Environmental Concerns

Editorial credit: TR STOK / Shutterstock.

Due to the high traffic and congestion, places like Los Angeles have one of the worst problems with air quality. That also spills over into water pollution, putting a huge economic hit on pollution clean-up efforts.

Congestion and Traffic

Editorial credit: Wise Dog Studio / Shutterstock.

One of the worst parts about living in many populated California cities is the horrors of traffic and congestion. Los Angeles is just one of the cities whose citizens spend more time getting to work than actually working at work. When you add up the traffic along with the pollution associated with it, the quality of life takes a real hit. 


Editorial credit: kitzcorner / Shutterstock.

Along with one of the highest real estate markets, California is also a state that has one of the highest tax income rates in the nation. They have high sales and property taxes too. It isn’t just the individual who is hit with high taxes, corporations and businesses pay a hefty toll too, which is why many major corporations are leaving the state. It also affects things like investing and decisions about where to relocate.

Wage Inequality

Editorial credit: Hyejin Kang / Shutterstock.

One of the biggest problems facing California is the extreme inequity between those who are wealthy and those who don’t have the proper resources. There is an extreme disparity between those who are associated with the tech industry and those who are fighting for minimum-wage jobs. Unlike other areas of the US, California has seen the highest spike in poverty over the past several decades. 

The Disruption Caused By the Tech Industry

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

The tech industry has exploded over the past couple of decades, making Silicon Valley and San Francisco one of the most coveted places to live. That has completely transformed the regions of California leading to driving up the cost of living and gentrification that pushes those without money to other areas. Displacing many long-term California residents has created animosity in many communities. 

Water Management Problems

Editorial credit: lourencolf / Shutterstock.

Due to natural disasters such as drought, having enough water to support California’s agricultural industry is a real challenge. Without the necessary water resources, it is hard to maintain proper population growth, conservation, and agricultural needs within the state. California will have to be more innovative to find better management systems for their cities to survive.

Safety Concerns

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

California has a high rate of crime and homelessness, making public safety concerns a real issue. Some cities enjoy little to no crime, while others are very dangerous and violent. Things like substance abuse and mental health problems are driving many cities in California to deal with a rising problem in the well-being of its citizens.

Social Problems

Editorial Credit: APIWAN BORRIKONRATCHATA / Shutterstock.

With substance abuse and homelessness being on the rise, that is lessening the mental health of many populations. Whenever you have mental health problems and substance abuse issues, it becomes a hotbed for social problems like crime and homelessness. Once more, the state doesn’t have enough mental healthcare workers or facilities to treat the rising demand. 

Political Divide

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

With social inequities at a great degree between many areas of California, there are also very different political ideations and cultural divides. Due to the extreme wealth in some demographics, they tend to control the political landscape for the state as a whole. That seems to be feeding the derisiveness that is causing a barrier to change and reform.


Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

One of the things that has hit California the hardest is overregulation when compared to other US states. There are very strict regulatory environmental rules in place that make it hard for large corporations and businesses to survive. The operational costs combined with the complexity of them, force many to flee the state to survive financially.

Educational Issues

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

California is one of the worst states when it comes to the equity of education across the state. Although home to some of the most prestigious colleges and universities, the k-12 schools are a hot mess of disparity. Low-income areas face the hardships of having underfunded schools and that leads to poor educational quality that impacts the students all across California. 

Access to Healthcare

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

The rural areas of California are experiencing an accessibility crisis in healthcare. Many underserved communities face challenges to get the healthcare services they need. Although California is not stingy with its state programs there is a real disparity in healthcare and the quality of it between the haves and the have-nots.

Race Divide

Editorial credit: Real Window Creative / Shutterstock.

When you have poorer areas versus very wealthy and a racial divide between the two, that fuels a lot of resentment and poverty cycles. Because schools are being underfunded in certain areas it is leading to a generational poverty that is really hard to tackle or control. 

Haves and Have-Nots

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

It isn’t just California that is experiencing problems, many large cities in the US are feeling the same pinch. When you have huge disparities between certain groups and very wealthy against very poor, that creates a lot of hopelessness and mental health decline in its citizens. At the heart of the problem are governmental issues and policies. The only way to create change, however, is to examine how things got so bad, to begin with. Whether California will recognize its failings are not remains to be seen.

What's Next For California?

Editorial credit: Marek Masik / Shutterstock.

California is not the only state that is experiencing problems with its economy, its environmental problems, and natural disasters that you can’t control. It is, however, dealing with the combination of all of those problems rolled into one. With so much to offer, if policymakers can turn it around, there is no doubt it can flourish again. 

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