Book The Cabin, Write The Book

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Editorial credit: Vitaliy Abbasov / Shutterstock.

If you have been waiting for a sign to break out of the home office and write the book you have had on your mind for years – now is the time. 

Booking a cabin in the middle of nature can give you the time and space to get into the work. And, as Michaela Coel recently said, see what comes to you in silence.

Spending time alone, with your thoughts, and away from the everyday hustle and bustle can be the difference between great work and exceptional work. 

Not everyone has the luxury to book a cabin specifically to write – but if you do, here is how you can make the most of it. 


Before you book anything, decide how long you are going to stay. Often it can be that the longer you stay in a cabin, the cheaper the rates become. Ideally, a few weeks to a few months is ideal. 

Look for a place with some amenities not too far away; this is even more important if you don’t drive. 

Try to choose a place that has plenty of windows that look out into the wilderness. The more windows, the more light you will have flooding the area. Perfect for being your most productive self. 

Narrow it down to just a few places. Take into consideration your budget and the distance from your home. 


Since you are there for a while, you are going to need to bring some essentials. If you don’t want the hassle of getting your packed boxes there yourself, hire two men and a truck to tackle the job for you. So that your stuff arrives when you need it, without taking up any room in your trunk. 

Think about what will make the cabin feel like home—things like your own pillows, blankets, your mug, and other creature comforts. 

It’s essential to note what is and is not provided by the cabin rental company or owner. And remember that at a minimum, you’ll need toilet paper and food! 


If you have been making notes for your book idea for years, then it is time to pack them all with you. Go through them to see if they still hold true to you – or do you want to use the time to be inspired by the location and come up with something new? 

Anything that naturally inspires you should come with you too. If you are struggling with the book, then try turning your attention to something that involves the same skill: How To Become A Full-Time Blogger.


You’ll need to decide how reachable you want to be. It might be that you want to have all of your technology with you, or perhaps you’d like to try it out with minimal technological distractions. While people must know where you are, you don’t always need to be contactable. 

Finally, don’t be disheartened if you went away and came back without a book. The rejuvenation and refreshment of being away from the typical everyday can make a huge impact – even if you choose to work remotely on other projects while away.

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