Benefits Of Essential Oils: Make Your Own Essence Recipes

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Essential oils from herbs are very potent and have many medicinal benefits.

Planting basil and marigold in the garden would drive the harmful insects away while also providing a fresh supply of medicinal herbs. Basil leaves and flowers of the marigold plant have therapeutic benefits. Eating basil leaves every day will keep you away from many bacterial infections. Calendula is an ointment extracted from marigold flowers. Besides vegetables and herbs, you can also use wild indigenous flowers of your country as traditional medicines. The plants are self-reproducing. They grow in the wildlife habitat, such as forested areas adjacent to roadsides and riverside forests where animals forage on them, et cetera! In other words: it is challenging to locate a single patch of wilderness that does not have at least several native medicinal species in its vicinity.

A traditional method of using native plants for medicinal purposes is to boil them in water and make a decoction. The indigenous flowers are more nutritious than the store-bought bottles filled with dried flower heads. Many species can be bought already prepared as supplements.

You have to be wary of not all plants being created equal. While many have excellent medical properties, many can be deadly if ingested or misused. If you are not an expert, I recommend always seeking pre-made aromatherapy products. This way, you know they are safe for their intended use. Also, always consult with a professional before trying any unconventional natural remedies for existing health issues. They may be beneficial but could also cause serious harm if not used correctly and cautiously.

Some of our favourite products for getting started with essential oils:

Essential Oils For Beginners

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✅ Best Book Essential Oils For Beginners

Essential Oils for Beginners by Sarah Joy is an informative and valuable little book! It indicates which essential oils are good for weight loss, reducing anxiety, stress, depression, pain relief, and muscle spasms. It also advises on respiratory system ailments such as sinus problems, sore throat, colds and flu, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, digestive disorders, and anti-aging.

The book will indicate whether the essential oil should be inhaled, burned as incense, or applied to the skin. It will sometimes suggest ingesting by licking a trace of essential oil from the back of a hand, using the tongue to transfer the oil to the back of the throat, and infusing critical oil into the air.

Essential Oil Recipes: One Drop at a Time

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✅ Best Book On Mixing Flavors

A Must-Have Book for Anyone Who Uses Essential Oils! – If you're just getting started or have been around the block a few times, this is for everyone. Tons of recipes for everything from ailments to food & beverage, diffuser recipes, chemical-free health & hygiene, chemical-free home cleaning, recipes for guy stuff, and even bedroom/libido helpers, to name a few. There is also an indication of safe use with children, pregnancy, etc. Easy to find what you're looking for.

Llewellyn's Complete Formulary of Magical Oils

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✅ Best In-depth Book For Scent Lovers

A Well Needed Book – Not only did this book give lots of recipes, but it gave info that inspired me to create my oils, oils I couldn't find in this book. I love when a book can inspire me, my creativity. There are several oils on basics like Health, Money, Love, Banishing, etc. but what surprised me were the oils on Chakra balancing and the addition of carrier/base oils and their magical properties. 

Soothing Aroma Essence Pack For Home

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✅ Best Herbal Essential Oil Set For Home

The pleasant scent helped me sleep – These oils are amazing and smell so sweet; green tea is my favorite! Buy these if you want some calming smells! These are perfect for a family member worth the money.

Calming Essence Oils for Stress Relief

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✅ Best Herbal Essence Oil for Calming

 Very Calming – have terrible anxiety and tense up and get super emotional for no reason. When I am upset and need instant calming relief, I use the oils in the diffuser and mix them with water. It instantly calms me down, and the feelings of stress, uncertainty, and despair melt away. They are very concentrated, and all of them smell so good.

Electric Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser

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✅ Best 550ml Essential Oils Diffuser with 4 Timer & 7 Lights

Easy to Assemble – This item overall is excellent. The reason being is because it moisturizes the air pretty well. It got rid of the dry air pretty quickly, and when you added the essential oil, it was even better. The smell was so relaxing and pleasant. Not only that, but the item is easy to operate. Click a few buttons, and it is ready to use. Also, the thing is small and easy to carry around the house or throughout the room. Overall, this item is a great item to buy.

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