25 Strategies to Prevent Infidelity in Future Relationships

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If you’ve been hurt before, the prospect of entering a new relationship can be worrying. You find yourself panicking that it might happen again, which can quickly lead to a downward spiral of non-trusting behaviors. Though it’s important to prioritize your well-being, you still need to live your life, and this often involves taking a few calculated risks. Here are 25 ways to avoid being cheated on again and protect your heart from future pain, without limiting yourself.

Trust Your Gut Instincts

Editorial credit: Uuganbayar/ Shutterstock.

Your instincts are powerful and you should learn to trust them, as if something feels inexplicably off, it probably is. Trusting your gut can help you spot red flags early on. Learn to appreciate your inner voice, as it’s quite often right.

Communicate Openly

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Open and honest communication is important in any relationship, especially when it comes to addressing concerns. Make sure you talk about your fears with your partner, as addressing any issues head-on can prevent misunderstandings.

Set Boundaries Early

Editorial credit: Zhanna Hapanovich / Shutterstock.

Make sure you set boundaries early in the relationship by letting your partner know what you consider acceptable and what you don’t. You’ll both know where you stand which will help prevent future conflicts.

Keep an Eye on Their Actions

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

It’s true what they say, actions often speak louder than words. Pay attention to how your partner behaves and ask yourself, “Are they consistent with their promises?”. You don’t want to watch them like a hawk, but you do need transparency.

Observe Their Friends

Editorial credit: Xavier Lorenzo / Shutterstock.

You can learn a lot about someone by observing their friends. Do their friends cheat on their partners, or support dishonest behavior? People often mirror the actions and opinions of those they associate with. It isn’t a good sign if their friends are untrustworthy.

Maintain Your Independence

Editorial credit: Jacob_09 / Shutterstock.

Don’t give yourself wholly to your partner, but rather, keep your independence intact by pursuing your hobbies and interests. Having your own life outside the relationship is healthy, and it also prevents you from becoming overly dependent on your partner.

Watch for Patterns

Editorial credit: Comaniciu Dan/ Shutterstock.

Looking out for repeated patterns in their behavior can answer a lot of your questions. Have they cheated in past relationships? A history of infidelity could be a red flag. By evaluating their past actions, you can decide how to move forward.

Avoid Being Overly Trusting Too Soon

Editorial credit: Natalya Bardushka / Shutterstock.

It’s important to build trust gradually, especially after enduring a betrayal, and you should never rush into trusting someone completely. It can take a while to build, and it needs to be earned. Take your time to get to know them.

Be Aware of Their Social Media Habits

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Social media habits can provide a unique window into our souls, and there's no harm in noticing how your partner uses their social media. Are they overly secretive or flirty online? Their online behavior can give clues about their intentions. Transparency on social media is important.

Have Your Financial Independence

Editorial credit: S_Photo / Shutterstock.

Financial independence is crucial, and it's important not to rely solely on your partner for financial support. This empowers you to make decisions without feeling trapped. Independence brings confidence and security, and you don’t need to rely on anyone.

Address Trust Issues Early

Editorial credit: bangoland / Shutterstock.

Instead of ignoring early signs of trust issues, you should talk about them as soon as they arise. Addressing these problems early can prevent them from growing, so nip trust issues in the bud straight away.

Be Honest with Yourself

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Take the time to be honest with yourself about the relationship. Are you seeing red flags but ignoring them? Self-awareness is essential, so don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. It’s too easy to get caught up in the moment, and you don't want history to repeat itself.

Know Your Worth

Editorial credit: Daria Lukoiko/ Shutterstock.

Understanding your value and what you bring to the table is an important life lesson for everyone. When it comes to your partner, don’t settle for less than you deserve. Knowing your worth helps you set high standards, and you deserve a partner who respects you.

Be Clear About Your Needs

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Express your needs clearly and don’t assume your partner knows what you want. After all, they’re not a mind reader. Clear communication about your needs is important and it helps your partner understand and meet them.

Keep a Balanced Life

Editorial credit: Aleksandr Simonov/ Shutterstock.

Diversifying your experience is key, and it's important to balance your life with various activities and relationships. Try to avoid making your partner the center of your universe. A balanced life keeps you grounded, and it also prevents unhealthy dependency.

Don’t Ignore Red Flags

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Red flags are there for a reason, and you’ll sense them straight away. Instead of brushing them off and moving on, you should always pay attention to warning signs. It's always better to address them immediately to avoid heartache down the line. Hopefully, it’s something innocent, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Stay True to Your Values

Editorial credit: Svitlana Hulko / Shutterstock.

Don’t ever compromise your values for anyone. Your core beliefs are non-negotiable, and you should stick to your opinions and morals. If your partner has a dubious perspective on monogamy that doesn't align with you, it isn't for you. A partner who respects your values is the least you deserve.

Understand Their Perspective

Editorial credit: patpitchaya/ Shutterstock.

It’s important to try to understand your partner’s point of view. Empathy promotes better communication and helps in resolving conflicts effectively. Understanding each other’s perspectives is what’s important.

Practice Self-Care

Editorial credit: marekuliasz/ Shutterstock.

The more you look after your needs, the better you’ll feel, so take care of yourself mentally and physically. Self-care boosts your confidence and well-being. A healthy mind and body make better decisions, so don’t neglect your personal needs.

Don’t Tolerate Dishonesty

Editorial Credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Make it clear from the start that dishonesty is unacceptable, as a relationship built on lies won’t last and you’ve already had a negative experience. Be firm about your stance on honesty, it sets a healthy precedent for the relationship.

Build Mutual Respect

Editorial credit: anatoliy_gleb/ Shutterstock.

Respect should be mutual in any relationship, and you should put your partner's mind at ease as they do yours. Ensure that both of you feel valued and respected. Mutual respect strengthens the bond, it’s the foundation of a healthy relationship.

Keep an Open Mind

Editorial credit: Yury Zap/ Shutterstock.

Remember to keep a healthy balance of staying open-minded but cautious. What you don’t want is for past experiences to cloud your judgment, so give your partner a fair chance. Just make sure you balance optimism with vigilance.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If you start to feel overwhelmed for no apparent reason, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Therapy can provide valuable insights and help you get to grips with your relationship concerns. It can be hard to rebuild trust after being cheated on, so take your time to work through it properly.

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