18 Fun and Flirty Techniques to Make a Guy Notice You

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It's not always easy to capture someone's attention, especially if you'd like to pursue them romantically. You might be overthinking each gesture, or simply trying too hard. Contrary to popular belief, many guys look for romantic partners who act naturally and stay away from OTT behaviors. Who'd have thought that you only had to be yourself to have him striding in your direction? Whether you’re at a party, in a café, or just walking down the street, here are 18 ways to make him notice you.

Flash That Smile

Editorial credit: Gumpanat / Shutterstock.

Flashing those pearly whites shows the guy across the room that you're approachable, happy, and confident. There's nothing OTT about this classic non-verbal gesture, it simply creates a positive vibe to draw him in. He'll smile back at you for sure.

Make Eye Contact

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

Eye contact is the most powerful way to spark interest without having to say a word. It's all about holding his gaze for a second too long to build some intrigue. It tells him that you're quietly confident and know how to connect.

Dress to Impress

Editorial credit: wrangler/ Shutterstock.

What you wear can make a big impact on how you're perceived. Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Make the most of your physique with well-fitted clothing. It doesn't have to be a skintight dress, it's what you feel most confident in. When you feel good about how you look, it shows in your demeanor. That's more important than stilettos and push-up bras.

Play with Your Hair

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

It might seem old-fashioned, but playing with your hair is a subtle yet effective way to draw attention. It might be tucking a strand behind your ear or casually pushing it over your shoulder, it can send a flirty signal. It's a natural movement that makes you seem approachable and engaging.

Use Body Language

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Your body language can speak volumes. Leaning slightly towards him, facing him with your body, and keeping an open posture all show him that you’re interested. Avoid crossing your arms, as this can appear defensive. Just try to appear relaxed and open.

Show Genuine Interest

Editorial credit: StockLite / Shutterstock.

When you're at the talking stage, ask him questions about himself and genuinely listen to his answers. Show interest in what he has to say to make him feel valued and appreciated. It also gives you the chance to learn a bit more about him and find common ground.

Be Playful

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

A bit of playful teasing is harmless, and it can go a long way. Light-hearted jokes and friendly banter create a fun and relaxed atmosphere, conveying that you have a sense of humor and are comfortable in your skin. Just be sure to keep it light and avoid anything that might sound aggressive or overly confident.

Compliment Him

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

A sincere compliment can make anyone feel good. Compliment something you genuinely like about him, whether it’s his smile, his laugh, or something he’s wearing. Compliments can boost his confidence and make him more aware of your presence. It’s a simple yet effective way to make a connection.

Use Your Eyes

Editorial credit: Art_Photo / Shutterstock.

Your eyes can be very expressive, especially if you do the classic “look and look away” technique to create a bit of mystery. Catch his eye, hold his gaze for a moment, and then look away with a slight smile. This can make him curious and more interested in getting to know you. It's very Marilyn Monroe.

Laugh at His Jokes

Editorial Credit: iona didishvili / Shutterstock.

Laughter is the perfect way to bond with someone. If he makes a joke, genuinely laugh if you find it funny. It shows that you appreciate his sense of humor you're enjoying his company. Plus, shared laughter can create a connection. Just don't go overboard with the laughing.

Show Your Confidence

Editorial credit: Hitdelight / Shutterstock.

Confidence is incredibly attractive to any guy, so walk with your head held high, maintain good posture, and speak clearly. You never want to appear arrogant, but you do want to stand out and draw people towards you. Remember, confidence doesn’t mean being perfect; it just means being comfortable with who you are.

Use a Light Touch

Editorial credit: Look Studio / Shutterstock.

A light, casual touch on the arm or shoulder provides a bit of intimacy and is a subtle way to show that you’re comfortable and interested in him. Make sure you gauge his reaction to ensure he’s comfortable with it. When it's done right, physical touch can be very powerful.

Share a Secret

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia/ Shutterstock.

Sharing something personal can create a sense of intimacy. It doesn’t have to be the deep, dark secret that you've held onto for a decade, just something that shows a bit of vulnerability. It'll encourage him to open up as well which takes things to a whole new level.

Be Yourself

Editorial credit: gpointstudio / Shutterstock.

Authenticity is vital when you're chatting to someone you like. Trying to be someone you are not is both exhausting and unsustainable. Be your true self and let your personality shine through. Guys are naturally attracted to genuine girls.

Show Your Passion

Editorial credit: Perfect Wave / Shutterstock.

Talk about something you’re passionate about. Whether it’s a hobby, a cause you care about, or something you love to do, your enthusiasm will be infectious. Passion is highly attractive and shows that you have depth and interests. He won't forget you in a hurry.

Be Positive

Editorial credit: KieferPix/ Shutterstock.

Try to stay upbeat and focus on the good things around you. Positivity makes people want to be around you and creates a light, easy atmosphere. It’s also a great way to make a lasting impression. Flirting is good for your mental health, so you'll feel great too.

Be Mysterious

Editorial credit: Eugene Partyzan/ Shutterstock.

A little mystery can go a long way, so don’t reveal everything about yourself in one go. Leave him guessing and wanting to know more. It creates intrigue and will make him more interested in getting to know you better.

Be Supportive

Editorial credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock.

Whatever he says to you, be supportive and encouraging. If he’s talking about his job, his hobbies, or his dreams, be a good listener and offer positive feedback. It'll make him feel valued and appreciated. He'll love the fact that you make him feel good about himself. That's a great skill.

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